Debra Barone Sex Stories

Debra Barone Sex Stories


Debra Barone Sex Stories
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Debra gets a job at a massage parlor.
Debra Barone loves it when her husband's friends visit.
Debra gets a weekend alone, with a surprising visit.
Debra's hunger for love leads her to her sister in law.
Debra has her first lesbian encounter.
Debra's day off takes an unexpected turn.
Debra & Robert continue their affair.
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Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A fan fiction story that parodies 'Everybody Loves Raymond' that is set ten years after the end of the show. It shows what the show could have been like had there been no censorship. The usual disclaimers apply.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa 
Grand Parent 
Anal Sex 
Double Penetration 

Opening: Debra is in front of her house in shorts and a halter-top that shows off her cleavage, thin to reveal her dark round nipples. "Hello, I'm Debra Barone and I live with my husband Ray, he rolls by in the back reading a folded up newspaper, my kids, cute kids roll by with Allie toking on a joint, across the street lives my mother-in-law Marie, she goes by grinning, my father-in-law, Frank, he goes by staring at Debra's ass as he crosses the screen, and my brother-in-law, Robert, who lives with them. Robert has an enormous erection in his pants, and he rubs her ass as he passes and says, "Everybody Does Debra." She gives him a glowing grin and the credits roll.
Debra Barone is looking into her dressing mirror. She is wearing a back bustier, garter belt, and stockings. She adjusts her generous bosom in the bustier until a small hint of brown peeks over the cup.
Her cell phone rings. "Hey, Robbie ... Almost ... I'm so fucking wet for you..." She turns sideways slips a finger into her pussy and stirs her juices. "I know you're horny, Robbie ... We've only got an hour so you need to get here ... No panties ... not even a skirt ... you'll see it when you get here ... Yeah, Ray's at work ... Amy's just coming in ... I hear her down stairs ... I'll tell her ... she's a little nervous ... I'll tell her ... See you soon ... Love ya."
Scene Two Her bedroom door opens and Amy enters. She's wearing a tank top with no bra, and a red leather miniskirt. Her small breasts make sharp points in the tank top.
"Debra, when does he get here?" Amy asks excitedly.
"He should be here soon." Debra sits in front of her makeup mirror and draws on eyeliner. "He just called me."
"I'm so nervous, Debra. I've never been in a threesome." Amy walks behind Debra and looks in the mirror. She tweaks her nipples to make them look bigger.
"Don't worry, Amy. Robert and I have done a few of them. Once we get started you'll be fine." Debra stands up.
Amy caresses her bare ass. "I hope so. I don't want to look stupid."
Debra kisses her on the lips. "Don't worry. Robbie told me he's looking forward to fucking you ... Did you see these? Robert bought them for me." She puts on a very expensive pair of shoes.
"Wow, does he do that a lot?" Amy asks.
"Now and then. I think he does it to make Ray look cheap. He buys me expensive shoes and Ray comes back from trips with a commemorative coffee cup for me."
Debra stands up and turns to Amy. "Should I have shaved?" She rubs her pussy.
Amy leans down and looks. "No, you're fine." She gives her friend's pussy a rub also. Debra gives off a little moan.
Debra looks over at the window. "Fuck! Franks is across the street with his binoculars. The fucking pervert."
Amy shuts the drapes. Shaking her head. "We left them open one time six months ago and he's still trying to see us lezzing out."
"Fuck him. We'll forget all about him when Robert sticks that big dick of his in us." Debra puts on an earing.
Amy blushed, "I hope so. I need a cock that's got some weight to it. I want to feel it the next day. With Gianni I don't even feel it when it's in me."
"I know, I let Gianni fuck me at a party and I hardly noticed, it wasn't like Robbie's pussy breaker.
Across the street, Marie Barone is vacuuming her living room carpet. Her mind isn't on her work. She looks over as her husband hurries into the room and sits down an turns on the television.
Frank, there's something funny going on over at Raymond's."
"He is, but I went over there yesterday and I smelled something unusual." She vacuums under the sofa.
"No, it wasn't cooking. It reminded me of the boy's room smell when they were in puberty."
"You mean when they were jerking off ten times a day." He laughed.
"Frank, don't be crude. But it was a similar smell. Like it was mixed with a little perfume."
Marie runs over the vacuum cord and it gets sucked up into the unit.
Frank sits and watches a sports event.
"What the fuck, Marie. You keep running over this damn cord." Frank gets out of the chair and on his hands and knees. He turns the vacuum over.
