Date Tips For Guys

Date Tips For Guys


Date Tips For Guys

Marie-Jones Duff is a Los Angeles based freelance multimedia journalist and frequent traveler with a fondness for all things bizarre and nerdy. Look for posts that focus on everything from men's fashion to science.
How can you stand out during your first few dates with a woman ensuring she wants to carry on seeing you? One answer is to strike a balance in everything you do, keeping a ‘balanced’ dating strategy in mind.
The ‘perfect balance’ dating strategy-outlined in seven helpful tips–will make you look like a strong, masculine man in all the right ways, without appearing over-dominant or pushy.
What would she like to do on her date with you? Invite her preferences but have suggestions for slight variations that show you’re investing time and effort.
If she wants to go for a drink, research some special drinking and eating places with great reviews. This shows you’d love to spoil her, while still doing what she prefers.
Run with her basic idea but add your twist by asking, ‘How about we …?’
A gentleman offers to pay, so do this in a way that shows she deserves a treat, but you won’t offend by insisting. When offering to pay, it’s critical to get the tone and wording precise.
You don’t want it to appear that you’re dropping hints about her paying half, at least not if you’d like a second date!
‘I’d love it if you let me treat you,’ is perfect. You’re making it clear that the reason you are offering is because she deserves a treat. It’s not just due to habit or social norms.
Think of unique compliments and offer them freely but naturally.
Saying she looks or smells nice is old hat, so compliment her unique dress sense, the scent or tone of her lipstick, the cute dimple in her left cheek or the way she curls her hair. She’ll be amazed you’re noticing the small things other men miss.
Asking where she bought her stunning jacket is great, too; you’ve noticed something she’s chosen and invited her to expand. How many other men indulge her in a discussion of shopping and clothes? Follow up by suggesting that she comes shopping and gives you a makeover!
Some men seem deferential or even impolite when trying to compliment, so practice these skills in daily life. Here are two examples of compliments to avoid:
“I can’t believe you climbed that mountain. I’d probably fall off.” This makes you sound inept, not manly and capable.
“Thank you for the lovely home-baked pie. I just hope it doesn’t bring out my allergy.” You counter-balanced a positive with a strong–potentially offensive–negative. Always use positive affirmation and remember that desirable men remain self-assured:
“I can’t believe you climbed that mountain. You’ve set a new challenge for me, then!”
“Thank you for bringing me the beautiful apple pie. Maybe you’ll help me to make one?”
Not only does the latter compliment her skills, it gives you an opening to see her again during a fun activity at home. If you did make the error of mentioning your allergy, you can even turn that into a playful, positive statement:
“That’s one amazing apple pie you brought me, and if my allergy kills me, I’ll go out happy!”
Women love men who are decisive, so have fresh ideas for places to visit and things to do, and she’ll let you lead. A ‘leading’ man is masculine and alluring, so she’ll be intrigued to see what you come up with. However, don’t push your ideas if she doesn’t warm to them; she’ll still be impressed you bothered to think of things.
If she brings up the idea of a second date, that’s when your prior research comes in useful; she’ll be wowed you’ve already thought of new activities.
Women love men who are protective and caring while recognizing feminine strengths.
Crossing the road, rest a hand on her back or her arm, looking out for the two of you as you dodge the traffic. Laugh and draw attention to your ‘manly act’; you’re acknowledging her independence while saying you’ll look out for her.
‘Okay, that’s my manly bit done. Humor me, will you?’ is a good way of poking fun at yourself.
Similarly, lead her to a quiet corner so she doesn’t have to loiter by the bar and those rowdy males; offer to get the drinks and the food order. Always be looking for how you can make her comfortable, but offer suggestions gently and respectfully.
‘This seat looks good. What do you think?’ is respectful. ‘You should sit here,’ is commanding and domineering, and nobody appreciates being controlled.
Many women love the notion that males can still be gentlemen.
Strike a balance by keeping your language clean and free of slang, swearing and sex talk, but do flirt and cast the occasional naughty innuendo-at least, do that if she has a sense of humor!
Don’t let flirtatiousness become crude, even if she steers it that way; she might think it’s what you want, as many males have the habit of turning all talk to sex. Equally, it could indicate she’s had too much to drink, so she’ll appreciate you keeping the discussion in check so she doesn’t embarrass herself. A female seeking a lasting relationship won’t thrive on shallow talk; she’ll love how you elevate her above it.
Dating should be fun, and women love men who laugh frequently and heartily.
Don’t veer towards joke-telling as this is boring and, frankly, embarrassing. If the jokes aren’t funny to your date, she’ll still feel compelled to laugh. Some men try to turn whole dates into a joke, but this will backfire; she needs to see the real you.
Strike the balance by poking fun at yourself and the situation, but cover serious topics too. Good discussion topics might be how she brings up a child on her own or how it feels to be dating again after her divorce. While women love humor, they equally need to know their partner will discuss those deeper subjects where true connections can be created.
