Death Spreading

Death Spreading


Death Spreading

November 19, 2021, 5:48 AM · 5 min read
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When Gov. Ron DeSantis’ reelection campaign began hawking “Don’t Fauci My Florida” t-shirts in July, the state had reported 38,834 COVID-19 fatalities.
The death count had risen to 68,846 this week, when the campaign began selling golf balls two at a time for $19.95 in a box that says “FLORIDA’S GOVERNOR HAS A PAIR.”
“@RonDeSantisFL had the courage to stand his ground and fortify Florida as the model of freedom,” an accompanying tweet reads. “Now, we’ve got the golf balls to back it up.”
After an additional 30,002 deaths, the campaign was telling us that DeSantis had been mucho macho in opposing proven mitigation measures that could have saved many lives.
“HOLD THE LINE,” the box also says.
That is an anti-mandate battle cry originating with the Chicago Police Union and now heard across the country. Never mind that nearly five times as many cops have been killed by the virus than by bullets during the course of the pandemic.
The introduction of the golf balls coincided with the special session of the legislature that DeSantis called this week to pass anti-mandate legislation. He held a ceremonial bill signing on Thursday in the town of Brandon. A reporter asked him if the choice of venue had anything to do with what has become the anti-Biden battle cry.
“I think that Brandon, Florida is a great American city,” DeSantis replied to cheers and cries of “Lets Go, Brandon!”
DeSantis demonstrated that his notion of being a mucho macho champion of freedom includes inviting an eight-year-old to the event and then calling her to the podium to serve as a political prop.
“Tell your story,” DeSantis instructed her. “Tell them who you are and why you’re here.”
“Hi, I’m Fiona Lashells,” the girl said.
“Tell them what grade you're in,” DeSantis urged her.
“I’m in second grade,” she replied.
“And when you and I met, what did you tell me about going to school?” he continued.
Fiona paused and looked questioningly over at her mother, who is known to drive an SUV with a sign reading ”My Hero Calls Me Mom.” A steadied Fiona turned back to the crowd.
“I wasn’t going to school because I was getting suspended for not wearing a mask,” she reported.
A sympathetic rumble came from the crowd and somebody called out, “We love you. We love you.”
“Tell them about the mask and what you didn’t like about it,” DeSantis went on.
“I didn’t like the mask because you have germs on your hands and then you touch it and you put it on your face and you breathe in all those germs,” she said.
Somebody else called out, “Right, good girl.” Here was where an adult should have told her that nobody likes to wear a mask, but even children must join everybody in doing what we can to combat the deadly virus. An adult would note that COVID is spread on droplets that annoying face coverings can stop.
But there was only DeSantis, whose perpetually eclipsing priority is DeSantis.
“Now, since you've started to tell your story, they haven’t made you wear a mask lately, right?” he inquired.
“Does that make you happy?” he asked.
“So, she got things done!” he exclaimed to cheers.
“Hey, girl, you’re smarter than half the country,” a man called out.
The school board where she resides, Palm Beach County, had indeed lifted its mask mandate on Nov.15, but only because it had previously agreed to do so when new COVID-19 cases declined to a certain level. The officials had not done so in response to Fiona’s refusal. They also had not relented because DeSantis had for months derided the Palm Beach County Board as “anti-science” and threatened to withdraw its funding. But those tactics had worked elsewhere.
That included Brandon. The encompassing Hillsborough County School Board had been so disturbed by rising COVID cases at the start of the year that it had moved to impose a mask mandate, only to back off in the face of DeSantis’ bullying.
As he now enlisted a little girl into perpetuating a compounded fiction, DeSantis was demonstrating that his approach was not so much “HOLD THAT LINE” as “HOLD THAT LIE.”
And to add a supposedly scientific veneer to the lie, DeSantis called Florida’s new surgeon general to the podium. He began by saying that the present message from federal officials is “your body belongs to Dr. Fauci.”
“He gets to decide what you do with your body, what you put on your face, what your kids get to do,” Ladapo said. “It is spiritual warfare. It’s completely wrong.”
He proceeded to say that the “wonderful” new legislation was leading Florida “back to the data.”
“This relentless campaign to keep children in this country in masks,” he said. “There is no data that shows an improvement of health with these mask mandates for children. Zip. There’s nothing. And it should stop.”
He said the same was true with the vaccine when it comes to children.
Never mind that there have been a host of peer viewed studies that found the use of masks by children significantly reduces the spread of the virus. And clinical trials have indicated that the vaccines will be as effective and safe with children as they are with adults. Ladapo has questioned the safety of the jab for adults, so he can be expected to do the same when it comes to children.
