Dead Celebrity Couples Russia

Dead Celebrity Couples Russia


Перевести · 15.07.2021 · Put on your costume. Using a clean brush, apply the body glue to the outsides of the bullet holes so they stay in place while you wear your costume. If desired, add spirit gum on the outsides of the bullet holes to give them a more realistic appearance. Let these dry for 30 minutes.
Перевести · 31.10.2010 · October 31, 2010. 46 likes. Last night Hubby and I attended our 3rd annual Costume Party! I have never been a big fan of Halloween itself, but these costume parties have all been a lot of fun!! Checkout out 2008 and 2009. 2008 Fun Couples 2009 Hat Party. This year’s theme was “Famous Dead Couples”.
Перевести · 26.08.2011 · After his death, many Russian musicians wrote songs in his honour. Cause of Death: Bashlachev died after falling from the window of the eighth floor of his apartment on Kuznetsova Avenue in Leningrad. The most likely cause of his death …
Перевести · Most of all, the audience is attracted by star pairs of Russia 2019-2020. It is the inimitable stellar couples of celebrities of Russian show business and cinema that cause unprecedented interest among fans and questions: how do our beloved stellar couples …
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Перевести · This is the first of three tribute videos paying homage to famous faces that have passed away. No matter how they long or short their …
Перевести · 21.06.2020 · Some people are bigger than life itself, and they can prove that on numbers. Even after their deaths, some celebrities are still making millions and are still relevant in culture and business. Every year, Forbes releases a list of the highest-earning dead …
Перевести · 13.07.2021 · Princess Diana died when Harry was just 12 years old Read More . News. News See All News. Stars Who Opened Up About Their Sexuality and Gender Identity in 2021. ... New Celebrity Couples …'_list_of_the_world's_highest-paid_dead_celebrities
Перевести · 05.02.2019 · Michael Jackson, earned $825 million in 2016, the highest earnings for a celebrity dead or alive in a year. He has consistently topped the list since his death in 2009. This is a list of the highest-paid dead celebrities …
Перевести · (death announced on this date) Alexander Vladimirovich Starovoitov , 80, Russian politician and general. Robby Steinhardt, 71, American singer and violinist . Sir Graham Vick, 67, English opera director, …
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Russia-IC / People / In Depth / "Live Fast, Die Young" - 10 Russian Celebrities Gone Too Soon
 And we know, that it's always been so,
That Fate loves the one
Who lives by his own rules,
The one who dies young..
("The Star called the Sun" by Victor Tsoi and "Kino" band)
Viktor Tsoi
21 June 1962 - 15 August 1990 (aged 28)
Who: Russian rock musician, leader of the band "Kino" ("Cinema") and actor. One of the most popular rock musicians in the history of Russian music, the pioneer of Russian rock. The phenomenon of Victor Tsoi can only be compared with that of Kurt Cobain, except for Victor became perhaps the most influential musician in the last twenty years. "Kino" opened the doors for modern Russian rock bands. It's displayed today in many places around Russia, from graffiti on the fences of St. Petersburg to an entire wall dedicated to Viktor Tsoi in a bylane of the famous Arbat street in Moscow, where fans still gather to remember their hero.
Cause of death: Died in a car accident, when his car collided with a bus at high speed. The investigation concluded that Tsoi wasn't drunken, but had fallen asleep while driving, possibly due to fatigue.
 "Tsoi means more to the young people of our nation than any politician, celebrity or writer. This is because Tsoi never lied and never sold out. He was and remains himself. It's impossible not to believe him... Tsoi is the only rocker who has no difference between his image and his real life, he lived the way he sang... Tsoi is the last hero of rock." ("Komsomolskaya Pravda" paper)

Mikhail Lermontov (Biography)
15 October 1814-27 July 1841 (aged 26)
Who: Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", has become the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837. The whole his life is viewed as one of the most epic and dramatic in the history of Russian literature. His poem "Death of a Poet" dedicated to Pushkin's death, caused uproar, bring fame to Lermontov and became a cause of his exile in Causacus. His famous novel "A Hero of Our Time" earned him recognition as one of the founding fathers of Russian prose. Featuring the character Pechorin, the book is considered a pioneering classic of Russian psychological realism. 
Cause of Death: Lermontov was shot dead by the fellow army officer Nikolai Martynov in a duel.
"The Poet's dead! - a slave to honour -
He fell, by rumor slandered,
Lead in his breast and thirsting for revenge,
Hanging his proud head!..."
("Death of a Poet" by Mikhail Lermontov in memory of Alexander Pushkin)

