As part of the educational and production cluster, Uzbekistan GTL LLC organized exams at the Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute

As part of the educational and production cluster, Uzbekistan GTL LLC organized exams at the Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute

Uzbekistan GTL

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dd. July 7, 2022 No. 309 “On measures to create an educational and production cluster in the oil and gas industry” and within the framework of the staff-training program for Uzbekistan GTL Plant, in order to ensure youth employment, select talented and qualified young specialists, as well as form  an employee pool, Uzbekistan organized GTL two-stage exams at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology.

More than 200 graduates took part in the two-day examinations in areas such as mechanical engineering, oil and gas, thermal power engineering, electrical power engineering, chemical engineering and laboratory research.

The examination process consisted of two phases. Initially, candidates underwent a written assessment in their respective field of specialization, followed by interviews for those who performed well in the written test.

Graduates who received favorable evaluations from specialists at Uzbekistan GTL LLC were then identified for potential inclusion in the Сompany's talent pool and were recommended for conclusion of employment contracts with them in the future.

"Uzbekistan GTL" PR service

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