Dd Spanking Stories

Dd Spanking Stories


Dd Spanking Stories
A lazy girlfriend asks her boyfriend to cane her after failing to take out their trash
A girlfriend clears her conscience bent over her boyfriend's desk before a girls' night out
A disobedient girlfriend bends over her boyfriends knee for the first time

Part 6 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A girl accepts her boyfriend's belting for deliberate disobedience
A lazy girl finishes a job application bent over her boyfriend's knee

m/f gym shoe over the knee spanking

A young wife repeats her vows under her husband's cane

m/f cane over a table white panties

A girl is caned on her first date for poor etiquette during dinner

Part 1 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Late on duty, a superyacht stewardess is bent over the chart table for the wooden ruler
A young wife gets a bedtime spanking for bad manners
When her spanking doesn't hurt enough, a dutiful girl asks for the cane
After reading a hidden book, a marketing executive gets hooked on spanking
Discovering a cane in a hotel, a horny girlfriend takes it home to her boyfriend
Itching for it, a willing girlfriend solicits a tough caning from her boyfriend
A girlfriend is grateful when her boyfriend imposes monthly punishment
A brave girlfriend faces strict cane strokes after lying

Part 7 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is held to account for uniform imperfections
Bad driving manners lands an obedient girl over the hood of her car for a week of caning
A girl is belted on a first date for brattish behavior
A young wife is strapped for her snappish attitude before dinner with her parents
A fashion buyer is punished on her first date for arriving late
A personal assistant comes during her strict office caning
A personal assistant visits her strict disciplinarian and tells her boyfriend
A well-dressed girlfriend visits her disciplinarian after her behavior crosses the line

f/f spanking discipline cane panties

Years after her schoolgirl crime, a principled human rights lawyer get the caning she deserves
A lawyer visits her disciplinarian after masturbating about her girlfriends' punishments
A smart girl is caned over her boyfriend's desk for lying

m/f cane over the desk lace lingerie

A once obedient girl is caned by her best friend's boyfriend for speeding
Two best friends share an unexpected sleepover and their paddled and caned bottoms
Giving unqualified advice about paddling earns a girl four sound swats on her jeans

Part 2 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A spanked superyacht stewardess confesses further misbehavior
A college girl gets caned and strapped for lying to her parents and her future boss

f/f spanking discipline cane lawyer

An obedient girlfriend bends over the kitchen table for her first ever caning
A girlfriend hosts a successful business dinner after her irritated boyfriend straps her

m/f spanking discipline paddle strap

Three best friends masturbate after sharing their worst punishments
Changing her jeans, a girl exposes her caned bottom to a curious friend
Her date's stern tone makes a discipline-hungry girl horny

Part 4 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

On a private beach, an embarrassed superyacht stewardess reveals her caned bottom to a guest
Blaming her obvious mistake on her boyfriend, a girlfriend must negotiate a hard spanking
A personal trainer is ordered to wear white panties by her new boyfriend
Questioning her strapping, a girlfriend feels the punishment belt on her wet, bare bottom

Part 3 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

A superyacht stewardess is caned in formal uniform for gross misconduct

Part 5 of Amy, Christina and Bianca

Desperate for discipline a uniformed superyacht stewardess wears non-regulation panties
A willful girl receives a sound hand strapping from her older sister
Overstepping, an experienced personal assistant feels the power of her riding crop
Disrespect leads a personal assistant to request six extra strokes of the cane
Backseat driving forces an over-confident girl to touch her toes for the cane
A girl-next-door is caned for dangerous driving and a wanton lie
A gutsy girlfriend asks for the cane before a work party to prove her obedience
Each regretting meaningless sex, two Swiss finishing school girls whip each other
Two disobedient customer service girls take the gym shoe to keep their jobs
Indiscretion leads two career girls to bed over the same dining table for the cane
An insensitive girl gets caned for bad manners after dinner with friends
A generous girl asks her boyfriend to cane her friend
During a hotel breakfast, a disciplined girl shares her embarrassment with a surprise new friend
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Well, I must admit I am pleased that it’s almost been two weeks and until today, I haven’t witnessed my wife break a rule. She has been on her best behaviour.
Tonight, there was a mishap that I still felt had to be addressed if my word is to mean anything. While I was watching the inauguration, my wife was preparing dinner, and I heard a loud bang followed a very loud, FUCK! Not once, not twice but I think five times.
I went into the kitchen to see a huge salad spilt all over the floor.
Not to toot my own horn, but I was very calm and asked her if she said what I thought she said, and she looked like she saw a ghost. I calmly told her to stand in the corner, the corner I showed which is the designated punishment corner.
She apologized and said she should never speak that way. I told her I appreciated her apology, but she needed to stand in the corner immediately. I lightly took her by the arm, and brought her to the corner, positioned her and told her to think about the language she used and not to turn around.
 Whew! The first step accomplished, and I had some time to prepare for the spanking. I decided to have her spend 20 minutes in the corner. I decided since it was her first spanking that I would use mostly my hand and then maybe 10 with the paddle.
After 20 minutes, I insisted she strip and stand in front of me.
I told her I was going to give her a spanking and I asked her why. She answered because I swore.
I put her over my knee and spanked her for about five minutes with my hand. She was quiet, but her behind turned pink.
I then grabbed my paddle, which I had next to the chair and gave her 10 fairly hard spanks. She was no longer quiet and begged me to stop. It was very hard for me, but I carried on and told her this would happen every time she swears. She started crying, and finally, I could tell by her sobbing, and the very red colour of her behind I had spanked her sufficiently. I sent her back to the corner and told her to think about her behaviour. She was crying still.
I made her stand in the corner for another 20 minutes. At the 15 minute mark, I made her turn to me, and I put a bar of soap in her mouth and told her to spend 5 minutes with it in her mouth.
She gagged a little and then I turned her back to face the corner.
I spent these five minutes lecturing her on how inappropriate it is for a lady of her beauty and intelligence to use such words. It will not be tolerated, and I hope that your behind will remind you not to. I could tell she wanted to speak but couldn’t because of the soap. When her corner time was finished, I let her spit out the soap and had her watch me put in a sealable bag reminding her that it’s her for future use.
I had her hang my paddle back up and put the soap in the medicine cabinet.
I then hugged her and told her she handled her punishment well. I told her to continue cleaning up and make dinner but to remain nude. And that is what she is doing now. I think I will let her put her clothes on after dinner and cleanup.
Well, for the first spanking, I think it went well. I remained calm, was very firm and gave her a good spanking. She was pretty submissive and very embarrassed. I think nude corner time with soap made her feel humiliated, which I feel was deserved.
I can’t deny that it was challenging to really spank her, but I am determined to steer her right and improve my marriage.
Domestic Discipline Lifestyle For Consenting Adults