Ruslana Korshunova
2 July 1987-28 June 2008 (aged 20)
Who: A famous Kazakh model of Russian descent, who stablishing herself as a rising figure in the fashion industry by posing for magazines like Vogue and designers such as Vera Wang and Nina Ricci. Korshunova was represented by IMG (New York, Paris, London and Milan), Beatrice (Milan), Traffic Models (Barcelona), Marilyn Models and iCasting Moscow, which was her mother agency. British Vogue hailed Korshunova as "a face to be excited about" in 2005. Korshunova modeled for the covers of French Elle and the Polish and Russian versions of Vogue.
Cause of Death: Ruslana died after falling from the ninth floor of a Manhattan in what was apparently a suicide. Few weeks before Ruslana wrote messages on her blog about her miserable love. But suicidal note was not found and many of her friends and relatives still doubt whether it was indeed suicide.
The famous Nina Ricci advertisement with Ruslana Korshunova - 

Sergei Yesenin (Biography)
3 October 1895-27 December 1925 (aged 30)
Who: one of the most popular and well-known Russian poets of the 20th century. Sergey Yesenin's flamboyant personality, peasant origins, and craving for self-destruction have forever canonized him as Russia's favorite "hooligan poet." He was a great poet of Russian soul and an example for many young people of that time. Today Yesenin's poems are taught to Russian schoolchildren; many have been set to music and recorded as popular songs.
Cause of Death: The last two years of Yesenin's life were filled with constant erratic and drunken behavior, but he also created some of his most famous poems. One day he allegedly cut his wrist and wrote a farewell poem in his own blood, then the following day hanged himself from the heating pipes on the ceiling of his room in the Hotel Angleterre.
"Goodbye, my friend, goodbye
My love, you are in my heart.
It was preordained we should part
And be reunited by and by.
Goodbye: no handshake to endure.
Let's have no sadness — furrowed brow.
There's nothing new in dying now
Though living is no newer"
(Yesenin's farewell poem written in his own blood)
Alexander Bashlachev (Biography)
27 May 1960-17 February 1988 (aged 27)
Who: a Russian poet, musician, guitarist, and singer-songwriter, one of the most authoritative musicians of Russian rock. Great poet, he was to take his place in Russian literature, but preferred life of vagrant musician, who was free, uncommited and friend to an enourmous amount of people. He created more than 60 wonderful poetic songs and recorded about 20 acoustic albums. After his death, many Russian musicians wrote songs in his honour.
Cause of Death: Bashlachev died after falling from the window of the eighth floor of his apartment on Kuznetsova Avenue in Leningrad. The most likely cause of his death was suicide, however there is uncertainty in that claim. Earlier he suffered from writer's block, depression and alcoholism.
I'll raise from the dead! That ought to make you laugh.
Just like that - I don't want to die and that's all.
Bring here a keg of rare, smooth laughter!
We'll drink and bite into some crunchy, tangy words.
("Funeral of the Jester" by Alexander Bashlachev)
Nikolay Dobrolyubov
5 February 1836-29 November 1861 (aged 25)
Who: a Russian literary critic, journalist, poet and revolutionary democrat. He is the most well-known critic after Belinsky, the main representative of the journalistic methods in the books' analysis. Unfortunately, Dobrolyubov didn't know glory in his life and his works became recognized only after his short, but eventful life. He stood against autocracy, wrote satiric poems about tsar and organized an underground democratic circle, issued a manuscript newspaper, and led the student's struggle against the reactionary University administration. His best known critical essays are: "What is Oblomovism?", "A Ray of Light in the Realm of Darkness"
Cause of Death: In 1860 Nikolay Dobrolyubov went abroad in an effort to treat incipient tuberculosis, which had been exacerbated by overwork. But the illness was growing headily, and in 1861 he died from acute tuberculosis.
What if I die? 'Twere little grief!
But one fear wrings my breast—
Perhaps Death too, may play on me
A grim, insulting jest.
I fear that over my cold corpse
Hot tears may fall in showers;
That someone, with a foolish zeal,
May heap my bier with flowers;
That friends may crowd behind my hearse
With thoughts of grief sincere,
And when I lie beneath the mould,
Men's hearts may hold me dear;
That all which I so eagerly
And vainly used to crave
In life, may brightly smile on me
When I am in my grave!
(Death's Jest" by Nikolay Dobrolyubov)
Sergei Grinkov
4 February 1967-20 November 1995 (aged 28)
Who: a Russian pair skater. Together with partner and wife Ekaterina Gordeeva, he was the 1988 and 1994 Olympic Champion and four-time World Champion. Gordeeva & Grinkov won virtually every competition they entered. They are one of the few pair teams in history to successfully complete a quadruple twist lift in international competition. They were known for the quality of their basic skating technique, because they didn't even make any noise while skating, but moved so luidly that their blades whispered over the ice. They garnered significant mention in numerous books about the world of figure skating. 
Cause of Death: On November 20, 1995 Grinkov collapsed and died from a massive heart attack in Lake Placid, New York, while he and Gordeeva were practicing for the upcoming 1995–1996 Stars on Ice tour. Later testing revealed that he had a genetic risk factor linked with premature heart attacks. The risk factor is now known as the "Grinkov Risk Factor".
"Celebration of a life" - Ekaterina Gordeeva skates to Adagietto in memory of her late husband Sergei Grinkov. 

