Davey Wavey Pics

Davey Wavey Pics


Davey Wavey Pics

By Queerty Staff February 18, 2010 at 5:02am · 72 comments
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

Probably because he’s not talking, moving, or philosophizing.
It wouldn’t’ve been Davey Wavey with a shirt on..
# eight is my fav. They’re all great pics. Hot
I’ve always found him hot. Sometimes a bit annoying but tha happens with everyone. Lol
He looks better when he’s not talking.
I will admit he has a beautiful body–those nipples, especially, are amazing. But I’m so glad I don’t have to hear him talk.
“you’re eyes look vacant, you need to ‘smize'”
“your eyes look vacant, you need to ‘smize'”
He is pretty hot and I think his messages are pretty good for younger gay guys. He would speak to the 14 to 22 age group quite well. So he does have a market. I really do like that he “acts gay” and encourages other to be themselves. Young gay people really need that. So yeah I’m a fan.
I like him. I would like him more if he would respond to people asking him questions and trying to socialize with him on the internet. That just makes him seem full of him self.
Love the photo with his legs spread open. He rocks the undergear.
Meh. He wouldn’t get a 2nd glance on Fire Island.
Looking at Davey in this fashion kinda seems like incest…. : P
he should stick to being an annoying voice. he has a nice body, but he doesn’t seem to know what to do with his arms and his face barely changes from photo to photo.
Someone with a body like that has great modeling potential! However, when you have the same facial expression picture after picture I begin to doubt it..
What’s interesting here is that, for someone who talks so much about inner beauty, the spirit, the soul, etc. he sure puts a lot of effort into showing his physique, knowing that he will be judged by it. In the end, I think he’s all about bullshit.
@ rodrigo : He really wouldn’t cut it in high-stakes modeling, although he clearly is trying for that, which just proves that the Internet is only a means to an end – self-promotion, publicity, etc. – and that all his vlogs are fake. He has an Olmec head, and not strong enough face features. The body? Yeah, good for porn. Maybe he should do that. It’d be fun to see him star in a movie called “Break the Illusion” and see his hole broken.
Queerty, does he pay you? Are these paid placements? Aside from him paying you to blog about him there really is no explanation for your fascination with him.
@ hardmannyc : And that means so very, very much…..
After long hitting the saturation point on his gay Mr. Rodgers orations I think he’s best seen and not heard.
I wonder if he talks when he is getting plowed? I’d like to find out.
I’m happy to see Davey get this attention.
He’s a little too vanilla for my personal taste, but I respect the self-discipline and hard work it takes to achieve a body like his — especially without steroids.
I think Davey is actually a good role model for younger gays. So many “youngsters” are caught up in the superficial club/bar scene. That has its fun moments, but it doesn’t lead to much genuine happiness.
Davey is accepting and nonjudgmental. He certainly doesn’t hide his “gayness” in any way, and I think it’s the unrecognized, internalized homophobia in some of us older gays that makes us respond to his verbal style and mannerisms in a negative way.
Davey doesn’t smoke or drink. He likes dogs. What’s not to like? I think younger gays might be happier if the adopted some of Davey’s philosophy and ways. At least it deserves some consideration and exploration.
I’ll stop now so some of my fellow commenters can get to the reply button and start the evisceration.
Davey’s great, but I wouldn’t wear that ugly underwear if they gave it to me for free.
@ Lance, that boil : Would you wear it over your face if I paid you?
15 pics and no ass-shot? When? When?
@ Lance : Agreed. Put that dude in a jockstrap. Make that a black or white jockstrap.
The “undergear” looks like it was colored by kindergartners at the Harvey Milk School.
The decision here is unanimous: Take off your shirt & Shut the Fuck up!
Bad role model if all he cares about is being an online cum dumpster
Yeah, where’s the butt shots? Oh, well. This is Davey at his best, namely not talking. Incredible chest. But a really good photographer would mix it up and capture a little vulnerability. With that body and face, Davey would look a lot hotter than anybody here would guess.
@ Mark Dallas : Hear, Hear! And can we get the pec shots in High Def?
Gay kids are diverse. Not all are twinks in training. They should.think that getting Validation by being naked on the web 247 is the way to go? Don’t think so
@mr.jones: lol! I definetely agree, he wouldn’t cut it for real world modeling, maybe in cyber space amateur modeling, which brings the thought .. At the end you’re still a loser.