Ladapo seemed nearly as big a hit as Fiona. The doctor and the child looked on as DeSantis sat down to sign the bills. He used blue Sharpies where his liege Donald Trump famously favored black. He thereby endeavors to make himself enough like Trump to win MAGA hearts, but different enough not to scare others away.
“You should have one,” DeSantis said as he handed Fiona a Sharpie as a memento of a day she was used to his political advantage.
The girl cannot be blamed for giving no thought to the thousands of deaths that could have been prevented with the very mask and vaccine mandates that were now being sidelined with a few strokes of a blue Sharpie. But there should be no forgiving the likes of DeSantis and Ladapo, a pair of another kind.
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Will the human havoc taking place in and around Lakhimpur Kheri remain contained to that region or spread out? Will it drag along new patterns to killings?
Foremost, let us stop focusing on the horrific happenings taking place in foreign lands and neighboring countries. Let us concentrate on the build-ups here, within our country. In fact, even the fence sitters have been left near speechless, with no adequate words to comment on the recent brutal killings of our people in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri.
Going by the videos in circulation, the farmers were crushed, mowed down, killed by political workers and son of Ajay Mishra, who happens to be MOS Home.
Tell me what’s been on! Nothing but killings of the hapless citizens of our country. And to compound the tragedy, dictatorship tactics inflicted to such an extent that even the well- known Opposition leaders were initially not allowed to travel towards Lakhimpur Kheri, to meet the relatives and families of those killed.
Have we bothered to reflect on the bigger and broader format: Will the human havoc taking place in and around Kheri (as Lakhimpur Kheri is popularly called by us, Uttar Pradesh wallahs) remain contained to that region or spread out? Will it drag along new patterns to killings? Not to be overlooked the fact that encounters and encounter-killings have been already taking place in that state. Didn’t many as 1,142 encounters take place between March 2017 and January 2018, in Uttar Pradesh.
I recall I had first heard the term ‘encounter killings’ in the Kashmir Valley but today I’m hearing this dreaded term from the people of my home state, Uttar Pradesh. And it’s the same fear and apprehension I have been spotting in the eyes of the Kashmiris I have been seeing on the faces of the young surviving in the Northern states of the country…the young are sitting not just jobless but in fear of the goons brigades, which have been raised and nurtured by the political mafia to hound and spread around terror.
Yes, what we seeing today is death and destruction spreading out as never before. Probably the situation reeks of complex political developments not just in the state of Uttar Pradesh but beyond. In fact, all those cries of those killed or near-killed in Assam have been growing louder and shriller. What happens next? Will these cries grow louder or get crushed by the might of the State force?
What saddens me is that even at this juncture we are not speaking out in that collective voice. Why we, as a people, are not standing up, speaking out. Today how many amongst us are trying to counter the communal madness surcharging ahead? Are we, as a people, taking on the political mafia? No, as most of us sit like mute spectators, inhaling the poisonous propaganda in circulation.
Gone are men like Khushwant Singh. Nostalgia hitting…images spreading out of the dos hosted by Khushwant Singh at his Sujan Singh Park apartment during that fixed one-hour slot, 7 to 8 pm, when he would talk of the political characters together with the ‘fundoos’ (fundamentalists) and their destructive unleash.
Khushwant was Khushwant. When I had asked him what are the regrets in his life, he’d quipped, “Wish I’d taken on these fundoos years back. They are hell bent on destroying this country. We don’t seem to realize the damage they are doing. I should have written more about their misdeeds, exposed many more of them.”
And one evening I had asked Khushwant how would he react if Mr Narendra Modi came calling. How would you react if Narendra Modi came calling…pressing the door- bell of your apartment?
“No, I won’t …hundreds of innocent Muslims were killed in Gujarat in a cold bloodied way in the 2002 pogrom, when he was chief minister of that State!”
Alas, men like Khushwant are no longer around!
Gone also are the women of grit, like the late Mrinalini Sarabhai who was one of the few to raise her voice in Ahmedabad as the pogrom had peaked in 2002. I recall that soon after the Gujarat pogrom I’d written a piece for The Indian Express, along the strain: ‘Where is our God ?…Not In Bharat, Apparently!’
It was a cry from my heart. Perhaps, the cry was piercing enough to have touched Mrinalini Sarabhai. Within a week of the publication of that piece, I had received a handwritten letter from her. Soothing gentle words, relaying that together going to fight this battle. No, she didn’t know me; after reading my piece, took pains to write to me on the Indian Express address which was later re-directed to me.
