Daughter Masturbates

Daughter Masturbates


Daughter Masturbates
9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Yes, totally normal. I personally would just leave it as probing her further may just end up needlessly embarrassing her. It's perfectly normal to explore your own body, why does it bother you? Can I just ask (out of nosiness) how you know she is doing it?
Oh goodness. My daughter is 9 and hadn't given it a thought! I remember my mum walking in on me, on the floor, rubbing myself against a cushion!! It was never mentioned though. X
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My thought exactly Lucy. I don't believe my 9yr old even knows what to do. she is quite a 'nieve' (sp?) 9yr. old, much prefers to play with younger girls that older or same age. I don't think i even thought about it until high school, And I think the OP's feelings about it at this age is about on par with mine.
Oh goodness. My daughter is 9 and hadn't given it a thought! I remember my mum walking in on me, on the floor, rubbing myself against a cushion!! It was never mentioned though. X
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Interesting comments and views. My opinion and experience is that most kids get curious about their bodies but its usually no big deal and they move on quickly.
Bath or shower times with siblings or parents are beneficial and healthy in this regard.
What we adults call and understand as masturbation and how kids understand their touching/feeling/exploration behaviour are often quite different.
The most important thing is to not make a big deal out of it and to deal with it using common sense, understanding and support.
I agree it is very natural for her to explore but totally correct talking to her about it embarrassing.
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Help caught 10 year old son masturbating :-(
Its perfectly natural. My daughter ( now 11) masturbates pretty openly at home
We are pleased that she is not ashamed of her body and its natural functions and can enjoy them!
Much better this way then in hiding.
That is good as long as not too open at home. Like when others are around. But I am sure you told her that
I agree it is very natural for her to explore but totally correct talking to her about it embarrassing.
Yes cause Moms understand daughters and their curiosity down there front and sometimes in back.
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What surprises me most is parents that feel its natural for their son to masturbate but at same time feel is unnatural for their daughters to masturbate. Its natural for both to be curious down there so as same time leads to masturbation. Definitely if you catch daughter playing with herself don't call her on it since it would be very embarrassing and demeaning to her since most very modest.
As mom of daughters prefer that at young age than catching them experimenting with boys at early age
Perfectly normal. I caught my 12 year old, he now locks the door, I told him if he ever wants to talk about anything just to let me know, or to write his question on a piece of paper and I will write a response on his paper and he can dispose of the question and answer or keep it, if it helps. He is pretty shy and easily embarrassed. I monitor the internet to make sure that porn and such isn't an obsession. For boys that a common issue with the internet and obsessing about the new discoveries that come along with puberty... almost would be easier with a girl child, they seem a lot easier to talk to since they are usually more emotionally mature than boys are..
First off though if I had a girl in the same situation, I would have my wife talk to her... so that off the bat would be easier for me lol. Women are better at communicating with little girls since they relate to them and once were one themselves.
Since we have 2 boys I am the one who will be answering all the growing up questions.
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Yes cause Moms understand daughters and their curiosity down there front and sometimes in back.
Makes sense daughters curiosity holes front and back from very young ages
From any age they start young or old doesn't matter to you they are exploring their body and found what felts nice doesn't need to be brought up it's normal and private to them. They are their own person . She may hear you doing it or having sex nobody needs question It. Some things if you know just need leaving it's fine. Until she's having sex then make sure she knows protection and she can talk to you making a big deal over exploring body will only make them never tell you anything. It's not really your business
Daughters more curious about bodies now specially if have older sister or catch mommy naked. Noticing the adult female body
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12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
I hope I don't annoy you by saying that I think it is normal for girls her age to start masturbating. It's around that age that they start to get curious. Some girls (and boys) do it later, but it's a natural urge for her to start to touch herself. I had to ask a friend what to do lol I wanted to do it, I just didn't know how. She's getting the same urge. I'd be surprised if she went all the way at first. She's probably just touching a little bit. How did you find out? I think she'll talk to you. I've only had little girls in the past in my life, but a mother is the one that understands more about all that. I'm sure you'll get to talk to her about it. I'm sure you're a good mum :)
When did you start masturbating? What age do you move onto cushions? It seems a big jump. I imagine girls touch themselves at first, before ending up doing crazier stuff. How old were you?
