David Blaine Nose Job

David Blaine Nose Job


David Blaine Nose Job

We have quite enough self-publicising show-offs of our own, thank you

He still lasted 44 days hanging over the Thames in a plastic shoebox. Give the man some credit for that, at least

He is not a special man so why should he get all this publicity

I think Blaine was unwise in putting his system at risk in this way

Let's hope his next trick is a disappearing one

If you don't like it, don't watch it!

He is doing it to boost his ego, his popularity, and his bank balance - pure selfishness

I think the people of London are pretty damn pathetic and have no knowledge about what he is doing

Like most criticism, it's a reflection of our own failings

Blaine is a great entertainer and good luck to him

Why would anyone enjoy being a fish in a bowl when the real fish longs for freedom?

It speaks volumes about certain Londoners

I think Blaine is doing really well so far. Already it is an achievement

He is supposed to be an illusionist so the clown probably isn't even in the box

I thought he could self-levitate. If that's the case then why does he need a box?

I think he's great, all my faith is with him, he can do it

If Blaine leaves without significant weight loss he is a fraud; else he is a fool

What is interesting about seeing a man starve himself to death?

I think David Blaine is a amazing person and mentally so strong

The fact that it's so simple makes it so interesting and cool

He is testing his own endurance for the world to see

I'm starting to admire him as the days go by

If he started causing traffic jams on the Brooklyn Bridge people would react negatively

So far the most amusing part of this stunt is all the antics of the passers-by

My lovely boat ride down the Thames was ruined at Tower Bridge by that buffoon

Fellow podsters could then marvel at his unique feat of endurance

I suspect the water he is getting is more than just H2O

I think he fully intended the British public to react the way they did

Why are Londoners reacting in such a hostile, and violent, manner?

Each time he contacts someone on the ground, the 44 days should be re-started

David Blaine is a wonder, and I support him fully

He is continually upping the stakes

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According to his pre-exit medical briefing, prepared by Professor Marinos Elia from the University of Southampton, he will need careful monitoring in order to avoid sudden death when he starts taking in food.

This is the latest of Blaine's bizarre stunts. Previous separate challenges had him encased in a six-tonne block of ice, buried six feet under and balancing on a 100-foot column for 34 hours.

Are you a David Blaine fan? Does his work give you the creeps? How do you think he does it?

This debate is now closed. Read a selection of your comments below.

The following comments reflect the balance of views we have received:

I am scandalized that such a non-event could become news. There are millions of people starving in this world. I am ashamed, as a human being that this can happen in the 21st century and receive such media attention. Judith Wuarin, Switzerland

A quick note to all the 'Blaine Baiters'. Just what did you think you were trying to prove? David Blaine might not be doing what you consider to be worthwhile and you might not even like him, but what you did to him was totally unacceptable. His stunts and illusions have been enjoyed all over the world by people like me and when he gets to the UK you made us all look like thugs. When you went back to your mates and proudly boasted over what you had done, did you not feel even the slightest remorse? We (the British) used to have a worldwide reputation for being polite and approachable, now we are tarnished with the reputation of being antisocial and rude. If this is what a visitor to our country is likely to expect, then I pity us all. Nathan Williams, Wales

I have been to see David Blaine three times, I hope he liked the taste of the British weather. He was lucky he got away from the ice and the snow. He chose the right place - there was nothing to entertain children, at least one organisation gave my daughter and her friends some chalk to do some drawings on the pavement, they received some tee shirts. Come on David you should have thought of the children who came to see you - perhaps you should have threw some souvenirs out of your box for a little bit of magic.

Hayes, Middlesex

There are millions starving around the world. If David Blaine had undertaken this stunt to high light their plight and raise sponsor money he would be respected. Sadly David is obviously incapable of thinking outside the box. Steve, London, UK

He is a showman and is brilliant at it. People fail to understand this. Sahil Zutshi, UK

Why are so many people suddenly enraged by the risks he has taken, the (possible) costs to the tax payer, and the morality in relation to the third world? The same criticisms could be directed to those who climb the highest mountains, descend the deepest oceans or cross the Polar Regions. All have serious consequences, result in individuals requiring intensive healthcare, and all such expeditions cost a fortune. But they are classed as heroes. What is the difference? Richard, England

For somebody who has supposedly not eaten anything for 44 days he has not lost much weight. Although he has clearly lost some I do not believe that it is four stones. The whole sham is an illusion in the same way that David Copperfield did not really make the statue of Liberty disappear. The water supply must have contained some nutrients.


