Dear Gabby Her New Secretary

Dear Gabby Her New Secretary


Dear Gabby Her New Secretary

July 28, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

Jenny from the block
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 29, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 30, 2014

de Maria numquam satis
July 31, 2014

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A priest looking for advice on how to advance the Church in a fast-paced world so often embroiled in conflict recently approached a well-placed cleric who had been a religious order priest and bishop for many years.
In response, the bishop answered, in part, by sharing the following true story:
A priest went as a missionary to an area where for years they had no priest, and evangelicals had arrived. He told me that he went to a woman who had been the teacher of the people and then the principle of the village school.
This lady sat him down and began to insult him forcefully saying, “You abandoned us, left us alone, and I, who in need of God’s Word, had to go to Protestant worship and I became Protestant.”
This young priest, who is meek, who is one who prays, when the woman finished her discourse, said, “Madam, just one word: forgiveness. Forgive us, forgive us. We abandoned the flock.”
The tone of the woman changed. However, she remained Protestant and the priest did not go into the argument of which was the true religion. In that moment, you could not do this. In the end, the lady began to smile and said, “Father, would you like some coffee?”
“Yes, let’s have a coffee,” he replied.
Afterwards, when the priest was about to leave, she said, “Stop here, Father. Come.”
And she led him into the bedroom, opened the closet and there was the image of Our Lady.
“You should know that I never abandoned her. I hid her because of the pastor, but she’s in the home,” the lady said.
It is a story which teaches how proximity, meekness brought about this woman’s reconciliation with the Church, because she felt abandoned by the Church.
And I asked a question of this priest that you should never ask, “And then, how did things turn out? How did things finish?”
But the priest corrected me, saying, “Oh, no, I did not ask anything; she continues to go to Protestant worship, but you can see that she is a woman who prays. She faces the Lord Jesus.” And it did not go beyond that. He did not invite her to return to the Catholic Church.
What is one to make of this “advice” and the bishop giving it? Three things can be said with certainty:
1) This bishop has a very twisted understanding of what it means to be reconciled with the Church . In his mind, a woman who hides her supposed devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary for fear of rebuke from a heretic “pastor,” and who is steadfast in “worshiping” in a heretical community, has undergone a “reconciliation with the Church” presumably because she set her anger aside long enough to have a cup of coffee with a Catholic priest.
2) This bishop has a deficient understanding of the Church’s mission . His inquisitor has been given to believe that priestly work is well done apart from inviting heretics to return to the Catholic Church and the sacraments. He furthermore has been given to believe that he can determine on his own that one outside the Church, with no possibility of being absolved from his or her sins “faces the Lord,” the presumption being that such a person is fine where they are; outside of the solitary Ark of Salvation.
3) This bishop is the current Bishop of Rome; a pope who has demonstrated time and time again an appalling lack of concern for even the most basic duties of his exalted office.
The story above was shared by Pope Francis during a Q&A session with the priests of Caserta that took place on July 26th; it’s just one of a number of things said that day by a Roman Pontiff whose prolific public discourse so often betrays his indifference to the Catholic faith. You may read the exchange in its fullness on the Vatican News website linked above, but be forewarned, it is a gut wrenching experience.
Clearly, the priests of Caserta would have done far better to email their questions to just about any commenter on this blog. (Small compliment, I know.)
It’s all of a piece. Pope Francis is nothing if not consistent – particularly with his terrible tenure in Buenos Aires. And still, the bishops, priests, Catholic Media, etc. defy all reason, logic and truth to pretend there is no major problem with this papacy! Blessed Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil . . .
Bergoglio happens to be sitting in the Chair of Peter, but that doesn’t mean he is truly Catholic. We should not expect anything Catholic coming from this papacy. This poor unfortunate woman should have been told to take the image of Our Lady out and pray the rosary every day. Our Lady always leads Her children to Her Son.
The Pope’s initial statement at the beginning of the question-and-answer period should forever settle the issue as to whether or not he is media-savvy. His immediate thought upon realizing his blunder: “What would tomorrow’s headlines read?” And how does he view his blundering of his obligation to the Catholics of Caserta? As a rope around his neck.

I wonder if Traettino made a donation of 30 pieces of silver to the ecumenical fund….
According to CNA bergoglio actually preached at a protestant service — or is there a diffence between an “ecumenical celebration” and a protestant worship service? Please enlighten me if I am wrong. Here is the quote:
“Pope Francis spoke at the conclusion of an ecumenical celebration, in which some 350 persons took part. The celebration included three testimonials of faith, a musical performance, and addresses by both Traettino and Pope Francis.”

