Deepthroat Against The Wall

Deepthroat Against The Wall


Deepthroat Against The Wall
Hepatitis C/Agent Orange – VA Claims Blog

Posted on July 29, 2016 by asknod

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Every good VA story has a fly on the wall somewhere who can tell you what’s going on in the back room. In my case, Deep Throat is well-protected, well-informed and keeps me in the loop on a fairly regular basis. The person does their job but is very Veteran-centric as all professional employees are expected to be at 810 Yellow Brick Road NW.
Interestingly enough, VRE Officer David Boyd’s confession to me on the 19th of July was spot on. Apparently, according to file notes in the left flap of my c-file, VA Secretary McBob did indeed call him and conduct a mini-nearbeer summit. And yes, the McBobster did remove him as my VRC of record. Never, according to my source, has the Honorable Secretary ever interceded in such a manner. He has assigned it to…wait for it- Acting Under Secretary for Benefits Thomas Murphy for disposition. I suppose that is as it should be. Always let the servants take out the trash and do the housekeeping. That’s what they were hired for.
Deep Throat, in all ‘its’ years of employment, has never seen the like. Of course, neither has ‘it’ ever heard tell of any Veteran, once awarded a service under ILP, subjected to such vindictive, adversarial treatment by VA employees or choosing to venture up to the CAVC in search of justice. Spending four months in a quest to overturn a BVA Judge using nothing more than the M 28 as his authority is the ultimate in audacious behavior but that is the VA spirit. Never say Die! The judge didn’t say how big it had to be.
It appears the filing of my Extraordinary Writ on this was prescient to say the least. The perfect storm of perjury and intrigue here mixes well for an interesting yarn. Face it. VA law, unless you do it for a living, is just plain boring with a small ‘b’. Scenarios like this rarely occur nowadays because the parties involved go to great lengths to keep it all out of sight and settle it like gentlemen in the back room. The VA hierarchy can’t let the hired help see the dissention and turmoil afoot. Unfortunately, with the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims now looking over their shoulder, the VA cannot sweep this puppy under the carpet or refuse to treat with me. With the ugly revelation that VR&E has a mean streak, it will be interesting to see if any Human Resources refresher courses in anger management are soon required. As to how Judge Bartley will react to blatant perjury in her Courtroom is anyone’s guess. It’s not often VA gets caught out like this with scathing, documented proof of their machinations.
A long time ago, in the land of three-headed white elephants far away, I learned that if you attempt to shade the truth or be less than perfectly forthright, there were big repercussions. If you dropped nape, you better have a damned good explanation for why you didn’t get permission from the CAS or the US Ambassador well in advance. Ideally, there could only be one story, one version and one author. A successful conspiracy was one where there was only one conspirator. Mafia folks learned this centuries ago. The moment you involve two or more individuals, the opportunity for your story to fall apart and become public knowledge increases exponentially. How Mr. Boyd and his faithful sidekick Tonto expected to carry this off with all those damning emails contradicting them will be a VRE case study for the ages. To testify under threat of perjury is the height of chutzpah-and to a Federal Court of all places . Hellooooooooooooooooo? Always bluff from a position of strength. Seeing me and raising with a pair of twos in a five-card stud, no-draw poker game at the CAVC was suicide. Of course, I expect playing ILP poker with me was a lose-lose proposition from the get-go. I had Bruce “According to Hoyle” McCartney as my Sensei. He wrote the book on this poker game.
I also wish to set the record straight. Contrary to what all of you may have heard, VA’s observation as to my wolf parentage is unfounded. To head off that line of inquiry, I had my DNA checked by™. The results arrived today. Any relation to the taxonomic family Canidae is pure, unadulterated hogwash. Snopes was updated today as well.
I do hope this puts the contention to bed permanently. Sorry. I’m white bread.
What will happen next is rife with possibilities. Deep Throat maintains the ILP award will still have to be handled and overseen by the local yokels in Seattle. There simply is no provision for a ‘hands from afar’ approach to this by Murphy and his mighty munchkins. There is, though, still much consternation about the excessive size of the structure and what kind of precedent this would set to award one. It is feared the heightened publicity of the case may cause a stampede of Veterans to VR&Es across the fruited plain in search of metal detectors, riding lawnmowers and small tractors as knowledge of what 38 USC §3120 really offered us all along since 1982 begins to sink in. The longer this festers, the more I will undoubtedly write about it, too. Apparently, is read by quite a few who work at DVA. In fact, rumor has it Maalox® stock is flying out the door at the Walgreen’s across the street from the corner of Delay and Deny but the claimant’s testimony was deemed not credible.
With my newly acquired VA Agent status, I look forward to representing the many who decide to seek these services. Having an amicable working relationship with the folks in charge of Seattle’s VRE is almost a necessity. We can’t have inflated egos and overbearing manners come between us and our duty to Veterans, now can we? That would be uncivilized. Can’t we all get along?