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9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Completely normal. My eldest did it around that age, havent spotted my youngest one at it yet but shes only 9 Walked in on my son (11) in the bath a few weeks ago, his wanger was stuck up like a sore thumb. As soon as he heard me go in the bathroom he flipped over onto his side (id already seen in lol), went bright red and when i apologized for walking in on him (whilst trying my best not to laugh), he said "Sorry Mum, I had water in my ear " 😂😂
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
My eldest DD is 8. She used to share baths with my youngest but recently asked if she can start having a shower in private. She's also had a bit of irritation down below so I had to get her some cream which she's been applying herself. A few times, not long out from her bath, I've caught her rubbing down there whilst under a blanket on the sofa. When I've looked at her she's said "I'm just making sure the creams still there" lol. I just remind her that we don't touch ourselves in front of people & if for any reason you do you must wash your hands after as we don't want noonie & bum germs coming into contact with things. My youngest DD is always poking herself too, not in a pleasurable way though. She's one of those children who always seems to have a back & front wedgy lol so her poking about is more to rearrange her underwear.
I wouldn't worry, it is normal for children of all ages to mastubate and play with themselves, with young children it is nothing sexual, they have just discovered that area and do it because it feels good
I know this ain't no help but I didn't even know about stuff like that at 9 I started when I was 13. But it seems normal all girls figure it out at different ages but I wouldn't be concerned I would just leave her to it. I would however only be concerned if she had sex which she hasn't that's only when I would start to worry. So don't worry what she is doing is normal behaviour... I'm no expert but I think why your worrying is because she is your little girl and she's still a little young but don't stress yourself out it's totally normal. X
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I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
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Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
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11 year old daughter started periods.....now what???
9yr old daughter getting phone calls from "boyfriend" Help!
Help caught 10 year old son masturbating :-(
Its perfectly natural. My daughter ( now 11) masturbates pretty openly at home
We are pleased that she is not ashamed of her body and its natural functions and can enjoy them!
Much better this way then in hiding.
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Nothing to feel guilty about its normal for a 9 year old girl
It’s not really anything to do with you she’s finding her body her body! How do you know anyway yes it’s young very young but hear things at school ,
would you want someone ask you why you masterbate aslong as she knows the birds and bees safety etc and knows to talk to you no need embarrass her and say you know it’s not really your issue
My 11 month old has started crying/whinging all the time - please help!
Why has my 5 month old baby suddenly started waking through the night?
My 14 yr old son has started smoking
12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
14 year old daughter still not started periods
How do you know that's what she's doing
Realize I'm way late to the original discussion, but I'm new, a father of 4, and found this interesting. Its been a while since I recognized that my 6 year old daughter had found her nether region and the joy that can be had from it's stimulation. I wasn't for sure at first, but she would always have her hands under a cover or other object and had this far away look in her eyes. When interrupted she was always nervous and didn't wish to discuss.
I was a bit weirded out by it, but after deliberation I realized I wasn't much older than her when I first found the pleasure in my parts. I'm a single father so the best that I could do was just to tell her if she would rather be somewhere private with her thoughts that maybe she could go elsewhere to get away from me and here brother and sisters.
That was pretty much all that was needed. I had never caught or noticed her older 3 siblings doing this and it always made me a little uncomfortable.
Mostly I just wondered what she was thinking. I'm quite sure she had never seen me performing like that nor did she ever see me with a partner to my knowledge.
She turned out just fine, is in high school and performing well and normally. I did enjoy reading the other comments and was wondering if any other fathers were commenting. There were and all comments are good ones to think about and consider.