Say what you want about Davey, but he’s got almost 15,000 views in a day when every other thread is way under a thousand. LMAO !
@ romeo : It$ all about the click$…….. : P
That being said, with all the hating on Davey, I doubt very much there is anyone posting here who would not take a ride on the Davey-Go-Round…… : P
I think he’s cute and I hit that in a NY minute. These pictures make him look a bit older than he looks in his videos, which is a good thing because I always thought he was kind of a twink. Does anybody know how old he is?
He’s vapid and useless. He’s also quiet in these pictures which means we don’t have to hear him speak. As for the ass shot, I thought we already saw that on his shoulders
Helen, you are obviously not a southern girl. “Butt on shoulders” means grumpy. Davey is always mr. smiley face. LOL
Where’s Mitch? I’d like to see him model some underwear.
So he has v-logs and takes pictures of himself? He’s gay, he’s out and he clearly has positive things to say. Wow, all the haters have something weird going on with Davey.
@ L.Single : He is probably fucking someone on the staff.
He’s good-looking. I just wish he would go the extra step and create a v-shape taper for his torso.
davey is great, i love him and his messages. #7 and #11 are my favorite pics. congrats davey!
Funny, this “airhead” has managed to figure a way to make a living by being an “airhead”…….. Am sure he is laughing the whole way to the bank……..
But what is this guy trying to do? Is he trying to be an actor, model, porn star? Does he just crave constant attention? Is he an exhibitionist? I am trying to figure out what his deal is.
Secret love child of Don Knotts and Anne Heche?
@ Helen Lawson : Give it up granny before I flush it down the toilet!
he’s hwat..vapid is besides the point when you look like this..his blog was probably about getting this kind of exposure….duh…
I guess the Queerty Paypal payment cleared from a very pedestrian-looking and marginal dolt of a queer narcissistic boy with no skills except peaking on club drugs and punishing us with his manifesto of brainlessness. Go to Community College, Dee-Double-You!
Ok he’s cute, clean shaven, no body hair, has a nice body but the pics all look the same, he’s wearing underwear and smiling. They took no chances. Ok I do like #14, I’d really like to get on top of him and have sex, I said it!
That’s nothing – I got full on naked pictures of him taken before he got all famous from him at Seton Hall.
No. 33 · romeo wrote, “Say what you want about Davey, but he’s got almost 15,000 views in a day when every other thread is way under a thousand. LMAO !”
… as of 8:06 PM PST, make that 28,622 views. Obviously this guy would get a lot more attention if he showed more on his videos, and you can probably double that if he showed himself wearing a thong.
There seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of clothes a person has on and the number of views that QUEERTY reports. It probably says more about typical QUEERTY readers than anything else.
Wow that’s a lot of hatin’. I think he’s great. Nice guy, not a mean word about anything, good looking, and hawt as hell… I know, he’s unbearable!
If he’s enjoying what he does and is doing it for himself I see no fault. Whats annoying is the people who repeatedly come in and say how annoying he is or how they don’t like his looks when clearly he will remain a staple for this site as will any shirtless guy in very little clothing.
I just worry, why do so many people bother too concern themselves with the negatives rather then considering that these people are doing what they enjoy? Why not be happy for them that they can and are doing it? If I were in his situation and I really was doing my best, I would care enough to read comments like this because I want to know what I am doing is right. I guess that’s vain but if I were him and I read some of this I would think about giving up, and moving on. You shouldnt ask someone to do that, to give up what they enjoy doing simply because you dont like it. I know none of you will actually contact him and tell him that but still give him a little break.
@ AnProspectEncounter : Ok, I accept your invitation to view the pics! Where r they?? : P
He’s adorable, but those underwears are really horrid. A better photographer might have got a better array of facial expressions, but his body looks great. And, added plus, there’s no audio track!
@ Dirty Ole Man : Well, you’re a gay ass so everyone passes.
@ TheAwfulTruth : He’s famous and making money. And you…a poor and anonymous loser.
I like Davey. So what if he shows off a little. He is cute, fit and he cares about other people. He is a good role model for younger guys. He is honest, takes care of himself and tries to see the deeper side of things. He is hella sex positive and self possessed. What is wrong with any of that. Don’t like him; don’t click his posts. I do like him and I enjoyed this moment of eye candy. He is not trying to be model; I am sure he was invited to pose for these.
