Dating Sim Creator

Dating Sim Creator


Dating Sim Creator
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Find out what your MHA OC character will turn out like with 2,342,219,626,032,000 total combinations the possibility's are endless.
(if u want to know...

After being thrown into a new magical world, you are given a weapon for you to achieve your destiny

With this shindan, you can make your own Naruto OC, or this could be you in the ninja world instead! The possibilities are endless, so you can try it...

Where light goes ☀ shadow follows 😈
❓ Do you know your true self ❓

It is said that the Eyes of Enma can see through every soul. When you’re all shouting a...


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An OC generator I made because I was struggling to think of OC ideas. I tried to put as much detail into it as possible, and will probably add more th...

What kind of Genshin Impact OC would you have? This OC could also just be you, but Genshin Impact-ified!

Edit: I removed additional information beca...

a versão brasileiríssima do teste clássico a/b/o com os cheiros também clássicos. se você não gostar do seu resultado, altere seu nome para um apelido...

What kind of swordsmen will you be if you were in demon slayer? Give this a go and find out! (Update: Added a chance for your species to be a Sun Conq...

Inspired by @Ren_ciea's Genshin Impact OC Generator. Includes hair colours, eye colours, Visions, rarity, characters that share a banner and more! Aff...

on a typical friday night, i am: swords || art: @swornshield

New Jersey

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Find out what kind of dating sim you would be in and who your prospective lovers are!

Based on the Korean dating sim/otome game, Mystic Messenger!

Edited as of 9/19/16!

Use these items as inspiration for your island!

With this shindan, you can make your own Naruto OC, or this could be you in the ninja world instead! The possibilities are endless, so you can try it...

This diagnosis uses three lists to create somewhat complex sentences.

From KPOP girl groups such as BLACKPINK, TWICE, ITZY, LOONA, etc, only one can be your bestie!

Get your Jojo's Bizarre Adventure character! (with stand)

Normal form is not enough?TRANSFORM INTO EPIC!

What kind of Genshin Impact OC would you have? This OC could also just be you, but Genshin Impact-ified!

Edit: I removed additional information beca...

If you read this description, you're so cute 💕

An OC generator I made because I was struggling to think of OC ideas. I tried to put as much detail into it as possible, and will probably add more th...

This Creates a simple My Hero Academia Character for you

Inspired by @Ren_ciea's Genshin Impact OC Generator. Includes hair colours, eye colours, Visions, rarity, characters that share a banner and more! Aff...

A 10 million times better oc creator! with 145,245,605,381,733,761,379,433,709,568 different combinations!

A lot of OC generators are awesome but dont have everything I need to envision mine, so i made my own! hope it helps anyone who wants a more fleshed o...

In this post you can see your stats if you were a character in a game and you were isekaied or just had a system
Note: The ability Rank is How Perfect...

If you went to hell, what would you look like?
Inspired by Hazbin hotel

What kind of Genshin Impact OC would you have? This OC could also just be you, but Genshin Impact-ified!

Edit: I removed additional information beca...

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Jo Fu

June 10, 2015 June 14, 2015

WWAC games writer and editorial assistant, Halo devotee, tower defender, Final Fantasy tactician, Twine creator, all-around winner.

Chat with me on Twitter @jozerphine, or follow my Twitch stream:

Jo Fu

June 10, 2015 June 14, 2015

The first thing you need to know about Winston Rowntree’s webcomic Subnormality is that there’s a lot of it. Rowntree...

THREEPEAT BABY!!!! She's once, twice, three times an Eisner Award-winning lady... Did somebody say...hat trick Eisners? Not that we're excited...

If you could imagine yourself as an animal what would you pick? Comics artist Grace Gogarty, perhaps better known to...

In Maia Kobabe’s powerful memoir, Gender Queer, Kobabe shares eir journey to discovering eir gender queer identity and how e...

The Greatest Thing by Sarah Winifred Searle (Sincerely, Harriet; Patience and Esther; and a former WWAC contributor!) is a bittersweet...

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Culture doesn't fit in a box. Neither do we.

