Decision Making 🛠️ in the Field 🏑 of Renewble Energy
👓 Stefan Kempka
Decision Making 🛠️ in the Field 🏑 of Renewble Energy✅ Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣9️⃣ im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note 🎵: 1️⃣,7️⃣, FOM Essen, Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management 👨💼 gemeinnützige GmbH, Hochschulleitung Essen früher Fachhochschule, Veranstaltung: MBA, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Renewable energies became a crucial factor within the energy industry 👨🏭️. They developed 👨💻️ from a fringe area to a competitive and ➕ sustainable alternative for nuclear power as well as for other energy types. The increasing importance of the use of renewables is also the result of an effective support policy for example by the 🇩🇪 government. The focus of this master thesis lays on the 🔌 usage of renewable energies because nowadays 🔌 becomes a vital 💊 without alternative; otherwise the 2️⃣4️⃣:7️⃣ rhythms of the today´s ℹ️ society would ❌️ be possible ➕ this yields to needs which have to be fulfilled by the utility companies. This thesis analyses how decisions could be 🛠️ by handling these situations. Special emphasis is ⬅️🎁 to the result of an effective support policy for example by the German government. The focus of this master thesis lays on the electricity usage of renewable energies because nowadays electricity becomes a vital drug without alternative; otherwise the 24:7 rhythms of the today´s information society would not be possible and this yields to needs which have to be fulfilled by the utility companies. This thesis analyses how decisions could be made by handling these situations. Special emphasis is given to the interaction on the markets of the renewable sector and the markets of the renewable sector ➕ the resulting impacts on different players. The task creates new 🆕 challenges to the analysis of decision 🛠️. In order to deal with this, a questionnaire is 👨💻️ which is 🛠️ for the concept of the prisoners dilemma which is an example out of the analysis of decision making. In order to deal with this, a questionnaire is developed which is made for the concept of the prisoners dilemma which is an example out of the game 🎮️ theory. Game 🎮️ theory as special approach of the overall decision making 🛠️ theory helps to understand how market players interact in different alternatives. The main challe...
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