I don’t like him at all, he looks just like Tilda Swinton on steroids to me ajajaj.
I just don’t understand why everybody hates on Davey. Actually I kind of do and it’s probably because people are jealous of him and aren’t receivng the type of attention he’s getting. I’m willing to bet that half of those negatively commenting on him don’t look anywhere near as good as he does and that’s where the hating stems from.
And why is there nothing in his underpants?
And what’s up with that vacant look in the six pics I waded through?
@ DEREK WASHINGTON : Is this a magnet for “Queers Who Bash Queers”? WHO the FUCK are YOU? ANOTHER pissy queen. Fuck off & don’t come back to this site bitch!
Hasn’t anyone else noticed his eyes? Look at how HUGE his pupils are – he’s obviously high on something. What kinda photographer would allow this shoot to happen with Davey in that state. His eyes are like saucers!
Mike, it’s AXN mag, what do you expect? They’re all huge druggies, they probably gave him some of their stash.
Sorry Davey haters…
I love Davey! I would give my ass to him in a heartbeat! Nice body, cute face. Love the nipples. Does he have any pics without the underwear? I’d love to see what he’s packing in that picnic basket.
Ick! Give me a real man with some hair and a slight belly. Way too plastic!

By Queerty Staff February 18, 2010 at 5:02am · 72 comments
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

Probably because he’s not talking, moving, or philosophizing.
It wouldn’t’ve been Davey Wavey with a shirt on..
# eight is my fav. They’re all great pics. Hot
I’ve always found him hot. Sometimes a bit annoying but tha happens with everyone. Lol
He looks better when he’s not talking.
I will admit he has a beautiful body–those nipples, especially, are amazing. But I’m so glad I don’t have to hear him talk.
“you’re eyes look vacant, you need to ‘smize'”
“your eyes look vacant, you need to ‘smize'”
He is pretty hot and I think his messages are pretty good for younger gay guys. He would speak to the 14 to 22 age group quite well. So he does have a market. I really do like that he “acts gay” and encourages other to be themselves. Young gay people really need that. So yeah I’m a fan.
I like him. I would like him more if he would respond to people asking him questions and trying to socialize with him on the internet. That just makes him seem full of him self.
Love the photo with his legs spread open. He rocks the undergear.
Meh. He wouldn’t get a 2nd glance on Fire Island.
Looking at Davey in this fashion kinda seems like incest…. : P
he should stick to being an annoying voice. he has a nice body, but he doesn’t seem to know what to do with his arms and his face barely changes from photo to photo.
Someone with a body like that has great modeling potential! However, when you have the same facial expression picture after picture I begin to doubt it..
What’s interesting here is that, for someone who talks so much about inner beauty, the spirit, the soul, etc. he sure puts a lot of effort into showing his physique, knowing that he will be judged by it. In the end, I think he’s all about bullshit.
@ rodrigo : He really wouldn’t cut it in high-stakes modeling, although he clearly is trying for that, which just proves that the Internet is only a means to an end – self-promotion, publicity, etc. – and that all his vlogs are fake. He has an Olmec head, and not strong enough face features. The body? Yeah, good for porn. Maybe he should do that. It’d be fun to see him star in a movie called “Break the Illusion” and see his hole broken.
Queerty, does he pay you? Are these paid placements? Aside from him paying you to blog about him there really is no explanation for your fascination with him.
@ hardmannyc : And that means so very, very much…..
After long hitting the saturation point on his gay Mr. Rodgers orations I think he’s best seen and not heard.
I wonder if he talks when he is getting plowed? I’d like to find out.
I’m happy to see Davey get this attention.
He’s a little too vanilla for my personal taste, but I respect the self-discipline and hard work it takes to achieve a body like his — especially without steroids.
I think Davey is actually a good role model for younger gays. So many “youngsters” are caught up in the superficial club/bar scene. That has its fun moments, but it doesn’t lead to much genuine happiness.
Davey is accepting and nonjudgmental. He certainly doesn’t hide his “gayness” in any way, and I think it’s the unrecognized, internalized homophobia in some of us older gays that makes us respond to his verbal style and mannerisms in a negative way.
Davey doesn’t smoke or drink. He likes dogs. What’s not to like? I think younger gays might be happier if the adopted some of Davey’s philosophy and ways. At least it deserves some consideration and exploration.
I’ll stop now so some of my fellow commenters can get to the reply button and start the evisceration.
