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Approx length. Description of you as an artist and your field of art (Sculpture, Music, Video, Digital Art...) Davide Dormino is an artist, sculptor and an engaged citizen. He speaks through various visual forms like drawings, sculpture, design and performance.

His work is mostly expressed in scuplture and design. He seeks new forms by favouring old-fashioned systems for working on materials such as marble, bronze and iron. The entirety of his artistic research is entrusted to the grandeur of a creative process rooted in fundamental human issues. He has a dialogue with size, working in every physical scale, in order to represent an idea and insert it in the most suitable vessel. Every artistic expression becomes a fertile terrain with which to estabish exclusive and incisive relations with an external environment. Flux, vectors, bridges, and works both great and small: materials transformed without artifice but shaped by a will to become the timeless interpretor of the Spirit of Art.


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