In fact bergoglio was having so much fun with his “protestant friends” that he had to cancel a scheduled visit to some local nuns. No time for nuns!
“He was expected to visit the convent of nuns of Falciano, a Caserta suburb. The convent is home to five nuns who work with children, and a small crowd was waiting to see him in front of the enclosure.

But as his lunch with evangelicals lasted longer than expected, Pope Francis did not have time to visit the consecrated religious of Falciano.”
I guess the crowd wasn’t big enough to make it worth his while…. papal priorities you know…. or maybe they seemed just a bit to traditional…. could be crypto-lefebvrists you know…. wouldn’t want to be seen encouraging anything like that…. not with the upcoming “synod on sex”…. what? they are virgins? not even lesbians? for-get-about-it…. I’m out of here… get me back to Casa Santa Marta… I’m getting hungry again…. some crippled kids…. yeah, yeah that sounds like a photo-op….
“Once the meal ended, he had time to meet two disabled children before returning to the Vatican.”
Is it time to start throwing rotten cabbages? I think it is.
Dear Louie and friends in Christ, A bit of encouragement for us all
Jesus speaks to His Church in the time of persecution (Revelations):
… hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: .. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. Be thou faithful until death: and I will give thee the crown of life…. I know where thou dwellest, where the seat of Satan is: and thou holdest fast My name, and hast not denied My faith. .
..I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them that are evil, and thou hast tried them, who say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And thou hast patience, and hast endured for my name, and hast not fainted. But I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first charity. …do penance, and do the first works. Or else I come to thee, and will move thy candlestick out of its place… But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaites, which I also hate.
Behold, I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. He that shall overcome, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God; and he shall go out no more; and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God, and my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
Behold, I have given before thee a door opened, which no man can shut: because thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will bring of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Behold, I will make them to come and adore before thy feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of the temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth. ….To him, that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of my God..
____ Deo Gratias
This over at the EF blog:
Money quote:
“It is “a temptation to say: I am the Church, you are the sect. Jesus prayed for unity. The Holy Spirit creates diversity in the Church. He makes the differences. But then Holy Spirit makes the same unity and the church is one in diversity. A diversity reconciled through the Holy Spirit,” said Pope Francis according to Lettera43.”
If I understand Francis correctly, heresy and schism are the work of the Holy Spirit.
But the Holy Spirit only “diversifies” the sects, but does not “diversify” the Catholics, a la SSPX, FFI or the diocese of Ciudad del Este.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit only “diversifies” those which Francis likes, but not those that Francis dislikes.
So it would appear that Francis not only has a personal relationship with Jesus, but also with the Holy Spirit.
Francis truly resides in a different dimension with respect to both space and time.
Dissolving Christ and His Church is the only reason folks like Bergoglio and the C8 and a whole swathe of neo-pagan-nazi-pseudo-ministers get up in the morning. That’s their mission; send Catholicism to a concetration camp and hope it starves to death. They’ve been pretty effective broadly speaking, in no small part due to a multitude of Catholics too lazy to know their faith. Bergoglio is sort of the pseudo-Catholic equivalent of the Boko Haram. He’s an anti-Christian creep of the first degree and anyone with a brain knows it.

Meanwhile Iraq and the world is liquidating Christians and Bergoglio, and by and large every big name ‘catholic’, is silent. But then one of Bergoglio’s insults against those of the Faith was calling them ‘liquid Christians’. I think it was mistranslated. What he really wanted to say was, ‘liquidate Christians!’
It defies logic and the clear teaching of the Church to give the impression that those who are not Catholic are members of the Church. Those evangelicals are indeed members of a sect, as there is only one, true Church founded by Christ for the salvation of the world. This is all very surreal.
Dear Friends,
Has any read a statement from Bergoglio regarding the untimely death of his good friend “bishop” Tony Palmer? Is he being muzzled by the Vatican damage-control “experts”? Or perhaps, he really put his foot in his mouth on this one. I did a google search and came up empty.
How about –we email Michael Voris and ask if he can do another Vortex on the Pope’s latest “reiteration” of the four marks of the Church?.
Excerpts from:
An Instruction of the Holy Office (1949)

Some of the initiatives that have hitherto been taken by various individuals or groups, with the aim of reconciling dissident Christians to the Catholic Church, although inspired by the best of intentions, are not always based on right principles, or if they are, yet they are not free from special dangers, as experience too has already shown.

[The bishops] shall also be on guard lest, on the false pretext that more attention should be paid to the points on which we agree than to those on which we differ, a dangerous indifferentism be encouraged, especially among persons whose training in theology is not deep and whose practice of their faith is not very strong.