Davey’s great, but I wouldn’t wear that ugly underwear if they gave it to me for free.
@ Lance, that boil : Would you wear it over your face if I paid you?
15 pics and no ass-shot? When? When?
@ Lance : Agreed. Put that dude in a jockstrap. Make that a black or white jockstrap.
The “undergear” looks like it was colored by kindergartners at the Harvey Milk School.
The decision here is unanimous: Take off your shirt & Shut the Fuck up!
Bad role model if all he cares about is being an online cum dumpster
Yeah, where’s the butt shots? Oh, well. This is Davey at his best, namely not talking. Incredible chest. But a really good photographer would mix it up and capture a little vulnerability. With that body and face, Davey would look a lot hotter than anybody here would guess.
@ Mark Dallas : Hear, Hear! And can we get the pec shots in High Def?
Gay kids are diverse. Not all are twinks in training. They should.think that getting Validation by being naked on the web 247 is the way to go? Don’t think so
@mr.jones: lol! I definetely agree, he wouldn’t cut it for real world modeling, maybe in cyber space amateur modeling, which brings the thought .. At the end you’re still a loser.
Say what you want about Davey, but he’s got almost 15,000 views in a day when every other thread is way under a thousand. LMAO !
@ romeo : It$ all about the click$…….. : P
That being said, with all the hating on Davey, I doubt very much there is anyone posting here who would not take a ride on the Davey-Go-Round…… : P
I think he’s cute and I hit that in a NY minute. These pictures make him look a bit older than he looks in his videos, which is a good thing because I always thought he was kind of a twink. Does anybody know how old he is?
He’s vapid and useless. He’s also quiet in these pictures which means we don’t have to hear him speak. As for the ass shot, I thought we already saw that on his shoulders
Helen, you are obviously not a southern girl. “Butt on shoulders” means grumpy. Davey is always mr. smiley face. LOL
Where’s Mitch? I’d like to see him model some underwear.
So he has v-logs and takes pictures of himself? He’s gay, he’s out and he clearly has positive things to say. Wow, all the haters have something weird going on with Davey.
@ L.Single : He is probably fucking someone on the staff.
He’s good-looking. I just wish he would go the extra step and create a v-shape taper for his torso.
davey is great, i love him and his messages. #7 and #11 are my favorite pics. congrats davey!
Funny, this “airhead” has managed to figure a way to make a living by being an “airhead”…….. Am sure he is laughing the whole way to the bank……..
But what is this guy trying to do? Is he trying to be an actor, model, porn star? Does he just crave constant attention? Is he an exhibitionist? I am trying to figure out what his deal is.
Secret love child of Don Knotts and Anne Heche?
@ Helen Lawson : Give it up granny before I flush it down the toilet!
he’s hwat..vapid is besides the point when you look like this..his blog was probably about getting this kind of exposure….duh…
I guess the Queerty Paypal payment cleared from a very pedestrian-looking and marginal dolt of a queer narcissistic boy with no skills except peaking on club drugs and punishing us with his manifesto of brainlessness. Go to Community College, Dee-Double-You!
Ok he’s cute, clean shaven, no body hair, has a nice body but the pics all look the same, he’s wearing underwear and smiling. They took no chances. Ok I do like #14, I’d really like to get on top of him and have sex, I said it!
That’s nothing – I got full on naked pictures of him taken before he got all famous from him at Seton Hall.
No. 33 · romeo wrote, “Say what you want about Davey, but he’s got almost 15,000 views in a day when every other thread is way under a thousand. LMAO !”
… as of 8:06 PM PST, make that 28,622 views. Obviously this guy would get a lot more attention if he showed more on his videos, and you can probably double that if he showed himself wearing a thong.
There seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of clothes a person has on and the number of views that QUEERTY reports. It probably says more about typical QUEERTY readers than anything else.
Wow that’s a lot of hatin’. I think he’s great. Nice guy, not a mean word about anything, good looking, and hawt as hell… I know, he’s unbearable!
If he’s enjoying what he does and is doing it for himself I see no fault. Whats annoying is the people who repeatedly come in and say how annoying he is or how they don’t like his looks when clearly he will remain a staple for this site as will any shirtless guy in very little clothing.
I just worry, why do so many people bother too concern themselves with the negatives rather then considering that these people are doing what they enjoy? Why not be happy for them that they can
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