I hope that he is providing funding for the police used and his hospital treatment, or will the UK taxpayers be paying out yet again? Go back home Mr Blaine and entertain those that will entertain you. Mark Thompson, UK

I couldn't care what David Blaine has "achieved". He has made a lot of money out of starving himself, something that is forced on far too many people around the globe. If he wants any admiration from me he should donate that (and any other profits) to help people who are really starving. I hope he pays for his hospital bills too and doesn't lump the cost on the NHS. Paul, UK

I think it's an interesting statement for a millionaire to go without food for over a month in a society that excess and wastage is totally acceptable. Tanisha Curthan, UK

Never mind how, how about WHY? If all this publicity was used for something more worthwhile than inflating one mans ego and pocket. He should donate any money he makes from this to people who actually live in conditions of suffering. It amazes me that so much money has been wasted on media coverage and the expense of keeping him in there, when all that he or this coverage actually has achieved is nothing, only himself and the ratings of C4 and sky see benefit...he can only be fuelled by greed, ignorance and delusion.. original89, England

What it is about Blaine that brought the worst out of part of the public? Is it that these people who harassed him all the time have no life, no concept of respect for someone different and the only emotion they could display was hatred? Well done Blaine, for staying up there, and in those conditions. Emma, UK

The day they prove there was no liquid food in the tube, or nutrient supplements is the day I'll believe he has done something special! Scott, UK

What David done was good so why can't all the people leave him alone? He came to the UK to entertain and no one appreciates it! Well, I think what he did is brilliant and I wish him the best for what he does next!!


For whatever reason Blaine did this stunt, I don't think he deserved being ridiculed and tormented by spectators. If people don't agree with what he is doing then don't watch. Regarding the people who claim he is somehow making light of world famine, look at yourselves, are you contributing to the problem are to the solution? You will find most are hypocrites. Rob , Canada

Like him or not, everyone in the country is talking about him. How many people can do that by being in a box?


What David Blaine has done is really humanly achievable. But what you, the public have done really goes to show you narrow-mindedness on such matters. Perhaps you all should learn more about other 'feats' practised by people in different countries. Perhaps then you, the western civilisation, would learn to respect and understand others that live in the same world. You think performing such feats as climbing Mt Everest is historical and the person to do so is made out to be a hero, but what about the simple folk like the Sherpas who climb it daily, who also are ones whom carry the load for the 'heroes'? Your reaction to what someone like David has done really shows your lack of understanding and insecurity.

Imran, Malaysia

Don't worry, it's just a man in a box.

Newcastle, UK

So, he might be an idiot, trying to kill himself and making a show of all this. But I simply can't understand why some people try to harass and abuse him. It is none of their business! Fiansis, HK

The one thing Blaine is likely to have learnt from his experience is; what a bunch of barbaric, moronic idiots live in this country. I don't suppose he will be coming back, and I don't blame him. Shame on us. Graeme, England

How does David Blaine do it? Being a complete and utter pillock helps. What a waste of space he is. Ben, Scotland

For those who seem to abhor this silly man, why don't you do him the ultimate indignity for an entertainer: ignore him? Matt, US

We in the US are puzzled as to why people are so upset with David Blaine. "Why is he doing this," they ask (ask him when he's finished, if he hasn't said why already). "What about all the truly starving people in the world, why isn't he helping them?" (and what are YOU doing about those who are starving?). "Let's go throw food at him/wake him up/etc." Really, why do you care?


Sorry to sound like a sadist, but wouldn't it be funny if they dropped the box? Heh heh heh... Jon Lipscombe, UK

I'm appalled. This is clearly a mockery of an historical and punishment - solitary confinement. He should be ashamed!!! Mick Bell, Australia

Why on Earth do people keep rattling on about how Blaine's stunt is making a mockery of the starving people and political prisoners of this world?! Why can't people get into their tiny minds that David Blaine is an ENTERTAINER, he is an ILLUSIONIST and this is a free country. People should realise that this STUNT is not making mockery of these issues at all, it is just one man trying to push himself to the limit. I suppose the people who have this opinion of Blaine's stunt also think that marathon walkers are trying to make a mockery of WW2 POWs that were forced to do death marches through Burma or that the popular knife throwing magic trick is designed to push fun at people who have died in violent knife attacks! He is a performer performing. Nothing more. Liam Ballinger, Leeds, UK

Isn't it wonderful how, in this modern age, it's possible to become world-famous for doing ..... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! No wonder China is trying to get to the Moon ... it's probably the one place where this self-indulgent idiot can't lock himself in a box!!! Ian, Brit in USA

Let's see him do some real magic. For example he could vanish from the box, or get out looking just as he did, when he went in. McNigel, UK

If all those who use starving people as their excuse for abusing this man contributed Β£1 to a relevant charity maybe the starving wouldn't be such an issue Andy, UK

After all those things I heard and read about him, my only conclusion is that, David Blaine is an alien, which, firstly, has the ability of not eating anything for 44 days and secondly, has such a stupid idea of locking himself up in a transparent box like an animal in a zoo.