[The bishops] shall take particular care and shall firmly insist that, in going over the history of the Reformation and the Reformers the defects of Catholics be not so exaggerated and the faults of the Reformers be so dissimulated, or that things which are rather accidental be not so emphasized, that what is most essential, namely the defection from the Catholic faith, be scarcely any longer seen or felt. Finally, they shall take precautions lest, through an excessive and false external activity, or through imprudence and an excited manner of proceeding, the end in view be rather harmed than served.

By no means is it permitted to pass over in silence or to veil in ambiguous terms the Catholic truth regarding the nature and way of justification, the constitution of the Church, the primacy of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, and the only true union by the return of the dissidents to the one true Church of Christ.

With regard especially to mixed assemblies and conferences of Catholics with non-Catholics, which in recent times have begun to be held in many places to promote “union” in the faith, there is need of quite peculiar vigilance and control on the part of Ordinaries. For if on the one hand these meetings afford the desired opportunity to spread among non-Catholics the knowledge of Catholic doctrine, which is generally not sufficiently known to them, yet on the other hand they easily involve no slight danger of indifferentism for Catholics.
Dear my2cents. As far as I can tell bergoglio did not utter even one word on this day in memory of Tony Palmer — his “brother bishop”. Wouldn’t this have been an appropriate time for him to express his sorrow? I’m sure a prayer for the soul of the deceased would have been greatly appreciated by Palmer’s widow and 2 children.
Surely this could not have been an oversight, but was done deliberately for whatever reason which we can only imagine.
dear Matthew,
your comment is absolutely compelling and I thank you for it. May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a Peace not of this world, be to you.
you pull the pin out of the grenade, dear salvemur.
God love you.
dear FrA,
your bold Catholic witness is a treasure. I express my gratitude for it from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, Michael. I think Bergoglio found himself between a rock and a hard place. If he said he would pray for him, he would be affirming the belief in purgatory. (Let’s not insult the protestants). If he said he was in heaven, then he would really show the world how un-Catholic he truly is. It must be difficult to dress like the pope and behave like your not the pope. Strange world we live in!
Dear Fr A,
You mentioned “logic and the clear teaching of the Church” which are the two things we’ve missed the most over the last 50+ years, especially as Catholic parents. It seems God is allowing this Pope to bring that absence clearly to everyone’s attention.
Well, almost everyone….
___ Pope Emeritus Benedict’s secretary, Archbishop Gaenswein said two weeks ago, in an interview about the German World Cup win, that he was ‘following “with great concern” the conflict in the Holy Land. But even if the situation has become “very worrying”, prayer is “very important” and the recent Invocation for Peace at the Vatican is “a sign and this sign must bear good fruit.”
Unless we count as “good fruit” the fact that the Church no longer has the burden of helping sustain the lives of the 60,000 Christian who to lived in Mosul, or their property and the 1600-1800 year old Churches and Shrines demolished by ISIS since the Vatican’s Pentecost Sunday prayer meeting in the garden, it’s hard to understand how a comment like that could be conceived, much less uttered to the press by a Catholic Archbishop.
He is right that prayer is very important. But as we here all know, there is only One God Who can hear and answer them, and The Blessed Trinity was definitely not the “god– who has no associations”–that was invoked by the Muslims as they prayed alongside our Pope that day.
____ Our Lady of Fatima pointed us to the One, True God, and to pray for the Conversion of all sinners. That gave us the answers we need during this time of great distress, and God’s promise that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will Triumph for a source of comfort and hope right now.
I think I accidentally choked back the pin a while ago – still waiting for it to pass.
Dear my2cents. I have this inkling feeling that Tony Palmer may have somehow become persona non grata to bergoglio just prior to his death. That somehow through the grace of God he may have decided to abandon his “mission” and may have decided instead to be accepted into the Catholic Church. Just imagine how that would have impacted the “ecumenical” movement between Catholics and evangelicals. It would have confirmed the worst fears of evangelicals that this was all a plot to convert them to Catholicism. Horrors!

I keep coming back to this quote from Palmer:
“Because of our close relationship with the Charismatic Catholic Church, my wife has returned to her Catholic faith and even our Children desire to be Catholic. I am the only one in my own family that is not Catholic. This is something I have to suffer for the sake of my Mission. As an Anglican I represent a bridge between the Protestant and Catholic worlds, becoming a Catholic myself would mean losing my ability to be a bridge, therefore I suffer being outside the ‘Mother Church’ for the sake of the Kingdom of God. God knows how I suffer internally when I am unable to partake of the Communion that I feel so part of. I am reminded of the Samaritan Women who asked Jesus healing, He told her that He had not come for the Dogs but for the Jews… And she answered…’but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table’… I have become worst (sic) than a dog for the sake of God’s calling, remember us when you eat?”
One of the many terrible results of Papal disfigurement of Church teaching is the credence it gives to accusations Protestants make on web-sites designed to draw the Faithful out of the Roman Catholic Chu
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