Dd Internet Slang

Dd Internet Slang


Dd Internet Slang

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Last edited on Nov 24 2013. Submitted by Chad K.
on Jan 29 1998 .

Last edited on Nov 24 2013. Submitted by Danni from MA, USA
on Nov 21 1999 .

Last edited on Jul 24 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA
on Jul 24 2010 .

Last edited on Nov 24 2013. Submitted by Mindchic from Detroit, MI, USA
on Nov 22 2013 .

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Definitions include: acronym for "significant other".
Definitions include: acronym for "you are not a lawyer."
Definitions include: acronym for "if you don't like it, get the fuck out".
Definitions include: acronym for "extra virgin olive oil".
Definitions include: acronym for "I'm not an expert".
Definitions include: acronym for "no later than".
Definitions include: "no", but less strong.
Definitions include: acronym for "link goes to".
Definitions include: acronym of "post-digestive particulates."
Definitions include: acronym for "way TMI ", i.e. "way too much information".
Definitions include: acronym for "hocus pocus fucking magic".
Definitions include: acronym for "trying to conceive".
Definitions include: acronym for " come in my mouth".
Definitions include: misspelling of hottie .
Definitions include: to be in need of sex with a male.
Definitions include: a very good, trusted friend, often from childhood; " homie "; " boy ".
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: acronym for " piece of ass ".
Definitions include: A casual observance of someone you find very attractive.
Definitions include: form of address for a sexy person.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: a person with whom one has sex, but without friendship or dating.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: an attractive person.
Definitions include: a very cute person, of any age.
Definitions include: a person who one wants to bang (i.e. have sex with.)
Definitions include: to be so drunk, that "fucked up" doesn't quite cover it.
Definitions include: in an irreparably bad situation; "out of luck"; " screwed ".
Definitions include: extremely drunk.
Definitions include: extrenely drunk.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; " cool "; " awesome ".
Definitions include: To be drunk or high.
Definitions include: intoxicated to the point of vomiting.
Definitions include: a person who must travel in the trunk of a car because there are no seats left.
Definitions include: to sit in the middle seat in the front or back of a vehicle (" bitch ").
Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle.
Definitions include: to attempt to maximize gas mileage by making fuel-conserving adjustments to one's car and one's driving techniques.
Definitions include: to ride on the top of a moving car.
Definitions include: the seat behind the passenger seat in a vehicle.
Definitions include: a traffic jam.
Definitions include: a person who lives in a rural area.
Definitions include: leaving, often quickly.
Definitions include: a mechanic, originally on motorcycles, but now any kind of repairman.
Definitions include: an automatic transmission.
Definitions include: to leave or exit quickly.
Definitions include: to have sex with a male.
Definitions include: "Dungeons and Dragons".
Definitions include: acronym for " dick and balls ".
Definitions include: shortened form of " douche bag ."
Definitions include: penis; " dick ".
Definitions include: McDonald's restaurant.
Definitions include: "need the dick ".
Definitions include: acronym for "pretty huge dick ".
Definitions include: daughter; acronym for "dear daughter".
Definitions include: a moron; " goof ".
Definitions include: a woman who will betray you for any reason
Definitions include: to use two condoms at one time during sex.
Definitions include: someone who is even uglier than a bagger .
Definitions include: very good, excellent, the best; " cool ".
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: so ugly that after a guy has chewed off his arm to get away without waking her, he would later chew off the other arm so not to be recognizable as being a "one armed man" in the event she comes searching for him.
Definitions include: to date a girl and have sex with her, then do the same with her sister.
Definitions include: to strongly dare someone to do something.
Definitions include: professors, scientists, pundits, brainy types.
Definitions include: of coffee, with two packets of cream or milk, and two packets of sugar.
Definitions include: to substantially increase one's investment in or focus on.
Definitions include: to hold two alcoholic drinks, one in each hand.
Definitions include: a sledge hammer with two heads.
Definitions include: friends of one's girlfriend, who spy on you, etc.
Definitions include: a passenger in a motor vehicle who tells the driver how to drive better.
Definitions include: daughter; acronym for "dear daughter".
Definitions include: to drive real fast, non-stop, cross-country.
Definitions include: to make one crazy.
Definitions include: an execution carried out with firearms shot from a moving vehicle.
Definitions include: to make crazy.
Definitions include: to make a person crazy.
Definitions include: to severely aggravate someone.
Definitions include: acronym for "driving while black".
Definitions include: acronym for "Driving While Texting."
Definitions include: acronym for " fuck it , drive on."
Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle.

Mathilde is DD - been virgin for 6 months now
n. Designated Driver . One who abstains from " partying " so everyone can get home safely .
We're going out tonight, and I'm the DD , as per usual .
by The Grammar Nazi January 6, 2002
DD stands for "Daredemo Daisuki " which literally translates to "Love Anyone" it's a word thrown quite often in the vtuber community (Chinese ones particularly)
it's basically loving everyone equally but can be used in different context such as, loving more than one or to split something (I recommend watching civia's stream)
Dad: Who the hell is this person named DD calling your phone? You: Uh it's a new person in the class . She's actually really funny!
Due Diligence . When you are or feel obligated to give insight or tell fellow investors/autists about a high-potential position so that you aren't alone when it expires worthless.
I created an account at buildingdetroit.org for more DD and it turns out that Detroit city employees can get Detroit homes for 50% off. The land itself has to be worth more than $500. I am proposing that we apply for positions within the Detroit city government. First, we need to get some autists to work in the HR department . An unlimited amount of positions could be created within the government. We are also going to need some autists to work in the tax department so that we can get rid of the tax liens. There also seemed to be some concern about the asbestos issue in the original thread. The asbestos would give us access to mesothelioma money you always hear about on TV, which could, in turn, be yeeted back into the market. I don't see how this could go tits up.
DD started on a simulated military based on Habbo Hotel . DD has now become a large cult that is mainly for outcasts and social rejects who target vulnerable people online. They are very identifiable as they wear purple bucket hats.
Why did you join DD? Do you have any self-respect ?
A typical scenario at DD.
customer: Medium cawfee , regula pleaz.

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Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
See also: Dd , DD , .dd , d.d. , -dd , D.D. , D&D , and ḏd
Abbreviation of du da ?, directly translated as "you then?".

Usage is mostly by teenagers and youth online and in text messaging, most commonly combined with other initialisms from both Norwegian and English.

Abbreviation of dag ( “ day ” ) , from Old Norse dagr ( “ day ” ) , from Proto-Germanic *dagaz ( “ day ” ) , possibly from Proto-Indo-European *dʰegʷʰ- ( “ to burn; warm, hot ” ) or *dʰeǵʰ- ( “ day ” ) .

Like the other Welsh digraphs, dd is considered a distinct letter of the Welsh alphabet for all purposes, including collation. Thus, ddoe is alphabetically sorted after dydd .

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