

Mbah tyo

Dealjoy is a cashback shopping network that automatically tracks all purchases made by its members because once the purchase is complete, members are paid a promised commission through the DEAL token. Since Dealjoy consists of instant cashback options, members are paid within a few seconds after purchase.

Most online vendors improve their products and make them available at the fingertips of their customers with the use of e-commerce platforms such as "Ebay" and "AliExpress".

And Dealjob provides these vendors with the advantage of having to engage in lower negotiations and complicated integration such as the Dealjob e-commerce website support. Dealjob is always centered around its customers. Therefore members are given the opportunity to choose the traders they like to receive money back and transactions through the voting system. If there is a higher demand for vendors who don't offer affiliate programs, Dealjob welcomes vendors to the Dealjoy platform by following it.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online traders through negotiations and alliance agreements in the workplace. When our members go to online stores through the Dealjoy platform, they will receive cash back commissions for their purchases, and almost no personal information is provided to third parties. Global and anonymous global payments can be achieved through the continued adoption of large-scale cryptocurrency.

Using our blockchain and ERC-20 technology called DEAL standard tokens, refunds will be made in private, global and direct, with no minimum payment limit. Fully compliant with GDPR standards, instant anonymous payments and the possibility that customers really cannot be identified through the cashback platform are new standards in the league industry.

Fast money back, which will come to you very quickly, and you will be able to apply it as quickly as possible.

Also you will get maximum speed for transaction execution, which will allow you to get maximum comfort and maximum speed for fulfillment.

And, thus, the transaction level. You will make transactions with premium status, which also gives you additional benefits.

Dealjoy is a person who always believes in the personal cashback ecosystem. Therefore, features like DEAL and DealFeed tokens which are part of Dealjoy give its users the background needed to shape themselves as professionals in the online shopping community. Competitive income levels and professional tools that are continuously presented by Dealjoy are signs of community-based projects. Because it is a user who benefits all the time not just a network system. This is a true affiliate marketing platform that provides all the basic requirements for someone to rise as a professional business person in the online shopping industry. So for the future that is filled with successive business goals, Dealjoy will be the smartest decision that users can take.


Transaction Token is an ERC-20 Token built on the Ethereum Blockchain with a maximum total supply of 1,400,000,000 DEAL. Dealjoy will use three main procedures to support the growth of DEAL Token values: buyback token models, token staking, and long-term token burn strategies. No more tokens will be issued. Likewise, all unsold tokens at the end of the token sales period will be permanently burned.

Tokens will be used as cashback prizes to customers. Tokens can also be used to make purchases at DealShop or drag them to an external wallet.






In particular, Dealjoy has helped to revolutionize the industry by creating innovative, efficient, effective, distinctive and unique platforms where online buyers, professional marketers and leading traders connect and acquire cryptotokens by shopping online.

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Bitcointalk username: Mbah Tyo

Bitcointalk profile link: https: // Action = profile; u = 926777

Eth Me: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1

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