P.S. An astute VA attorney extraordinaire just emailed me within minutes of this hitting the blog that Murph the USB Smurf is not the boss of BVA judges. I apologize for any misrepresentations. I guess that honor falls to Dep. Director Laura Eskinazi or her designated Chairman of the Board of Veterans Appeals. Thank you Katrina for correcting me. I do strive for accuracy in reporting and that was a gross oversight on my part not to consult the Table of Organization before inserting my foot in my mouth. VRE Organization tables are very fuzzy and appear larger in the mirror.
I must profess that you are “one” rare breed of veteran. Never in all the years I fought for my benefits earned have I come across an individual who used the “David and Goliath” approach so effectively. The reason I say rare is because most veteran’s would have given up after the first denial or NLT than the second, but you held your ground and now Goliath knows what it feels like to get sucker-punched back. The way you were treated by these two Veteran Administration personnel is shameful, and I am sure NOTHING will happen to them as far as disciplinary actions considering the previous high-level VA employees who were NOT admonished for their wrong doing’s. Having said this, it is my hope that you will prevail and receive that which you are entitled to because you have earned it, and this is what the program was originally implemented for to begin with.
I see two things here that are relative truths. You mentioned one of them being that many veteran’s would be running to their local VA to get their dream machine or what ever it is they feel will assist them in staying sane while not being able to work anymore. I am sure the VA is worried about the additional cost, but so what, there are only 2500 slots right? so why worry because each veteran has a different story and limitations and the biggest issue is they are the profound disabled Veteran’s who in my opinion have earned their right to choose what they feel is best for their own personal interest. The second is the amount of time in which these delays/denials are handled. By the time a decision is made the person could already be dead. Perhaps the VA goes out of their way to insure long years of battling so that you never get to the end before you die waiting for their decision? I would, at this level, ask the VA or Congress to change the law/directives so that a decision MUST be rendered within 60-90 days. Veteran’s and especially yourself have been made to wait long enough and you are owed a quick decision. I hope they make your greenhouse the very first of its kind so other veterans may follow in your blueprints/footsteps. Lord knows you have earned it!!!
I was under the ILP program for about two months when I lived in Phoenix, AZ but never got a chance to use it as I was still waiting for someone to show up to do the initial assessment. Once I moved to Manila, I was told they do not offer the ILP program here and would be released from the program, and was. Of all the programs offered here in the Philippines this particular program would/could benefit so many of us who are qualified for this program due to our service connected disabilities. I have asked the Manila VA director, Secretary McDonald, and the American Ambassador to the Philippines in writing to re-establish the program because there is a need here due to the high number of disabled Veteran’s who live here and who meet the criteria to enlist in the program, but have not received a reply as of yet. I have been waiting now for 117 day’s and will continue to address/fight this quandary with the respective individual(s), leadership, politicians, embassy staff as well as the legal council who said there is no law requiring the VA to have this program here. If anyone knows more about this or can assist/enlighten me I would be grateful for your input and assistance. I want to help those Veteran’s who live here and who have earned the right to utilize this program live a more productive life no matter what the cost are for implementing this program and where it is located. I.E. Outside of CONUS.
I don’t believe the statutes are geographic specific but rather Veteran/Disability. My guess is ‘the grave digger’ will find the answer directly.
Take no prisoners , shoot the wounded.
Not sure from where it emanates but every day just at dusk we can hear a fainting howling coming outta the West. Go figure
Way to go! It sure takes endurance to get involved with fighting for something you’ve earned. Your story sure sheds light on the fact that VA themselves spend millions of hours in learning how to screw the Vet. But yet, it’s the Vet who has to fight them alone in most cases. To allow them to say “No Lawyer Involvement” until they say so is an amazingly brilliant clause they have for which works for who? The truth of this story is pretty easy to follow and it’s insulting for us average folks to follow. Another “we want you when we want you” but after that you are left fighting for everything they said they’d do in helping you when the help is needed.
Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road. Ha! Amazing. The VA is unreal. They always try to deny and say certain benefits are only for the most severely disabled Veterans. Then when you prove you are one of those Veterans they try and say you’re too disabled to use said benefits. I have done everything on my own. No VSOS! I’m sure there are some good people that work for them I just haven’t found any yet. I waited 2 years to get my daughter added as a dependent. Initiated an investigation from Senator McCain. 1 phone call later. Poof. Daughter added. The worst is how the VA tries to make you feel you don’t deserve the benefits.
Keep slaying em Alex. God bless. Welcome home brother. Recon Dammit!
Kudos to you my friend!
I am glad to hear that the VA is seeking the higher path…. finally.
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Zuko Baratheon ,
August 11th 2015