By practicing these ‘perfect balance’ techniques in daily life, you’ll see what a difference they make, even at work and among friends. The ability to be a strong leader yet flexible and considerate will make you unique and fun to be around, so you’ll be sure to win further romantic dates with the women you like.
If you are looking for more dating ideas from the male perspective, consider reading First Date Rules for Men ( See Amazon ). Lots of practical insight to help you get your romance on.
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April 16, 2022 by Barrie Davenport
Not all dating advice for men is helpful.
Much of it is vague, and some of it is just plain wrong.
If you’re reading this and nodding your head, we’re glad you’re here. 
The dating rules for men are, admittedly, different from dating tips for wome n, though they do have some overlap.
The list of tips below will make that clearer. 
For men and women, the potential for a great dating experience starts with you. 
In some ways, yes. Or it certainly can be. Much depends on widespread preconceptions — or, more accurately, mis conceptions — about gender roles. 
Take a moment to consider the following stumbling blocks:
So, while dating can definitely be scarier for women (in life-or-death ways), it’s not a cakewalk for anyone — except for those who honestly don’t care what happens. 
But if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be reading this. 
Getting better at men’s dating takes a real investment of time, energy, and heart.
Do the following to improve your dating skills and get the most out of each experience. 
We’ve combed through lists of online dating tips for men to find the ones most likely to help in the 21st century because the rules have changed. But some things haven’t. 
Read carefully through the following 15 tips and jot down any questions you might have. 
It’s okay to acknowledge that dating is stressful. It’s okay to admit that walking up to someone you find attractive to determine whether the attraction is mutual is terrifying. 
If she’s showing zero indication that she welcomes your approach, the water is ice cold. Don’t beat yourself up for not diving in. 
If the water was warm, and you’re now on your first date together, be honest with yourself about your impressions of her and what you’re hoping for. You might already feel invested in making your evening together memorable. 
Remember, it doesn’t have to go perfectly for you both to enjoy it. 
Confidence is great. But if you’ve crossed the line into muttonhead territory, it’s hard to find your way back. 
Overconfidence and fake confidence are both turn-offs. That whole fake-it-till-you-make-it thing only works when you’re still being authentic. If you’re putting on an act to impress someone, sooner or later, the mask will slip. 
Just telling you to “be yourself” isn’t enough. You’ll want to put your best foot forward and learn all you can about the person you’re meeting. You’ll also want to remind yourself that you’ll be okay whatever happens on this date. 
You don’t need alcohol to become more fun to be around. 
For example, if you don’t drink, don’t hang out in a bar. It’s problematic if you’re a recovering alcoholic and your date wants you to join them on a pub crawl. It’s even worse if they keep asking you if you’re serious about not drinking anything with alcohol. 
Go where you’re more likely to meet someone who shares some of your interests. Consider meeting your date at a local bookstore with a good restaurant nearby if you love books.  
Go where you’re comfortable, and you’re more likely to feel relaxed and better able to focus on getting to know your date.  
If you’ve got (platonic) women friends, let them know you’ve got a date and ask them for some “free advice.” They might ask you for more details, but they’ll probably take it as a compliment that you value their insights. 
Keep in mind that even women don’t know how every woman thinks — just as you don’t know what all men think. 
How boring would it be if all women thought the same thoughts (or all men)? The best you can do is learn what you can from your friends. And be prepared to listen. 
There isn’t much worse than the “I don’t care, what do you want to do?” back and forth conversation.
Women want a man who has confidence in his decisions while being thoughtful and flexible enough to consider his date’s desires.
If it becomes apparent that she isn’t enjoying your venue choice, just smile and say: “This isn’t your scene, is it?” You can learn more about your date by finding out why she doesn’t like the venue and then suggesting that you can do something else next time.
If she doesn’t like where you chose to take her, make up for it by having a great interaction. But if the location is loud or otherwise not suitable for getting to know each other, have the confidence to say, “Let’s get out of here and go somewhere we can talk.”
Choose a public place for your first date. And never assume your date will want to finish the evening with a drink at your place.  
Make it a priority to ensure your date feels safe and respected. This is not the time to take risks with her comfort zone. And don’t put her in a position where she has to rely on you for a safe drive home. 
Unless she knows and trusts you 100% already, this is a predatory move. Always ask if you’re considering a venue that might be inconvenient for her or put her at your mercy. Don’t pressure her to feel safe around you. 
Make sure that you look nice without looking like you’re trying too hard — or trying to be someone you’re not.
Dress for the environment of your date and yourself. Wear something comfortable, and that makes you feel confident.
Both the cut and the style of your outfit should fit you. Women notice the small details of your clothes, down to the dirt and wear on your shoes.
You want to look presentable, so your date sees you care enough to put in some effort.