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This story depicts the Domestic discipline/BDSM lifestyle of two consenting adults, Nick and Eva. The fiction includes erotic moments and Eva's punishments
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Today I saw that my account shows no work by me when earlier there were 13-14 chapters. Is it possible that someone hacked my profile and deleted my stories?
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As some of our readers may already know, I gave my husband quite the belt whuppin’ a couple weeks ago. If you haven’t see it already, here’s his account of that domestic discipline spanking over the coffee table . He still has some marks and bruising from that spanking, along with a good attitude and good behavior. After a harsh spanking like that, he’ll generally behave himself for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes a little longer. Around that point, I can almost count on some orneriness to start creeping back in and it quickly spirals downward. But, for these upcoming weeks, I’m going to enjoy the fruits of my handy work with the belt and he’ll enjoy a good disposition and not getting himself into trouble or spanked during this time. So with said, I thought I’d share a tip I like to use sometimes before we have company stay with us.
My husband and I generally host company several times a year as we both have family out of state who come to visit. We enjoy these visits but, for obvious reasons, they can interfere with me meting out any punishments my husband earns immediately before or during the visits. Plus, as men tend to do, sometimes he gets a little extra machismo when he has an audience. A bunch of boys get together and it’s like they just can’t help themselves! LOL While I do enjoy SOME playfulness and wouldn’t want to squelch that entirely, I’ve found that a good pre-company spanking does WONDERS for my husband’s attitude, demeanor and eagerness to assist with getting the house ready for company, as well as his behavior while company is here. For my lady friends out there who spank their husbands, here are some tips that I hope can help you out as well.
As I’ve mentioned, I end up giving my husband a woodshed whuppin’ about every other month. He also gets attitude adjustments here and there but when I really tear his backside up during what we call a trip to the woodshed, he is so well balanced, behaved, and eager to please. So with that said, when company is going to be coming over for a stay, it is not too hard to time out his next spanking accordingly. Oftentimes, it’s just a matter of postponing a spanking a week or two. On one hand, I have to put up with his arrogant behavior a little longer, but on the other hand, he just digs himself into deeper trouble earning even a more severe spanking than what he would’ve gotten. Often times it is worth the trade off.
You might think that spanking your husband right before your company arrives is the way to go, but I’ve learned from experience that one week before is the perfect time for a pre-company spanking. The reason being, is that right after a woodshed whuppin’, he is a whupped pup. Very subservient, very eager to please and very subdued. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why and appreciate that part of the process. I enjoy the daily kisses to my foot, the impromptu foot and back massages and other tantalizing things he does to me. BUT…when we are having company, I like him to have a little of that “puppy” back in him that our friends and family recognize. A week after a real whuppin’, he is still well behaved and still eager to please but is more like himself. Just very balanced and still very well behaved.
As I mentioned before, our FLR situation is a bit modified. I do generally get what I want but we are still very much a partnership and loving couple. We just have real discipline/accountability for him added into the mix. My point is that I don’t ~want~ my husband to be my whipping boy or servant. And as is the case, I don’t try to command him to do everything around the house in preparation for company. We both take roles in that preparation. He has his list of chores he needs to do (that he usually comes up with himself), and I have my list of chores I need to do before company comes. But when I blister his backside a week before company arrives, he is ALL OVER his list. Very motivated to get everything done and in great fashion. Prior to these pre-company spankings, it wasn’t uncommon for 1 or 2 items from his list to not get done. Sometimes those things were not a big deal but sometimes there were things that WERE a big deal and caused me some frustration that it didn’t get done. After incorporating this practice, there is a certain “pep in his step” in doing the things he needs to do, and the added benefit of not having to keep reminding (OK nagging) him about the items on his list.
Like I’ve said, I almost always time this out so that it is a woodshed whuppin’ level spanking. There are several posts about how those go down on our blog. But when it is also a pre-company spanking, I do talk a little more. After the initial part of the spanking, I’ll ask in between swats if he’s is going to behave during company. I’ll also remind him that if he misbehaves while company is here, that I WILL find the time and the place to take the Wicked Switch to him. (It is silent and extremely effective.)
For the most part, I can rely on the whuppin’ itself (and his sore bottom) to remind him to behave but it helps to have little reminders as well. Here is another case for “sandal associations for spankings”. For instance, and as many readers already know…the meanest belt in our house, is my Italian leather belt that has been oiled
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