Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 Nude Mod

Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 Nude Mod


Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 Nude Mod
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""Dead or Alive Xtreme 3" is still very much alive even though the game has been out on the market since 2016, and it's mainly thanks to mods. Well, I just found out about some really impressive DOAX3 nude mods that have made the game even sexier." - Robin Ek, TGG.
I guess that DOAX3 just got even better then? :P
Yes, and especially so since the mods work for all formats pretty much (PS4, PSV, PC and Nintendo Switch,
Wait... This works on other platforms besides PC?! Welp I guess I need to pick it up again for Switch... For research of course.
So we can research on the go too? I be damn
I forgot to mention that you can also use the PSVR headset with the mods :3
You really need to get laid...and not digitally.
@ FunAndGun, we know you're a self-loathing member of the LGBTQ community. You of all people should not pass judgement on others, especially with your chosen lifestyle.
@Asuka "Wait... This works on other platforms besides PC?! Welp I guess I need to pick it up again for Switch... For research of course." - Yes, that is correct. You could get the mods to work for PS4, PSVITA and Nintendo Switch as well. Hehe, go for it ;)
Where are you going to buy the Switch copy from? Can I play the game in USA?
Totally unbiased, butather than digital tits I think it would be even better if they modded it to have Duke Nukem's face over them like in the picture
lol xD I bet that one could do that if you really wanted too, because someone even managed to mod in a banana :P (nsfw stuff)
These kind of games makes all gamer community seems like 30+ years old virgins and pedophiles. Stuff ofr sick people.
No, it doesn't, because most people can tell the difference between "fiction" and "reality".
Yeah, yeah. Keep repeating these crap. Maybe you and someone else believe.
As for the pedo statement...To my knowledge, the females of DOA are all 18 plus of age.
Nah they're just typical red blooded males who appreciate the finer things in life lol.
Lol 😆 the DOA fans are just all horn dogs lol
Does the same go for the female DOA fans as well? ;)
ohh got tits. pls NOOO!! take it away!!
No, because the awesome power of the oppai can't be stopt ;)
Can we please ban this user from posting this pornographic trash, and trying to look edgy by covering up areas with duke nukem faces? this is so pathetic, the guy probably isn't even old enough for this type of content for a start. Evident by his poor spelling/grammar. And N4G you should be ashamed advertising this kind of trash to a site thats supposed to be kid friendly, this site is an utter trash heap. morons
Calling him not old enough? You're the one throwing a tantrum while kicking and screaming for the ban hammer. Insulting him and calling everyone a moron. They should just ban you and call it a day. "Oh I don't agree with something. It doesn't fit into my idea of what's acceptable. Waaahhhhh !!! Ban ban ban him."
Wish I had the skill to use mods like this :(
The egg is my new favorite game website
That's a lot of work to see some tits on a console.
On that note, PC makes it ridiculously easy.
Sexy, but with that last-gen tech it's difficult to feel anything close to being aroused. Dammit, those faces look like they were taken straight out of a PS2 game...
The nudity sort of removes the fun light hearted charm.
The Social Justice Warriors are incoming...i can feel it.
Silly modder. Asians rarely have pink nipples. Brown is the norm for them and slightly darker flesh color 😆