Call your date an hour or so before your date to confirm the time and place. You probably won’t be picking her up, and this way, you’ll both know you’re still planning to meet. 
This is not the time to ask her, “So, what were you planning to wear?” Trust that she knows how to dress for the venue you’ve chosen (or one you’ve agreed to), and just call to let her know you’re looking forward to seeing her. 
It lets her know you’re not planning to leave her stranded, wondering if you’ll ever show. Give her that peace of mind. And if she sounds just as excited as you are, you’ve just leveled up your evening. 
If possible (we recognize that this isn’t practical for every profession), turn off your phone when you’re on a date. At the very least, silence it except for your emergency line. 
Most phones will allow you to enable a “Do Not Disturb” setting, which can allow calls (only) from specific phone numbers. 
That way, if it’s a real emergency, you can still respond to it promptly.
If it’s not, you can remain blissfully ignorant of the incoming calls and texts until after your date. And they don’t have to know your phone was on the whole time. 
Your date is not there to listen to you complain the entire time about your job, your difficult relationships, your relatives with different political beliefs, or anything else.
Focus on having a fun time with your date. Ask them what they love about the area, their job, their plans for the future, etc. Encourage them to tell stories they love about their best experiences. 
When you’re sharing, focus on the things you’re grateful for or things that excite you. And ask her about what gets her up in the morning. 
Yes, times have changed, and women and men are equal — and the dating rules have changed as a result.
However, this doesn’t mean that women don’t appreciate good, old-fashioned, gentlemanly manners and consideration.
Open doors, pull out her chair and pay the tab if you’ve initiated the date (unless you’ve already discussed going Dutch).
Make your mom proud and show your date how classy you can be. Women notice this and certainly appreciate it. Being a gentleman will set you apart from many of the other dates she’s likely had.
Instead of spending the date trying to find ways to make her attracted to you, spend your time learning about her. This is where the preparation comes in, as we mentioned in point #9.
Having a curious mindset and showing real interest in the woman you’re dating will take things to a new level. Find out about her values, hobbies, and passions.
As a result, you’ll learn if she’s the kind of girl you want to go out with again and if she is right for you or not.
If you are truly curious, your conversation will naturally flow, and she will be more inclined to want to learn about you.
You may feel a strong desire to tell your date about your expensive new car or the promotion you just received.
But if the woman is second date-worthy, she’ll be more interested in who you are, not what you have or what you have done. Let your character and personality speak to her about the kind of man you are on the inside.
Imagine how much more your accomplishments will impress her when she is already into you as a person.
One of the most important first date tips is communicating before and after your date. Make sure to touch base the day before to solidify your plans, so she knows that you’re not going to flake out on her.
If you realize during the date that she isn’t a good fit for you, don’t just bail. Finish the date naturally, and tell her you enjoyed your time together — but don’t suggest another date.
However, if you can see a future with her or you want to go on a second date, don’t wait two or three days to tell her. Follow up the next day to say how much you enjoyed your time together and ask her out again.
Confidence is the most common quality both men and women desire in a date. It’s perfectly natural to be a little nervous, especially if your first meeting was online dating. But try not to focus on your nerves.
Telling a girl how nervous you are can be offputting and make her feel uncomfortable. She is likely nervous too, so take a deep breath and remember you are both just trying to get to know each other.
Your calm and natural demeanor will set her at ease and show that you feel comfortable in your own skin.
It’s not enough to know some useful tips on what you should do for a date. It’s also important to keep in mind what not to do. Because learning these things the hard way is more than just painful; it slows down your growth into the man you want to be. 
Allow us to clarify with some examples:
These are pretty much Dating 101, but it doesn’t pay to assume everyone knows the basics. If you’re rolling your eyes and thinking, “Duh!” then well done. You’re ahead of the game. 
Ultimately, as I hope we’ve made clear, how you treat everyone around you is one of the strongest indicators of your success in the dating arena (among others). 
How you treat waitstaff at a restaurant, for example, tells your date how you’ll likely treat her when the “new relationship smell” wears off. 
Treat everyone with respect and kindness, and you’ll see that reflected in the people you attract. 
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April 16, 2022 by Barrie Davenport
Not all dating advice for men is helpful.
Much of it is vague, and some of it is just plain wrong.
If you’re reading this and nodding your head, we’re glad you’re here. 
The dating rules for men are, admittedly, different from dating tips for wome n, though they do have some overlap.
The list of tips below will make that clearer. 
For men and women, the potential for a great dating experience starts with you. 
In some ways, yes. Or it certainly can be. Much depends on widespread preconceptions — or, more accurately, mis conceptions — about gender roles. 
Take a moment to consider the following stumbling blocks:
So, while dating can definitely be scarier for women (in life-or-death ways), it’s not a cakewalk for anyone — except for those who honestly don’t care what happens. 
But if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be reading this. 
Getting better at men’s dating takes a real investment of time, energy, and heart.
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