On this Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti leaving you with this touching relay… how his charisma held sway…Though the very mention of ‘Aligarh’ brings up images of the Aligarh Muslim University but there is more to that town. I had met several interesting personalities in Aligarh. One such off beat couple was Professor Jamal Khwaja and his spouse Hameeda Durreshahwar Akbar Khwaja.
Professor Jamaal Khwaja was a parliamentarian but after his term ended he went back to the teaching profession at AMU. And he and his spouse led a quiet, retired life in Aligarh. This couple was far ahead of their times. Way back, in the ’50, the Khwajas had named their four children with a double name! That is, a combination of the Hindu and Muslim names.
Hameeda had told me that Jamal Khwaja’s father, Abdul Majeed Khwaja, was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, in 1920, Gandhi had even stayed in their ancestral home at Aligarh. And she and her husband were so taken up by Mahatma Gandhi and his concept of secularism that they had decided to name their children with a double name “Though we are practising Muslims but decided to name our four children with a combination of Hindu and Muslim names — the eldest Jawahar Kabir , the second Gita Anjum, the third Rajan Habib and the youngest Nassir Navin.”
And with immense pride, this couple had told me the details to their children — Whilst their two sons were working in America as software engineers, the third a bureaucrat, and Gita Anjum worked as a neurologist in a New Delhi hospital.
Sheer coincidence or what, each time a crisis erupts there’s that quick diversion or call it distraction towards Bollywood.
Last month’s huge haul – seizure of 2,990 kg of cocaine from the Mundra Adani Port, brought along no startling disclosures except the mundane arrests of the smaller easily catchable fish. Nah, none of the names of any of the big buyers and suppliers. The powerful lot.
Now, all too suddenly, Bollywood super star Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan and few other youngsters arrested for consuming drugs on a luxury cruise, off the Goa coast.
And here we go, sitting all too distracted, mouthing our ‘expert’ opinions, throwing about all those dos and don’ts on parenting, detailing the fall outs to this menace, how to protect our and your children from falling into traps of all hues.
Perhaps, sadly, in the midst of all these debates and discussions we don’t bother to ask this vital: Who the hell are the suppliers and the ring masters? Who all are the big players? Who all are part of the nexus?
Time to speak up… these lines of Faiz Ahmad Faiz: 
Speak up, for your lips are not sealed
and your words are still your own.
speak, while your soul is still your own.
the padlocks are already opening their mouths
and each fetter is skirting around.
Speak up now, for time’s running out,
Before your body and mind fade away,
tell us ,for truth is not yet dead.


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The Black Death - also known as the bubonic plague - was a disease that devastated Medieval Europe like no other. Between 1346 and 1352 it killed 45 million people, wiping out a third of Europe’s population. Even today just mentioning the word “black death” or “black plague” sends shudders of horror through adults and children alike and reflects on the plague’s swiftness and terrible ferocity in how it killed its victims.
If you got the disease, egg-shaped painful swellings called buboes would develop underneath your skin in the groin, armpits and neck accompanied by symptoms of fever, chills, and nausea. Death came within a week. A mutated version of the disease - pneumonic plague- attacked the respiratory system and your lungs would drown in their own pus and blood.
Septicemic plague, a rarer form of the disease from which the"black death" got its name, invaded your bloodstream, causing massive damage to your heart and vital organs. Limbs deprived of nutrients and oxygen turned a gangrenous black and your insides would turn to jello from massive hemorrhaging. For both these forms of the disease, death came within hours.
Back then, people thought the plague was caused by bad air, an imbalance of the body humors or was a terrible punishment inflicted by God. The disease spared noone, attacking both rich and poor with no end in sight. It wasn’t until the 17th century that revealed the plague’s true cause, Yersenia pestis , a rod shaped bacterium that is transmitted to humans by fleas from infected rats.
The bacterium is named for Alexandre Yersin, the Swiss biologist who isolated it in 1894 when a third pandemic of the plague struck India and China. Soon after, scientists Paul-Louis Simond of France and Masanori Ogata of Japan discovered the two main carriers that transmit Y. pestis to humans: the oriental flea (X.chopis) and the common black rat (R.rattus) and were able to prove the connection between sick rats and diseased humans.
The oriental flea sucks the blood from an infected rat. The bacterium walls off an area in the flea’s digestive tract preventing the flea from digesting its blood meal. When the rat sucumbs to the plague, the starving flea leaves its furry host to find a meal in humans instead. When the flea bites into human flesh it regurgitates Y. pestis into the open wound transmitting it to its human host..
Most historians think the source for bubonic plague originated in the remote grasslands of Centra Asia . Wild r
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