Deep Rabbit Hole

Deep Rabbit Hole


Deep Rabbit Hole







“Then how far down the rabbit hole do we have to go before Comey enlightens America? We already have Putins hand maidens in the WH. HOW FAR?”

Chris #TheResistance @Portland_Chris Twitter (March 21, 2017)

“Read about Julia, the new muppet on Sesame Street and then fell down a rabbit hole of videos about her. Absolutely warms my heart ”

jorja @jorjamcdonnell Twitter (March 21, 2017)

“Tell us about a subject that you couldn't stop exploring, a book you couldn't put down, or a Wikipedia rabbit hole you dove into. Why did it fascinate you?”

“Common Application,” Pomona College (2017)

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Used especially in the phrase going down the rabbit hole or falling down the rabbit hole , a rabbit hole is a metaphor for something that transports someone into a wonderfully (or troublingly) surreal state or situation. On the internet, a rabbit hole frequently refers to an extremely engrossing and time-consuming topic.
Literally, a rabbit hole is what the animal digs for its home. The earliest written record of the phrase dates back to the 17th century. But the figurative rabbit hole begins with Lewis Carroll’s 1865 classic, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland . In its opening chapter, “Down the Rabbit-Hole,” Alice follows the White Rabbit into his burrow, which transports her to the strange, surreal, and nonsensical world of Wonderland.
Since then, Carroll’s rabbit hole has proved a popular and useful reference. The Oxford English Dictionary finds the first allusive rabbit hole in a 1938 edition of The Yale Law Journal : “It is the Rabbit-Hole down which we fell into the Law, and to him who has gone down it, no queer performance is strange.” Over much of the 20th century, rabbit hole has been used to characterize bizarre and irrational experiences. It’s especially used to reference magical, challenging, and even dangerous places or positions, similar to Carroll’s topsy-turvy Wonderland.
Rabbit hole has many metaphorical applications—from frustrating red tape to the mind-bending complexity of science to hallucinations during altered states—all united by a common sense of passing into some labyrinthine , logic-defying realm that, once entered, is hard to get out of. One can fall down the rabbit hole of government bureaucracy, healthcare, obtaining a green card, tax law, the political economy of modern Japan, puberty, college admissions, or quantum mechanics.
If you’re Neo in the hit film The Matrix, you can take the red pill —a pill that shows you the truth, as opposed to the blue pill, which keeps you in ignorance—and “see how deep the rabbit hole goes.” In a related note, some people literally take pills and go down the rabbit hole of a psychedelic drug trip.
But as Kathryn Schulz observed for The New Yorker in 2015, rabbit hole has further evolved in the information age: “These days…when we say that we fell down the rabbit hole, we seldom mean that we wound up somewhere psychedelically strange. We mean that we got interested in something to the point of distraction—usually by accident, and usually to a degree that the subject in question might not seem to merit.”
Thanks to the abundance, variety, and instant access of content online, many fall down internet rabbit holes which are often spectacularly, and addictively, niche: scary stories, obscure conspiracy theories, or famous last meals, for instance.
Other rabbit holes tend to be opened up by specific services or social media, which serve users item after item, link after link: Wikipedia, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, YouTube, and so forth. These rabbit holes have become so common that people sometimes swap out rabbit for the name of the particular site, e.g. “I’ve fallen down an Instragram hole ” or “I’m falling down a wikihole.”
From formal documents to internet status updates, rabbit hole is a very popular and widespread expression. Unlike earlier iterations of the metaphor, internet rabbit holes convey less a sense of weirdness, disorientation, or difficulty than they do of an intensely captivating diversion. Rabbit hole is also showing increasing use as a modifier, e.g. a rabbit-hole question or phenomenon.