"Watch your language, Frank, and just fix it." She peeks through the front window toward Ray's house. No sign of life. "Frank, I think something's wrong at Raymond's."
"Marie, Debra's probably taking a nap." He worked on untangling the cord.
"I'm going over to see." She pulls the spare key from the wall hook. Marie knew Ray's house was always unlocked, but also knew at mysterious times the door would be locked.
Scene Four Debra walks into the kitchen. She can feel the heat in her loins as she peeks out the window over her sink into the alley. Amy nudges her so she could look out the window also. "Is he here yet?" Amy rests her hand on Debra's bare ass.
"Debra!" Her mother-in-law's voice fills the house.
"Holy Fuck!" Debra groans. "I forgot to lock the fucking door and set that new chain we bought."
"What are we going to do?" Amy says in a panic.
"Debra!" She hears the voice moving toward the kitchen.
"Shit!" The semi-naked housewife grabs a coffee cup from the sink and quickly slips into a chair on the backside of the kitchen table. Amy grabs a dirty cup and sits down to try and shield Debra's pussy from view. Debra pulls up on her top to minimize the deep cleavage. She is pretending to sip her coffee when Marie walks into the kitchen.
"Debra." She sounds confused. "I was calling for you."
"Oh, Marie, the dishwasher was running." She extemporizes.
"You run the dishwasher, how amusing." Marie smirks.
"Yes, Marie, Ray taught me last night." Debra tries to control her tongue.
"Amy? What are you doing here? I thought you were at your parent's house today."
"Mom and Dad had to go to a funeral." Amy says blushing.
The backdoor opens and Robert walks in wearing his police uniform. "Deb ... Ma?" He stops dead with the door still open. His hand goes to his holster and he pops open the snap.
"Oh, Robert? What brings you by?" Marie looks at his flushed face.
"Uh ... ah ... oh ... uh ... mmm..." He is lost for an answer.
"I called him, Marie, I thought I heard a prowler."
"A prowler! Oh Robbie! Debra! Amy! Where did you hear the prowler?" She runs for the phone and starts dialing.
"Ma, who are you calling?" Robert looks over and does a double-take when he sees she's naked from the waist down. Amy gives him a week wave as she pretends to sip her coffee. He looks at his mother and back at his sister-in-law.
Robert rolls his eyes. "Ma, they're going to send the police. I'm already here. Hang up."
"Then I'm calling your Father to bring over his shotgun." Marie barks.
"Shotgun?" Robert gulps. "Ma, we don't need any shotguns. I have my police-issue revolver." He puts his hand on it and snaps the holster shut.
"Oh Robert, you can't be shooting at prowlers it's much too dangerous. Let your Father go after them. He's more expendable." She puts the receiver to her mouth, "Frank, get your lazy butt over here and bring your shotgun, Debra has prowlers." She hangs up.
"Marie, I don't think we need Frank." Debra looks at Robert for help.
"Ma, why don't we go into the living room? We could watch better from there?" He gives Debra a head fake to the back stairs.
"The living room! And leave Debra alone with prowlers and rapists." Marie shouts at Robert.
"Rapists?" Frank walks into the room. From his angle he too sees that Debra is half-naked. He leers at her. "Why would you have rapists here? Looks pretty consensual from here."
"Frank, you're not making sense, now take your gun and search downstairs." Marie seethes at her imbecile husband. Frank doesn't want to go until Marie picks up a large wooden spoon and throws it at him.
He winks at Debra as he goes downstairs.
"Ma, we need to check the living room." Robert persists.
"Not without Debra. I'm not leaving her alone to be attacked by rapists." Marie insists.
"Marie, I'll be right behind you. Let me get a butcher knife for protection." Debra says desperately.
Marie's concern was apparent. "You're not going to use the one my mother gave you, are you? I don't want it tainted with human blood. I don't see how we could ever use it again at Thanksgiving."
"Don't worry, Marie, I'll use the one I got on the Home Shopping Network."
"Oh, that's right dear, you do spend Raymond's money there, don't you?" She says slyly.
Marie looks at her son. "Alright, but I'm coming right back if Debra takes too long." She marches out of the kitchen in to the living room.
"God damn it, Robert." Debra groans as her bottom makes a ripping sound as it comes free from the plastic on the chair. She grimaces from the pain.
Robert gives her a leering look as she turns to examine her red bottom.
She sees him looking, "Don't you even think of it. I'm going upstairs, and you get rid of your mother!" Debra runs for the stairs, but Robert waits until she is at the top before he loosens his holster on his service revolver and follows Marie into the living room.