All through the month of June, my partner and I are creating a dating sim for the International Love Ultimatum Gamejam ( #ilujam on Twitter and Tumblr). Want to know what goes into making a video game? I’ll be posting weekly updates in a structured development blog here.
This week: Why are games so hard?—the role of a game producer.
Games are hard to make. Writing, art, styling, and coding have to come together as a unified whole, often with a development timeline that forces passionate game developers to work ceaselessly for months on end. This is called “crunch,” and while other industries have equivalents (teachers before finals, comics creators before deadlines), the AAA games industry pressures itself to release bigger, more robust, and more feature-rich games, which results in grueling periods of crunch and many veteran developers abandoning the field in favor of… having a life. Kotaku ’s Jason Schreier filed an in-depth investigative report on the horrors of crunch which I highly recommend.
In the world of video games, many producers and directors see mandatory overtime not as a contingency plan but as a natural part of game development, to be regularly used as a way to cut costs and make the most ambitious games on the shortest schedules.
Quite frankly, that sucks! As a game producer for a small game company called Date Nighto, making sure my creative and technical teams are happy and healthy are my top priorities. But when it comes down to it, games are hard. And for the next month, we’ll be exploring why, as my partner Conrad Kreyling and I make a short dating sim called Beach Island .
(Full disclosure: Date Nighto games may be reviewed by Women Write About Comics, but never by me, and I will never see or influence advanced reviews before publication.)
What’s the most important part of games development? From the outside, it may seem like the coding bits, which you need a lot of training for. Then again, art and technical art (the act of integrating art with code) is time-consuming as well! But to me, a new producer, the most important part is planning. Even though it’s small, I’ve divided the planning for our #ilujam game into three parts: limitations, resources, and timing.
The biggest and most obvious limitation is time, but I also have a full-time job to contend with, and Conrad is often overtasked with the day-to-day pressures of running a game company. A one-month deadline is not the most grueling pace; oftentimes, you’ll see gamejams run for one weekend only, on-site, where groups of game developers work nonstop to push as complete a game as possible.
That’s the beauty of a gamejam, though: an imposed limitation puts normal game development on a smaller scale, and forces the processes—coding, writing, art—to become more streamlined and more raw. To see how these games usually turn out, check out some entries from the recently-ended Ludum Dare GameJam , whose theme was “An Unconventional Weapon.”
Conrad is a programmer. I’m a project manager who moonlights as a writer. If you’ll note, neither of us is an artist, and we’re making a dating sim.
While #ilujam’s rules state that the game you make does not need a visual element, our game company prides itself on quality visual novels, so we’re staying in our wheelhouse. However, this means we’re depending on our limited artistic abilities for the art assets of the game: I’m designing and drawing sprites, and Conrad is making backgrounds and designing the user interface (UI).
The UI for a visual novel seems simple, but is actually a negotiation between game and player: how can the game makers display information in a way that players feel comfortable with? This question is hard, and I’m happy to cede responsibility for designing it.
When you’re on a deadline (and commercial game developers are always on deadline), coordinating the disparate parts of a game is an art form. Anyone who herds ducks for a living—editors, project managers, producers—knows the anxiety of maintaining a carefully-timed calendar that is always subject to change. Workers go on vacation, or fall sick, or get overloaded and just need a break.
If you take one thing away from Kotaku’s article on crunch, it’s this: crunch isn’t sustainable. There’s nothing so elevated about video games that suggests that developers (and the other hard workers involved in making games) don’t deserve satisfying lives—outside of work. I like designing my production calendars around my coworkers’ lives, not in spite of them. That being said, here is the production schedule for Beach Island :
A month is not a long time. I hope you continue following our story here at WWAC , where we’ll be talking to visual novel creators about the difficulties of their jobs, in parallel with the story of Beach Island ’s development. Stay tuned!
UX brainstormingCode cleanups for SF:E
Twine outlining, expressions key, beginning script

All branches known
All expressions known

Scene scripting, background selections
Scriptwriting, last-minute writing decisions

Day 3
Code import
wedding (12th)
graduation (13th)

Imports, code fixes, coding for alt outfits complete
Art stuff: 7-8 CGs for beginnings & endings

All sprites/ expressions
CGs planned

Title card, credit reel, UX simplified and implemented
Hit publish, post to, celebratory whooping


Petrana Radulovic @Pet_rana

Mar 13, 2019, 11:25am EDT

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How one teen on DeviantArt sparked lifelong dating sim obsessions

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What happened to Pacthesis, and what is she doing now?
“I never imagined that my games would ever have that kind of impact on others”
Fans out there still trace their love of the dating sim genre back to Pacthesis’ games

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The story of Pacthesis, her dating sims for girls, and the fans who still thank her
F or For many DeviantArt lurkers in the late 2000s and early 2010s, the name Pacthesis brings to mind a specific image: a yellow background with a grumpy-looking coffee cup, the logo of a particular DeviantArt dating sim maker. And more than that, the name recalls a specific time in these young, female fans’ lives: when they discovered a world of games developed by, and made for, people just like them.
DeviantArt dating sim maker Pacthesis joined the platform in 2007, creating and uploading Flash games to the creative arts-based social network, as well as on game sites like Newgrounds and Kongregate . That alone doesn’t seem particularly novel; Flash game creators proliferate on DeviantArt. But Pacthesis’ games catered to a specific audience of tween and teen girls.
Dubbed the Days Sim Date series, the Pacthesis dating sims always had playable girl main characters trying to romance three or more love interests. The mechanics were simple: Talk to characters to progress through their dialogue and reach their happy ending. The games shamelessly indulged in girlish fantasies. Wonderland Days Sim Date was a rehash of Alice in Wonderland where you could romance the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and the King of Hearts; Idol Days Sim Date had the player become the lead guitarist of a cute boy band. Through them
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