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Yes, I'll spend the rest of my life spand for it, I did all pole dance tickets for every girls before, so if the nudity is for "REAL" I'll make no hesitation.
TheGreatPotato posted... Nah. Nipples and seethrough clothes? Yes.
If (and if being like as Zack's dream) it was really level 1000, then hell no. Even level 109 has taken over 3 vacations, as all the damn game gives is 50 points missions and those impossible/super annoying missions. I mean, day 1-3 and 4 "wear same swimsuit" missions? Really? And of course she wears Popcorn, otherwise those missions had probably never even got there. "Blackjack by blackjack", "2x2pairs", "give a liked swimsuit and have her accept it when nobody on the cursed island likes your character's costumes", "buy a bodylotion while having less than 100k", "beat pool hopping within 45 seconds which you can't do even if using only one button", "give an instrument while having none in the store for 3 days". I'm start to hate this game (again).
Someone should do something about everything.
There is only one way to be nude, but a million ways to dress sexy. Even though I would love to see a nude DLC, it would not be worth it to grind to level 1000. By the time I am at level 593 (at the end of December) I would probably throw a rock at my PS4. ;-)
AutoGrinder V2.4.0 Grind DOAX3 Fortune/Scarlet automatically
TheGreatPotato posted... Nah. Nipples and seethrough clothes? Yes. This. Outside of actual encounters, the hint of nudity is more interesting than actual nudity. (In real life encounters, actual nudity generally relates to actual sex, giving it the edge.)
Topless swimsuits would be cool! I already have them all naked as hell on PC, especially Marie Rose.
RollingCradle posted... Topless swimsuits would be cool! I already have them all naked as hell on PC, especially Marie Rose. And I'm pretty sure that you also edited her 3D model and made her completely flat. :-)
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Nope. No way in hell. Not only would I not want to grind that, but I have no desire to see them naked. Some of the more risque suits don't mean anything to me either. I would not call myself a Prude, but some of them just don't leave enough to the imagination to be alluring.
The Japanese don't allow it in games, Yeah and because of the nude mods for dead or alive 5 for PC , PC is never getting a DOA game again.
Feel the power of the dark side. You smart mouths.
a bunch of nude girls going around the island would just be creepy. However, if there was a level 200 level cap or so, and it cost 1.5 million and the girls could be naked in bed, or you could watch them take a shower nude, I'd probably go for it. And abuse the hell out of the golden fan for the lolz.
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---(|^_^|) T'ai Chi Quan is Awesome!!! (/^_^\) ----
Honestly, I rather they just cut the crap and finally put obvious nipple bumps in the game!
AutoGrinder V2.4.0 Grind DOAX3 Fortune/Scarlet automatically
I'd like nudity so long as it wasn't the default. It would be more fun if they started out clothed and then eventually became nude. But, that can't be done because that would probably make the game AO and Sony doesn't let AO games on their consoles. So, having nipple bumps and camel toe would be the next best thing.
If anyone is interested in a long peice of Evangelion fanfiction, you can find mine at-
^ But there are games with bare t*** and full fledged nudity on the PS4.
AutoGrinder V2.4.0 Grind DOAX3 Fortune/Scarlet automatically
Hot955 posted... ^ But there are games with bare t*** and full fledged nudity on the PS4. I've heard about t***. That's not enough for AO. I know watch dogs 2 had p****, and while that's probably pushing into AO, it wasn't full nudity and it's being patched out. There's nude mods on Xbox's version of Skyrim. (even though there's not really supposed to be) But, those are mods. Other than that, I don't know of any games that show full nudity PS4. I mean, feel free to list off examples, but I haven't heard of any. I mean, I'd love to see a nude mode on this game, but even if it doesn't change the rating to AO, its probably not going to happen sadly.
If anyone is interested in a long peice of Evangelion fanfiction, you can find mine at-
This will NEVER happen as this is a Japanese game made for and by Japanese people that operate under Sony Japan. Sony Japan doesn't equal Sony USA/etc. Visible areolas absolutely WILL NOT HAPPEN. Bumps are one thing, (see also Senran Kagura and countless other examples) but DOAX will not ever have full breast nudity.
Gamefaqs, at least it's not Resetera. That's something I think
The Witcher has full nudity. And I agree, there will be no nude anything in DOAX3. Everything in Japan is censored. They even censor their own adult films, which is why japanese sex movies are very very strange. And as DOAX3 is meant for the asian market, it wont even get any bare breasts. (Sniff...)
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NEKORODEO posted... This will NEVER happen as this is a Japanese game made for and by Japanese people that operate under Sony Japan. Sony Japan doesn't equal Sony USA/etc. Visible areolas absolutely WILL NOT HAPPEN. Bumps are one thing, (see also Senran Kagura and countless other examples) but DOAX will not ever have full breast nudity. "Not ever" is a very strong assertion, but in this instance you are probably correct. Legislature can introduce changes to national policy, which might suddenly change Sony's policy in turn. The world is seeing the conclusion of the sexual revolution. But these changes will likely not be anywhere near in time for DOAX3.
The Original Darklord First US Game Clear, July 21 2009 (29 hours play time)
DOAX7 or 8 will have it... I'll be 90 by then...
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