Robert stares at the woman that ruined his afternoon rendezvous. He slowly snaps the holster back tight. Marie sees his action and says. "Do you need a new snap? I have some at home. It'll just take a minute. You don't want your gun falling out and accidentally going off."
Robert whispers, "Accidentally going off?" He shakes his head. "No, Ma, it's okay. I'll get a new one at the station."
She smiles from her seat on the coach. "We don't want any accidents do we, Robbie?"
Scene Five Frank walks into Debra's bedroom as she was searching for a pair of panties. "So, Debra, that was quite a little scene downstairs."
She turns and faces her father-in-law still bottomless. "So Frank, did you get an eyeful?" Standing before him he is getting his eyeful.
"Pretty good, Debra. For a broad with three kids." His eyes memorizes her thighs and the thick fur covering her pussy. "I might need some bribery, though. So I could forget what I'm seeing."
Debra walks up to the old man and sees his pants bulging. "Damn Frank. What are you, sixteen? I thought men your age had trouble getting it up." She rubs his bulge. "So what's it gonna take? A hand job?" She squeezes his prick.
Debra swiftly unzips him to find a cock almost the size of Robert's. "Frank, you're quite the man here." She strokes his erection. His eyes bulges as her warm hand caresses his wrinkled cock.
"Damn, this is good, almost as good as Marie's lasagna." He huffs.
Debra smiles at the compliment. "Frank, I never realized you had such a big dick."
He gloats, "Marie's never complained." Debra picks a pair of old panties from her drawer and wraps them around Frank's erection. He grins, "Marie always did that. She couldn't stand cum stains on her carpet."
Debra grins, "I was just using them to get you off, Frank. This is my solution to no mess." She leans down and wraps her lips around Frank's dick and swallows every drop he shoots into her mouth. "Oh Fuck," He groans as she drains him.
Ray's wife swallows his father's semen and grins. "Not bad at all."
Frank beams, "Not bad? It was fucking great."
Debra pulls out another pair of panties and slips them on, and then the leather miniskirt she didn't wear for Robert's visit. She looks in the mirror and adjusts her cleavage and exits the bedroom.
Ray, Robert and Gianni are at Nemo's. No longer a pizza joint, it is a strip club. A heavy set bleach-blonde with enormous fake tits is dancing in the background.
Ray takes a long drink from his beer and slams it down. "I know she's cheating on me." He gives the stripper a good look. Robert looks nervous. "I know she is."
Gianni laughs, "God, I'd sure fuck her if I had the chance."
Ray growls, "Hey, she's not your wife."
His buddy pokes him in the ribs, "What's up, Ray? Not taking care of business at home?" He turns to Robert. "You see anything funny going on at Ray's?"
Robert nervously says, "Nah, nothing, of course not. Debra's a saint. She's not playing around on you Ray."
A topless waitress stops at the table. Robert looks up at the huge natural tits waiving in his face. "Stephania! We'll have another round." He circles his finger.
The other two stare at the finest set of tits this side of Italy. Gianni asks, "When are you dancing?"
She grins at the stubby Italian. "Ten minutes," and then to Robert, "can I talk to you in the back?"
The manager's office and Robert sitting on the couch with the lushly figured Stephania riding his dick her skirt pulled up exposing her ass and Robert's big dick. "Oh, Roberto, you have such a beeg deek." She cries out in her thick Italian accent. Her big Italian ass slaps his thighs as she drives her pussy down hard on his cock. Loud slurping sounds fill the office. They intently fuck for a couple of minutes before she cums loudly and his semen leaks from her pussy.
She kisses him, "Thank you, Roberto, you have not been by much. Is Debra taking up all your energy?" She wipes up the mess and begins to put on her schoolgirl outfit for her dance.
"I missed out today. Ma was at Debra's when I showed up." He says mournfully.
"So you come to Nemo's to fuck Stephania instead?" Her voice angry.
"No, honey, I came to watch you dance too." He's trying to calm her.
She giggles, "Eet's okay, I love your beeg deek too much to get pissed." She adjusts her bra to settle in her tits. "You come by anytime and I fuck you."
Robert rejoins Ray and Gianni as they are trying to figure out who could be fucking Debra. Robert's flushed look leads Ray to say, "You just fucked Stephania, didn't you?"
Robert grins and nods. "And she's just as good as you dream she is Ray."
"You should be ashamed knocking off a piece in the back of a strip club." Ray says with great envy. "You're disgusting." Ray downs his beer. "I'm going to stop by the house and see if she's really dusting the shelves." Gianni gets up to go with him.
