Decarbonizing Power sector through Wind Turbines

Decarbonizing Power sector through Wind Turbines


The power business has experienced a change in the course of recent years, with utilities grasping new technologies, new sources of generation, and depending on information to make their activities increasingly effective.

Another rising technology additionally could be transformative. Blockchain, initially concocted for cryptocurrencies, for example, bitcoin, has moved into the energy space, enabling advanced data to be disseminated over systems. The thought is to allows customers, be they individuals or commercial enterprises, to purchase and sell energy specifically between each other, in a shared (P2P) exchanging way. Blockchain is appropriate to this since it makes a transparent, auditable, and automated record of energy generation and utilization. It can result in energy efficiency and cost saving.

For instance, numerous utilities offer green power buy programs for their customers. Projects like these have respectable aims, yet are profoundly manual, old, out of reach for littler members, and to a great extent unfit to help larger amount usefulness.

The New York-based Indigo Advisory Group, which works with utilities and energy organizations on market systems, technology, and advancement services including blockchain, has contemplated use cases for decentralized generation, grid management, metering, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and the Internet of Things, which incorporates blockchain applications for the "Connected Home" market. For instance, blockchain technology enables solar power generators to feed overabundance power into the local grid, or sell it to other customers, and get remuneration specifically from the customers instead of depending on third party.

What is Windhan Energy?

Windhan is a 108MW green energy leader project in Kazakhstan, comprising of Crowdfunding greenenergy and an exchanging platform that utilizes blockchain technology to produce the next generation of progressively meritocratic renewable power resources. It connects energy purchasers (households and investors or market producers) transparently with green energy producers and creates chances to purchase energy in advance at costs less than market prices. This is a platform for joining energy developers, investors, and customers through a global system and decentralization utilizing the ERC20 Token and Smart contract that empowers more secure and increasingly transparent and supported energy resources.

Windhan offers a market to purchasers and producers alike. Our blockchain based greenenergy platform is centered around B2B, B2C, P2P exchanging, tokenized energy purchasing and selling, carbon credit, and service bills. Power producers can monitor the exchange of the power they produce, and settle on their own exchange choices to adjust their Windhan portfolio. We likewise give chances to green energy producers to list their projects for crowdfunding. WHN Tokens are the main method of payment for all tokenized energy exchanges, discounts, prizes, loyalty and VIP membership programs on our site platform, made possible because of the utilization of smart contracts.


Windhan is a project that connects the below fields:

Green Energy Producers, Investors, Consumers and the Blockchain ecosystem; Growth and advancement in each of these fields is vital. By consolidating in a distruptive new energy financing model and exchanging, everybody has the ability to make our planet a superior place to live. Supporting Windhan implies supporting sustainability since it unites energy producers, investors, and buyers with likes mind, to set aside some funds and create a decentralized, smart and clean future.

Our primary goals and long term objectives are financing energy, exchange, and energy tokenisation projects, Windhan's renewable energy projects and platforms beginning to address the issue of how the energy segment and blockchain technology are appropriate.

How does Windhan Work?

Windhan offers solutions for both issues by changing from the present model to Windhan. We will begin by growing new services that will advance financing and tokenized energy trading in the future.

In the first place, we will set up a 108 MW Superior Windhan project in Kazakhstan.

The arrangement is to give projects that are supported by community resources joined with renewable energy platforms on the blockchain and enable them to back and trade energy tokenized.

Wind Energy is the energy that is used from the wind. Men have been utilizing wind energy for over 2000 years. In numerous places, wind energy is utilized by windmills to pump water and grind grain. Windmills work by slowing down wind speed. The wind flows over the bar that makes them turn.

The place of destination

The developers plan to utilize the natural forces and intensity of the area of Kazakhstan, with respect to this they have all the vital indicators: solid winds blow and abundant sun. Additionally, Kazakhstan itself offers fewer tariffs for renewable energy sources, which makes them significantly affordable. In addition, all documents and agreements for the beginning of construction work Windhan were fast approved by the Kazakhstan government, which indeed demonstrates the start of all work processes.

Also, the site chosen on the map of Kazakhstan was not picked accidentally, it was surveyed and analyzed by the German company, which amid the year subjected to the measurement of wind flows and arrived at the wind speed during the time is 7.8 m/s. Therefore, this site is considered the most favourable for the establishment of 27 wind turbines Enercon E-126.