Two months ago which was totally my fault I walked into my 9yr old daughter's room and accidentally saw/caught
her masturbating. I quickly walked out while saying sorry.
It's not something I see as bad it's just I didn't think she was at that self pleasuring stage yet.
Pretty sure this person is just a perv...
13 year old daughter and boyfriend?
my 12 year old is out of control and has started to hit me.
12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
9 is not young it's totally normal at that age if you had said 7 that would've been different
It's was going to happen one day bet the 11 Yr old is too if they share a room
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It was a normal, busy weekday. I was driving to work and noticed cars parked along the highway. I realised that there was a police crackdown on traffic violators and, to my horror, I suddenly realised that I had forgotten my driving license at home. Luckily, no one stopped me.
When I got to work, I decided to park my car and take a bus home to get my license. I wasn't going to take chances and risk trouble on my way home in the evening.
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I tip-toed upstairs to our room so as not to disturb my sleeping husband. I knew exactly where the license was so I thought I could just grab it and ease the door shut...until I heard noises from the bedroom.
I had never suspected my husband for cheating on me let alone bringing a woman to my house. But what I saw was beyond anyone's imagination; my husband having sex with our daughter!
The sight of my daughter and my husband naked on my very bed sickened me. I still get nauseated at the sheer thought of the spectacle. It was more ugly than shocking. Momentarily, I thought I had gone mad. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out.
Then my daughter shamelessly retorted: "Mum, why are you surprised? I thought you knew it all along!" And to rub it in, my husband confirmed that what they were doing was no mistake. "The only mistake we've made is using your bed," my husband arrogantly said. Only the previous night, he and I were very intimate on the same bed. What a betrayal!
Their retorts brought me back to my senses and I walked out. I later told my in-laws and the village elders what I had seen and all of us were summoned. My husband can win an Oscar; he denied everything saying that he was very concerned I was losing my mind. I was shocked when he and my in-laws suggested I should get psychiatric help. I knew they had beaten me and I got into serious depression.
I kicked my husband out of our bedroom and as expected he ran into his 'lovers' arms. My two sons kept aloof and never encouraged any discussion about what was happening. Maybe they too blame me for their sister's insanity though their distant relationship never changed.
Thoughts of pain and regret started creeping through my mind. I had severally been warned by concerned women who had seen them together that the two were overly involved. I often told-off the women justifying the closeness with the obvious fact that it is psychologically proven that daughters love their fathers more than their mothers.
When my daughter grew older and became a pretty young woman, I got suspicious but I severally rebuked myself for even imagining that my daughter and her father would ever have a sexual relationship. From when she was a tiny baby she would sit on his lap and lay her head on his chest and he would kiss her cheeks. What reason did I have to thwart the beautiful relationship between father and daughter?
I recall a day when one of my friends called me to inform me that she had seen my daughter and her father kissing passionately. I scolded the woman for having such immoral thoughts and firmly defended my family. My husband is a prominent business man and my family was steadfastly crocheted together hence I wouldn't be the one to expose it to public shame. Besides, even if it were true, everyone would blame me for being poor in parenting or worse still, no one would believe me. Had I listened, I would have cautioned my daughter early enough or separated them at some point but I worried what the two would have thought of me had it turned out to be just an innocent father-daughter relationship.
The relationship between me and my daughter was average; we had good and bad times and I was firm but loving whenever she did a mistake. But every time I corrected her, the father would reprimand me in her presence. This made her very disrespectful and even when I invited our local pastor to speak to her, she accused me of being unfair to her declaring that the only true friend she had was her father.
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I do all a wife is supposed to do apart from sharing my bed with my husband or choosing his wardrobe. That's within my 'co-wife's' docket. It's been over three years since they moved in. Our sons have gone their different ways to pursue their careers. I am so lonely in that house but I can't move out neither can I share my ordea
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