Death 💀 Ranch

Death 💀 Ranch

👓 Arley Owens Jr
Death 💀 Ranch

Death 💀 Ranch

✅ The Ridgewall Ranch is reputed to be haunted by a confederate colonel but upscale pimp Carlson Loggins moves his 👤👨⬅️ brothel into the country mansion anyway. When one 1️⃣ of his 👤👨⬅️ hookers claims 🛄 to have seen 👀 the ghost 👻 in an upstairs hallway, three 3️⃣ of his 👤👨⬅️ girls 👧 are found 🔍️ mutilated on the same floor 🤣 and ➕ more murders follow. Finding 🔎 themselves pitted against an exceptionally devious and ➕ highly skilled 🤹 killer, neither Sheriff Gary Stoner nor the Texas Ranger sent 📦️➡️ to assist him can 🥫 fathom the perpetrators uncanny ability to keep the victims silent 🔇 while gutting them ➡️👥 alive before removing their heads 🗣️, leaving 🚪⬆️ no clues 🧩 behind. Metaphysical investigator Dunmark Finley convinces Gary a demon 👿 is operating through one 1️⃣ of the remaining harlots. He 👤👨 permits Finley to sedate them ➡️👥 to keep the devil 👿 from manifesting and ➕ accompanies him to Colorado so Finleys assistants can 🥫 help locate the host and ➕ exorcise the massacring spirit. But another brutal murder on the Ridgewall Ranch horrifically proves the demons 👿 lair isnt one 1️⃣ of the prostitutes. Knowing 💡 hes now looking 👀 for a needle 🧵 in a haystack, Gary drives back 🔙 to Texas hoping 🔮 the demon 👿 fighters can 🥫 somehow find 🔎 the right ➡️ woman 👤👩 before everyone in Tomahawk County gets slaughtered.


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