Amazing power plants offer us with this electricity, which, don't generally benefits by their activities. All things considered, a significant number of these power plants are extremely dangerous and harmful to our health and that of the environment we live. Also, obviously I'm making reference to some power stations that utilization nuclear power, and non-renewable source of crude materials to produce an amazing flow of electricity. Unfortunately, the health risks of work by such stations are basically tremendous and something needs to be done.

In the meantime, huge numbers of people around the globe are attempting to understand the current problems. They offer the utilization of alternative energy source, green and renewable energy got from natural resources, for example, the sun, water and wind. These three components are a sort of lead of an alternative energy source, the handling of which does not hurt others and particularly does not convey any risk to the humans and its environment.

In any case, in spite of the fact that this alternative energy is self-evident, numerous States would prefer not to Finance the development of new environmentally friendly "green" energy sources. Along these lines, this advancement lies more on the shoulders of energy fans, whose primary mission is to actualize this qualitative change to renewable power sources.

Benefits of wind Power

its a solid source of clean energy for the long term future. Wind turbines produce contamination free, reliable, cheaper energy. It's affordable, clean and sustainable. One wind turbine can be adequate to create energy for the household.

The blade is connected with a drive shaft that pivots an electric generator to produce electricity. Wind turbines require a steady normal wind speed of around 14 miles per hour before the wind turbines can produce electricity. To generate a lot of power, numerous machines can be installed together to form wind fields.


Note that this project as of now has all the essential authoritative and lawful agreement to do its activities, which is satisfying. Also, the developers unmistakably know the amount they need to actualize this concept. In their reports they give an unmistakable budgetary model of what is how much, indicating even the final amount including VAT. To be completely honest, the sum required isn't small on the grounds that just the production of 27 wind turbines will cost the project 134 million euros, and this will include a lot of other expenses. Along these lines, the ICO is important to gather the necessary funds by crowdfunding.

The details of the ICO

As I referenced before, the process itself is based on the rule of a decentralized system, where every token is sponsored by a smart contract and has some power. The token that will be introduced to the crowd is called – WHN. The proprietors of this token will have a wide scope of access and opportunity provided by Windhan. This will include VIP participation, and access to resources whenever, just as countless promotions, discounts and loyalty systems.

Altogether, 250 million coins will be issued for the development of the project. Of these, 190 million will be allocated for the installation of all wind turbines, the rest of the part will be appropriated among the founding team, and the other part will be allocated for the further improvement of the project. Altogether, 5 phases of sales will be allocated by methods for which investors will almost certainly buy every one of the tokens at a unique price. The base will be 0.65 EUR per 1 WHN, after which it will achieve its limit of 0.96 EUR per 1 WHN.



24 FEB 2019 - 20 MAR 2019 (0.0051 ETH = 1.0 WHN)


24 FEB 2019 - 17 APR 2019 (0.8 EURO = 1.0 WHN)


Platform: ETHEREUM

Country: ESTONIA

Accepting: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH

Restriction: Total Raised

Soft CAP: 1,402,231 ETH

HARD CAP: 2,082,337 ETH

Total TOKENS: 250,000,000

Available FOR SALE: 88%





Year, 2014: (Windhan Incorporated)

Windhan Incorporated with a dream to supply cheap and renewable energy utilizing wind farms

Year, 2015: (Land Purchases)

Land Purchases in Kazakhstan for Wind Turbine Farms.

Year, 2016: (Endorsement for Wind Turbines)

108MW Wind Turbine Farm Approval by the Government of Kazakhstan

Year, 2017: (All authorizations)

All permits and licenses are acquired (structures, construction, road works and on-site network endorsements) Due Diligence from the Project.

Year, 2017: (Power Purchase Agreement)

Government Supported Power Purchase Agreement for one and half decade.

Year, 2018: (Launched the Crowd Funding Platform)

The thought was conceived on the grounds that it launched the Crowd financing platfrom for Renewable Energy Projects.

Year, 2018: (Formation and Management)

The establishment of the company and it Management team was formed.

Year, 2019: (ICO Solutions)

After the ICO is finished, we are going to install wind turbines in the next year and a half

Year, 2019: (Green Energy Platform)

For year and a half we will likewise develop a Green Energy platform; Alpha form in 3 months.

Year, 2020: (Windhan Farms)

Taman Windhan will work




As power and utilities companies plan for the future, the bravest among them are utilizing blockchain technology, which stores each communication from one end of the process to the other as immutable blocks that capture information about identities, contracts, pricing, exchanges and payments everlastingly, to verify and modernize advanced energy.

Useful Links:









Bitcointalk Username:Alaho15

BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=2513944

Eth Address: 0xf8c20030A71708E73D58Ab3900629F17B8875da5


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