Decision of European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns (ECPR) (October 17, 2009)

Decision of European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns (ECPR) (October 17, 2009)


Decision of the 4th ENCPR

Svaliava, Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus, October 17, 2009

84 delegates arrived from 10 regions of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus and from 5 states of Europe, out of 106 invited. Present, according to the new Statute, are full-time representatives of the Soym PR, the People's Rada of Subcarpathian Rus, and others.

Taking into account: ** the presence among the Rusyns, as an indigenous people south of the Carpathians, of the Hungarian Law No. 10 of December 21, 1918 on the existence of a freely recognized Rusyn political nation and its national Autonomy - Rusyn Krajina (state);

** the decision of the Saint-Germain international treaty of 09/10/1919 on the national "territory of the Rusyns south of the Carpathians" and its entry into the Czechoslovakia as a national power, according to the Small Treaty of 1919;

** the existence of the national Rusyn government of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus, recognized as pre-Soviet statehood until June 29, 1945;

** convincing results (78%) of the all-Ukrainian referendum-plebiscite (secret ballot) on December 1, 1991, on the special (autonomous) status of Transcarpathia, which became the Law of Ukraine for the Ukrainian authorities already in 1992;

** that this referendum-plebiscite on December 1, 1991 was a clear evidence of the expression of the political will of the Ruthenian nation and its determination to restore its Rusyn national pre-Soviet statehood; which also convincingly confirmed the fact: the Rusyn political nation is alive and capable;

** the fact that while there is at least a small, but officially declared, national group of Rusyns, it is they who are the bearers of the rights and freedoms of the entire nation and its sovereignty, according to international law;

The 4th ECPR decided:

1. Reaffirm the legitimacy of all previous decisions of the ECPR on the issue of protecting the rights and freedoms of the Rusyn nation, its inalienable right to self-determination and the right of the people to choose their own status, national institutions and government.

2. Consider as political fanaticism the policy of the Ukrainian authorities, the deprivation of the Rusyn nation of all rights and freedoms, hiding behind the anti-scientific myth that there are no Rusyns, there are only Ukrainians (Rusyns-Ukrainians), according to the Stalinist principle: no people - no problems! Because of this non-recognition of the Rusyn nation, Rusyns are deprived of the opportunity to defend their rights and freedoms in the legal field of Ukraine. And the Ukrainian authorities incriminate the desire to simply identify as a Rusyn as political separatism and a criminal offense.

3. Condemn the Ukrainian authorities' practice of refusing to register true Rusyn organizations, while at the same time registering pseudo-Rusyn organizations without delay, which, according to the plans of the authorities, should oppose the right of the Rusyn nation to self-determination in all important matters, or oppose the legitimate decisions of the ENCPR , or make statements that they, pseudo-Rusyns, do not recognize Rusyn institutions and their leaders. But, on the contrary, they offer (thrown by the authorities) deliberately ineffective solutions and unpromising proposals. Such organizations are considered by the European National Congress of the PR to be non-Rusyns, their actions are anti-Rusyns, and the provocative activities of the Ukrainian authorities and special services are a double crime.

4. Consider that lack of rights, provocations, hopelessness and repression forced the Rusyns to take radical steps in exercising their rights outside of Ukraine, in accordance with international law: if the authorities refuse to realize the rights of the nation within the existing state, the nation can realize them outside of it.

5. Appeal to international human rights organizations with a request to involve them in the defense of the Rusyns as a people who, at one time, lovingly received emigrants from Russia - Russians and Ukrainians, and during the years of German occupation - Jews. And also to protect the prot. Dymytry Sydor, one of the leaders of the Rusyn movement, who, for his activities aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of the Rusyn nation, suffers persecution, a slander campaign in the media, repressions, searches, seizure of office equipment, repeated interrogations at the SBU and prosecution by the Ukrainian authorities.

To this end: A). Organize the collection of signatures in his defense by officially addressing the international community and the inhabitants of the Podkarpatorusyn region.

B). Open an information site where to promptly submit information about gross violations of the rights and freedoms of him and all Rusyns in Transcarpathia, who already have obvious signs of the genocide of the Rusyn nation from the colonial authorities.

6 Due to the provocation of the authorities and the registration of pseudo-Rusyn organizations for this, with the aim of intercepting control of the Rusyn movement, further persecution and judicial repression against the Soym of Subcarpathian Rusyns, which is clear from the statements of officials, it may be impossible for him (Soym PR) to execute their functions.

Therefore, to authorize the People's Rada of Subcarpathian Rus (prev. Mikulin V.I.), together with the World Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns (prev. Dzhugan V.), to organize subsequent Ruthenian European Congresses in accordance with its charter.

7. Address the presidents and governments of the countries of the world, incl. and the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, as the successors of the USSR and Czechoslovakia, with a request to help the Rusyns hold an international conference in Uzhgorod in 2010 under the auspices of the European legal institutions, in order to draw Europe's attention to the Rusyn issue and confirm the right of the Rusyn nation to self-determination in all pressing issues, in accordance with international law. And then hold a plebiscite and a free census under the auspices of the UN.

8 Any decisions of some organizations, as if taken on behalf of the Rusyns, but "cancelling" the previous positive decisions of the Ruthenian organizations and the European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns, should be considered provocative and illegitimate.

9. Translate the Rusyn text of this decision into Ukrainian, Russian and English and send it to the authorities of the EU, USA, RF, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Canada, Israel, etc.

Chairman of the IV ENCPR: Fr. Dymytry Sydor

Secretary of the IV ENCPR: B.Yu. Lakatosh

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