Day 5 - Hydration

Day 5 - Hydration

Marathon Bot


You’ve probably heard it all your life, “You should drink more water.” Well, it’s true, Many adults struggle to achieve the recommended daily water intake of 2-2.5(1)(2)(3) 

Almost every part of your body needs water to work(4).

Without water, your body wouldn’t be able to digest food or deliver nutrients to your cells.

But did you also know that water contributes to the maintenance of normal physical and cognitive functions, and to the maintenance of normal regulation of the body’s temperature.

In fact, every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function properly(4)(5)

Your body is 60 to 70% water, so stay hydrated(1)

(1) EFSA 2010;8(3):1459
(2) Beck AM et al. Nutr. 2021;13(9):3142
(3) Salehi B. et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(9):2843
(4) Jéquier, & Constant. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010;
(5) Popkin, et al. Nutr Rev 2010; 68(8), 439-458.
(6) Armstrong, and Johnson, Nutrients 2018;10(12)

4 Tips to Help You Stay Hydrated

1. See and track it

Fill a large bottle and put it on your desk or kitchen counter. Keep in mind how many times you need to refill it to meet your daily requirement. The simplicity of seeing water can remind you to drink more and help you keep track of how much you need to drink. There are also apps that can send you reminders to help you track your water level intake.

2. Wake up to it

“A dry mouth” is a natural reminder that you need to drink more. Keep a glass of water next to your bed and drink it first thing in the morning.

3. Drink it

Start your meals with a glass of water, as it can help you to reach your daily water intake.

4. Flavour it

Fancy up your water. Add a slice of fresh lemon or lime, some cucumber, a few berries, aloe, some fresh mint or a slice of fresh ginger to your water. It makes it feel special and adds a hint of refreshing flavour.

(*) 2-2.5 l of water/fluids a day is recommended. EFSA 2010;8(3):1459

Beverage Options

Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts 

By adding Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts to your water, you can get the hydration you need available in original, lemon, raspberry, or peach  flavors. 

Instant Herbal Beverage with Tea Extracts is a refreshing drink that contributes to your daily hydration goals, and it is a simple way to dress up your water and build a new habit.

** Serving suggestion for Herbal Tea Concentrate

Herbal Aloe Concentrate/ AloeMax

Aloe is an impressive plant originating from Egypt over 6000 years ago and it has been used throughout history due to its many health benefits(7).

Herbalife Nutrition Herbal Aloe Concentrate and  Aloe Max both are great options for a tasty low-calorie drink that will help you stay hydrated. Just mix it with water for a light, refreshing drink that helps you achieve adequate fluid intake for the day.

(7) Salehi B, et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(9):2843.

** Serving suggestion for Aloe Concentrate

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