Davis Job

Davis Job

About Us

This app will quickly help you find the next part-time job for you. Finding a part-time job is as simple as it is.

1. Enter a keyword or job title and tell it the job you are looking for.

2. Use the filter function to find the job you like!

3. Apply for a job with a single click!

4. Flexible work allows you to get more new opportunities!

If you have any difficulty finding a job, please email dsje_2s1@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

This Service Agreement is a legal agreement between the User and the Platform (including but not limited to the relevant rights and obligations stated).

This agreement describes the detailed terms of this platform to provide users with network services. Therefore, please read all the contents of this service agreement in a detailed and detailed manner before registering as a user of this platform. When the user clicks the "Agree" button or uses any of the network services provided by the Platform, it is deemed to agree to and accept all specifications of the Service Agreement and is bound by it.

The user should be clear: no matter whether it is actually read before registration, as long as the user clicks the "Agree" button and successfully registers according to the relevant registration procedures, the user's behavior indicates that the user has unconditionally accepted this agreement and the management announced by the company. Prescribed and willing to be bound by it. In the event of a dispute, the user may not defend against the lack of careful reading.

In addition, the user is reminded that the provisions of this agreement may be changed at any time. When modifying this user agreement, the platform will announce the facts of the modification on the relevant page without separately notifying the user separately. Please check regularly. If the user does not agree to the service agreement and/or modify it at any time, the user may voluntarily cancel the service provided by the platform. If the user continues to use the service provided by the platform, the user agrees that the user agrees to all updates made by the platform to this agreement. content.

1. privacy protection

Protecting the privacy of users (especially minors) is a basic policy of the platform.

The platform will use commonly available security technologies and procedures to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The platform will not be responsible for the loss of user accounts or the disclosure of user profiles due to the fault of the platform.

The platform promises not to disclose the real name, ID number, home address, mailing address, postal code, e-mail address, password, password protection prompt question and answer in the user registration data without obtaining the user's permission. However, the following conditions will not be covered by this commitment:

(1) The user allows the platform to disclose these personal data;

(2) Relevant laws, regulations or administrative regulations require the platform to disclose the user's personal data;

(3) The judicial organ or administrative agency requires the platform to disclose the user's personal data based on legal procedures;

(4) In order to protect the intellectual property rights and other property rights of the platform, it is necessary to disclose the personal data of the user;

(5) In order to protect the personal safety of other users and the public in an emergency, it is necessary to disclose the user's personal data;

(7) The platform may cooperate with third parties to provide relevant network services to users. In this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same responsibility for protecting user privacy as the platform, the platform may register the user's registration information. Etc. to the third party.

Under the premise of not revealing the privacy information of individual users, the platform has the right to conduct technical analysis on the entire user database and make commercial use of the analyzed and sorted user database.

2. Disclaimer

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, this platform does not guarantee that the services provided by this platform will meet the requirements of users, nor guarantee that the services provided will not be interrupted, and that the timeliness, security, and errors of the services will occur. And whether the information can be accurately, timely, and smoothly transmitted without any guarantee.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, this Platform does not cause any incidental, indirect, special, or indirect damages arising out of or in connection with the services of the Platform. Or request any responsibility.

If the user objects to the terms of any service agreement or disagrees with the modification of the subsequent agreement, or is dissatisfied with the service of the platform, the user has only the following recourse rights:

(1) The platform service is no longer used;

(2) requesting the platform to cancel the user's account of the platform;

(3) Notice that the platform stops the user from accepting the network service of the platform.

The headings in this agreement are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

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