This is not meant to be a formal definition of rabbit hole like most terms we define on, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of rabbit hole
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

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Wild rabbits are well known for digging holes in the ground. Rabbits live in sizable colonies underground for their own safety. They emerge to graze and exercise, but eventually return to their warrens. Naturally, in order to make these holes, rabbits need to dig.
Rabbits dig holes about 2 inches in diameter. If you have a hole larger than that, you might be dealing with another type of animal (keep reading). Begin by placing a wadded up piece of paper in the hole and then monitor the hole.
mentally go somewhere surreal or strange. enter a chaotic or problematic situation. be on a journey or process that is complex, confusing or difficult. get sucked into a weird situation.
A rabbits burrow will go as deep as need be. For the most part they seam to only go down a foot to 18in bit I have put my arm down one that went deeper befor angling out flat.
Beyond instinct, digging might just be an expression of your bunny’s thoughts. Curiosity, boredom, stress, fear, wanting attention, seeking a cozy spot to lounge in — any of these and more could be some of the less common reasons why a rabbit digs.
Though they prefer to nest in grassy fields, rabbits can be found burrowing under structures from time to time. Since they eat a variety of flowers, vegetables, and ornamental plants, rabbits may construct their dens under decks or the foundations of homes in yards where these foods are nearby.
Concrete is the best method and will keep rabbits from reusing the hole, however, it will also render the land useless. Filling in the whole with some gravel and then dirt should keep it usable and rabbit -free.
A rabbit burrow is an underground system of tunnels which run in several directions and contain nesting areas, runs and emergency exits. Since rabbits are social animals and often live in small groups it’s not uncommon to find a group of rabbit holes or burrows linked together in a small area.
“ Down the Rabbit Hole —An Interactive Examination of Less Common Sexual Practices” And this may not always be explicitly sexual.
To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds. (An allusion to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.)
: a complexly bizarre or difficult state or situation conceived of as a hole into which one falls or descends I wanted to show this woman descending into the rabbit hole: this loss of self, becoming a servant to her job and to the work.—
No, bunnies don’t need sand baths. Sand could get in their eyes. Try soil or shredded paper. No, bunnies don’t need sand baths.
Rabbits like to dig in soil and sand – this is possible outside but probably too messy for indoors. Avoid litter tray substrates – some of these cause respiratory problems in rabbits, and large pellets may be uncomfortable for rabbit paws. Digging is an important, instinctive natural behaviour.
Baby rabbits leave the nest when they’re 3 weeks old and about the size of a chipmunk. If you find a chipmunk-sized but fully-furred rabbit with eyes open, ears erect, and the ability to hop, they are meant to be on their own.
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Metaphor for the conceptual path which is thought to lead to the true nature of reality. Infinitesimally deep and complex, venturing too far down is probably not that great of an idea.

Taking hallucinogenic drugs can be considered "tripping" down the rabbit hole , but it is also explored through philosophical and existential thinking.

The origin of the term is from the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland which leads into Wonderland.
You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
- Morpheus , from The Matrix (I couldnt think of anything original, sorry)
1) To go down a never ending tunnel with many twists and turns on the internet, never truly arriving at a final destination , yet just finding more tunnels . Clicking one link, then finding another on that page, then clicking another link on that page, which gives you the idea to search for something, and the process repeats. 2) Nonsensical process of getting from Point A to Point B with no clear route (and often no recollection ) on how one got there.
1) "Josh always goes down the rabbit hole , he started by looking at a news website and reading about Global Warming, but twenty minutes later he's clicked his way to watching youtube videos of monkey's masturbating to sad music" 2) "Team C started out as a unit designation, but after two years of going down the rabbit hole the C stood for chaos, and Team was just a group of guys who wanted to make it home without a rabbit in their asses at the end of the day"
it can refer to an addictive activity.
Or a group of information/ stories with increasingly interesting stuff the more you read into it .
"Hey, don't go playing gatcha games. You don't wanna go down that rabbit hole ." "Holy shit, the more I read about this, the more fucked up it gets. this is one deep rabbit hole"
by muggingfrenchturtle February 15, 2021
It comes from Alice in Wonderland where she fell down the Rabbit Hole into some bizarre shit (trippy stuff from the 70s). Therefore, it is commonly used as an expression or euphuism for a portal to bizzarro world/significantly strange happenings /extremely surreal situations, etc.
Dude A: "I was drinking one minute and the next thing I knew I was in a corn field , buck naked , covered in body paint with my genitals pierced singing Christmas songs ..."

Dude B: "That was some badass rabbit hole you fell down"

by 20thCenturyFox1953 August 5, 2011
A girl choking on water during climax while masturbating with a vibrator .
excited by her new Drilldo she couldn't stop masturbating and rabbit holed herself and died!
A parking spot or gap in city traffic only big enough for a Rabbit to use. It's invisible to people with bigger cars.

" I bet you 100 people drove by that Rabbit hole and didn't even see it."

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