Joyce Ng,
Hong Kong

I don't really care how he does it. I saw Tilda Swinton lying in a glass box at the Serpentine Gallery 8 years ago - and daft as it sounds it was a thing of beauty. It was like stepping in to the Sleeping Beauty fairytale, and was magical. This is just a boring stunt. Ellen, UK

It's a case of mind over matter, and a lot of money can focus the mind very well. I do wonder what's in the water, though?

Mike Seycoum,

I don't know what to believe, I don't know how someone could do that. What propels him to think up such crazy stunts? I can't wait to see him come out of the box, and I think he's really brave but stupid at the same time. I only hope he hasn't done too much damage to his body not eating for 44 days. Emma Brown, Cumbria

David Blaine is stupid. What is the point in doing all of these stunts? He should be arrested for attempted suicide. Anybody else would be, so why shouldn't he? Jonesy, England

I had seen Blaine on the streets of New York before he was famous doing his acts - There is something there, without doubt I can say that - but starving yourself is not a magic act or an illusion - There are people starving without any intention to do so! So, please "give us a break!"


To be honest it wasn't what it was made out, a stunt which would suspend him really high and no contact, not a few yards off the ground with contact from his friends and manager. Maybe he should stick to impressing the US. Adrian Bester,

You can't see what he is hiding in the black tube! If he's not eating there is no reason for the tube as he is not doing number 2s. Deborah Wills, Ireland

Big deal. In most developing countries, living just on water and having no food is sadly a normal way of life. M M Zaman, UK in US

Why would a person be so willingly to starve himself in an aquarium? Why would anyone enjoy being a fish in the bowl while the real fish longs for freedom? I personally think that his acts are stupid and if he does have time, he would do more good in working for Oxfam or sweeping the streets continuously for 44 days trying to break the book of records. Vanessa, Hong Kong

In a world where so many die each year from diseases caused by over-eating, David Blaine is to be admired. Whether deliberate or not, his stunt serves to bring to our collective attention to the resilience and adaptability of the human mind and body. What is most interesting must be the reactions people have to what he is doing. Clearly, the great British public have reverted back to London mob mode and would be happier had he placed himself in stocks. Well done David but choose a more sophisticated audience for your next one.

Bill O'Connell,

I don't think it is an illusion. In fact David Blaine should be admired as he is very much the modern day Houdini, who often performed similar feats to similarly disbelieving crowds. The one thing Houdini never faked (even though he was also a gifted magician and illusionist) was the endurance levels required to complete this sort of task. It is clear that David Blaine is trying to do the same sort of thing here. Good luck to him.

Liverpool, England

Call him what you will. Believe what you like. But I've seen him and I think he may really got magic! By the way, I think some people are a little too angry here Jill.

Rick Hunter,

So he may be an egotistical idiot but he's doing no harm (except to himself). People who don't like it should just ignore him. The fact that they go there to ridicule, shout abuse and throw things suggest that he is not the only idiot around. I can't believe that some people here feel proud of such behaviour. Jill, UK

Too be honest I really don't understand why anyone would want to do this! I don't have a problem with him doing it and think people should lay off him a bit. Maybe he IS hoping to be the next Houdini, if so, good luck to him. He certainly is a strange one!


Well I think his latest stunt is great. Went with the kids last week and it was a nice day out. Got ice cream. Waved at David Blaine. Took a photo. It had a definite air of the Victorian spectacle about it. Don't forget he's an illusionist/entertainer not a hunger striker. Christian, UK

He is a ILLUSIONIST. I don't know how he does it although i do find him rather creepy. I say good luck to him although I think he should stick to impressing America ...


The one thing that is undeniable is that he is a fantastic entertainer. The amount of time spent by everybody including his fiercest critics is proof of this. Sebastian, England

Who cares? I think he has too much money and too much time on his hands. I don't hate him, I just don't see the point. Nancy, UK

"It speaks volumes about Londoners" - yeah - it says we don't have time for egotistical idiots who have nothing better to do with their time. By the way, I would think given the location of his stunt that it's not just Londoners who are partaking in ridiculing him. Nancy, London

These comments are hilarious. The one comparing him to Christ is the best so far! I also liked the one about hanging Blair in a box. Good show!!! Malcolm, UK

David I love you, Jesus loves you, the higher you go the closer you get to God. I really want to meet you. Lots of love Bridget. xxx Bridget, Wiltshire

The question should be; why does David Blaine do it, not how he does it. I fail to understand why he thinks people enjoy watching him starve himself. Bob, USA

I think David Blaine is a complete ding bat and should stop playing god. Alan G, UK

To everyone who says it's an illusion - how do you arrive at that statement? How is it done then? Graham, UK

The only thing he wants is publicity. The best thing everyone can do is to ignore him as without an audience he gets nothing. John R. Smith, UK

David Blaine is a genius. Perhaps even better than Houdini. He is criticized no
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