He licked at her neck, tasting the sweat again as he slid two fingers inside of her, forcing a gasp and a teeth-clenched groan.
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Coach Klein blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice for the day. Ryan finished his lap in the pool and pulled himself out, glancing around the indoor pool complex. He noticed the rest of his team gathering over in the far corner of the pool, and jointed them.
“Okay guys, good practice today,” Coach Klein said. “Now I don’t have to tell you all about how important tomorrow’s meet against McLane is — you already know that. So get a good night’s rest, make sure you eat a healthy dinner, and pack some healthy snacks for the bus ride there and back. The bus will get here around 9AM, it’s a two hour ride, and the meet starts at 1PM. Everybody clear on that?”
“Yes coach,” the team replied in unison.
Coach Klein nodded. “Okay then, you’re dismissed! See you tomorrow, guys.”
As the team got up and made their way over to the men’s locker room at the far end of the complex, Ryan made his way to the coach, taking off his swim cap and shaking the water out of his short brown hair.
The coach turned to face him, and nodded.
“Well I was wondering if you’d let me stay an extra hour today, I’ve been wanting to work on my flip turns to make sure I’ve got it down before tomorrow.”
“Hmm,” the coach grunted. “I don’t see why not, it is a Friday after all. And your turns have been a little sloppy.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key on a long black lanyard, handing it to Ryan. “Just make sure you lock up when you’re done and get the key back to me in the morning. We let you seniors get away with a lot of crap, but anything crazy happens and it’s my ass.”
“Thanks coach!” Ryan said, placing the key on top of his towel he’d placed on a plastic chair nearby as the coach turned to leave. He glanced up at the clock on the near wall. It was 5PM, which was perfect. He’d be out by six, home in time for dinner at seven, and still have enough time to finish his history essay and play a little Skyrim before bed. Ryan readied himself at the edge of the pool and dove in, feeling the cool water flush over his lightly tanned skin.
An hour passed, and Ryan pulled himself out again. He felt like he’d gotten enough practice with the flip turns to feel confident about tomorrow’s meet. He grabbed his towel, the key, and made his way to the locker room. He was feeling a little bit of a headache, though, and was starting to regret not eating anything since breakfast. Ryan lowered his head to give his left temple a quick rub, and pushed the door to the locker room open with his shoulder.
Inside, the lockers were set up in rows running parallel to the entryway, so that from the door Ryan could see all the way down to the showers at the far end of the room with a long metal bench running down the center of each row. He walked down to his row, and made his way to his locker. He stopped before opening it, though, and continued on down to the showers.
Ryan laid his towel, goggles, and key down on the end of the bench and pulled down his swim shorts, releasing his penis into the open. He hated wearing the tight shorts, since his dick always tended to find a way into awkward positions and he couldn’t adjust it underwater. He stepped into the rows of showers and turned one on, letting himself soak for a short while. He pushed the button on the little shampoo dispenser and got a little on his hands, running it through his hair to clear the chlorine out.
When he’d washed it out, he shut off the water and walked back over to his towel. Ryan clumped it over his hair first, drying it before running it over his slim, toned body. He’d never been much into weight lifting, but cardio and core workouts were his thing, and because of that he managed to keep a lean physique despite a diet of junk food, greasy burgers, and pizza.
He heard the locker room doors open and voices as he walked back to his locker, wrapping the towel around his waist. Ryan figured it was the soccer team, as they usually finished practice around that time anyway. He’d say hi to his buddies Pablo and Eli before heading out.
Something was off though. The voices sounded oddly high pitched. Somewhat…girly. Ryan shrugged it off, and twisted the knob on his lock. But it didn’t budge when he pulled. He reset the combo, and entered it again, but still nothing.
That was when he noticed that this wasn’t his locker. His lock was green, but this one was red. Ryan looked at the locker two spots down, Freddy Gomez’ locker. Or at least what should have been Freddy’s locker, as this one had a different lock too.
“Hey!” he heard a voice shout from halfway down the row. “What the fuck are you doing in here!?”
Ryan looked up, and his fears were confirmed. Standing there in green shorts and a sports bra was Taylor Reese, the star attacking midfielder on the girls’ soccer team. She had her arms folded just under her breasts, which were easily C’s, but in the sports bra were pushed down to look much smaller. The commotion drew the attention of three other girls, also on the team, all eyeing him intently. Taylor had her shirt in hand, but dropped it onto the bench.
“You what?” Taylor cut him off. “You better have a good fucking reason for being in here, perv .”
He glanced at the other girls, who were trading looks that he couldn’t quite make out, then back to Taylor. “I… I walked into the wrong locker room!” he forced out. “I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry! I’ll leave right now, I swear, I didn’t even see anything!”
Taylor looked him up and down, shifting her weight to her left foot and smirking.
“I don’t think so, buddy. You’re not going anywhere.”
Ryan raised an eyebrow, confused. “Umm… what do you m-“
“Do I have to explain it to you?” she interrupted as the other three girls came closer, wearing the
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