Robert picks up his cell phone and calls Debra. "He's on his way."
She says, "Thanks," and hangs up the phone. "Fuck!" She spits out, shuts off her vibrator and pulls up her underwear. "Can't a girl get fucked without all these interruptions?"
A doorbell rings and a smartly dressed woman in her early sixties answers the door. Frank stands outside holding a toolbox. He grins, "Hi, Rose."
She looks around him for any sign of neighborly snooping. "Get in here, Frank."
He steps in and she locks the door. The toolbox drops to the floor with a solid thud. Rose Caputo takes him by the arm. "Henry's down at the lodge, so we don't have much time."
"Damn, Rose, then let's get to it." Frank unzips his pants and Rose turns her back for Frank to lower her dress zipper.
"I'm needing it Frank. You missed last week and I'm needy, Frank, very needy." She removed her dress and displayed her body to Frank.
"Rose, you're still as hot as you were when we moved into the neighborhood."
"Frank, your dick better be harder than that soft tongue of yours." Rose pulled off her bra and dropped it on the couch.
Frank dropped his pants and shoved down his boxers. His cock was half-hard already. "Not bad for a man in his seventies." He tells Rose.
Rose pulls down her panties and lies back on the couch. "Get me warmed up, Frank." She spreads her legs giving Frank a full view of her long drooping pussy lips.
He dives in and gives Rose a good licking. Rose puts her hands on Frank's bald head and shoves his face into her horny cunt. "Eat me, Frank. Suck my clit. Get it all wet. I need you to fuck me before Henry gets home. I need your big dick, Frank."
Soon Frank moves up on top of Rose and aims his big dick into his old lover's hairy pussy. "You hot bitch, such a tight cunt after all these years."
Rose is huffing and puffing as Frank nails her to the sofa. They both cum together and Frank fills up Rose's cunt with his sperm. It trickles out on own on the plastic cover that protects the couch from Frank's cum stains.
Scene Four Over at the Barone house Henry Caputo sneaks into the back door.
Marie meets Henry at the back door with her dress bodice unbuttoned showing off her 38DD bra. Henry gives her a big kiss and takes her big titties into his hands and caresses them through the white cotton bra. "Marie, a week seems so long. I wish there was some way we could get Rose and Frank to run off together and let us live the life we want."
Marie set out two cups and poured coffee. "I know, but no matter how shitty I treat Frank he always comes back for more." Marie tucks her hand into her bra cup and pulls out one of her big tits. She aims the nipple at the cup and squeezes out a long stream of milk.
"Marie, your cream tastes so good in a cup of coffee." He reaches out and swipes a stray drop off the tip of her nipple and licks it. "Your milk is so sweet."
"The boys still love it after all these years. I use it to make butter, when I bake cookies, and to flavor their coffee. Cookies made with mother's milk have a taste that can't be described. A boy will never wander far from his mother's breast when she keeps him well fed with it."
Marie squirts a stream into her cup and left her massive tit hanging out to turn on Henry. Marie could see his pants bulging with his big ick. "Finish your coffee, Henry. My cunt's on fire."
Henry sipped his coffee with his right hand while his let his left slip under Marie's dress and his palm caresses the back of her thigh. Moving up until Marie widens her stance and lets Henry's hand caress her panty crotch.
"You're wet, Marie." He says as he presses the cotton cloth into her wet cunt lips.
"You always make me wet, Henry. Now hurry up. I want to fuck." She says with a tremor in her voice.
He downs his coffee and squeezes a fat cunt lip. "Let's go into your bedroom and mess up the sheets."
Marie giggles and takes his hand and guides Henry to their weekly rendezvous with lust.
Scene Five Shortly after Marie And Henry go into the bed room, the back door opens slowly and Debra steps in carrying Marie's big spoon that she had borrowed and forgot to return.
As she is hanging it on the kitchen wall she hears a loud moan. She stops and listens. "Suck my dick, Marie!" A male voice demands.
Debra knows it's not Frank. She had sucked his dick earlier and that wasn't Frank's voice. Debra takes off her stiletto heels and softly tiptoes to Marie and Frank's bedroom door. Her hand goes to her mouth as she sees Marie sitting on the side of the bed sucking Henry Caputo's cock. Debra jumps back in shock. She recovers her senses and leans forward again watching her mother-in-law commit adultery. Debra takes out her phone and sets it to take video and presses record. For the next fifteen minutes Debra records Marie stripping naked and letting Henry eat her out, and then he mounts her and they fuck w
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