Sergei Bodrov, Jr.
27 December 1971 - 20 September 2002 (aged 30)
Who: a Russian actor, film director and son of a playwright, actor, director and producer Sergei Bodrov. In Russia he is most well-known for his main role in films "Brother" and "Brother 2", where he played Danila Bagrov. The movie was regarded by many as culturally significant and for many of the younger generation, Bodrov's character Danila Bagrov became a hero and a role model. Besides it, Bodrov played in many popular Russian films and later tried himself as a film director. His first film "Sisters" was highly valued by critics and gained several rewards at Russian Film Festivals.
Cause of Death: The second Bodrov's film "The Messenger" was filmed in the Caucasus. In September, 19 the film crew went to Karmadon Gorge to film some scenes there. Suddenly according to official reports, a block of ice fell from Djimara Mountain onto the Kolka ice flow, bringing with it mud and large boulders. This mud flow covered Karmadon Ravine, where Sergey Bodrov and his crew were working. The bodies of 108 people are not still found because of the impossibility to cut the way through the glacier. Sergei Bodrov and members of his crew declared dead.
Song "Echolov" by Vyacheslav Butusov in memory of Sergei Bodrov. Video is edited by a film director Alexey Balabanov. 
Yanka Dyagileva (Biography)
4 September 1966 - 9 May 1991 (aged 24)
Who: a Russian poet and singer-songwriter, one of the brightest figures in Russia's underground punk scene. Yanka didn't like fame and press's attention, she also never recorded her songs in sound-recoring studios, preferring to give small home concerts for her friends. Yet she soon won the respect of all undeground scene and got the status of a cult person. Her songs were a mixture of desperate, punk-style nihilism and folk-like lamentations. She was greatly influenced by by Alexander Bashlachev, who was her friend, and Egor Letov, her lover and mentor.
Cause of Death: On May 9, 1991, Yanka disappeared from her countryside home and never returned. On May 17, she was found dead in the Inya River, far away from the place where she had disappeared. There are many suppositions about the cause of her death. Some people say it was a suicide after a long bout with depression, although no formal finding of suicide was made. The official point of view is that she accidentally drowned. Some of Yanka's friend think it could be a murder, because her skull had been fractured. But there is no documental evidence about it.
I repeat ten times and again
Nobody knows how fucking rotten I feel
And the television hangs from the ceiling
And how fucking rotten I feel, no one knows
I'm so fucking sick of all this
That I want to start all over again
This verse is sad, so sad that again I repeat
How fucking rotten I feel.
("My sadness is Luminous" by Yanka Dyagileva)

Dmitry Pisarev
14 October 1840 - 16 July 1868 (aged 28)
Who: a radical Russian writer, literary critic, journalist and revolutionary democrat. He is often named the third great Russian literary critic with revolutionary ideas after Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov. Main works - "Notes on the History of Labour", "Bazarov", "Realists", "Heinrich Heine", "Destruction of Aesthetics". Pisarev was one of the writers who propelled the democratic-revolutionary trend in Russia during the 1860s. Vladimir Lenin was one of those who grew up under the influence of Pisarev's works. Pisarev also influenced the career choice of the young Ivan Pavlov. He spent 4 years of his short life in prison on the charge ofcalls for the overthrow of authocracy.
Cause of Death: In summer of 1868 Dmitry Pisarev went to Gulf of Rigad for the rest, but drowned in sea near the Dubbeln (Dubulti) town.

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