Date A Cop Dating Site

Date A Cop Dating Site


Date A Cop Dating Site

Premier Police Dating
For Cop Singles To Connect

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We send a shout out of respect and appreciation for the amazing work, sacrifice, and protection that our local, state, and federal law enforcement officers provide us as citizens to keep us safe and secure. If you ever dreamt about dating police officers or men and women in uniform, then you’ve found the perfect site for you. Our mobile responsive site represents local Police singles and their admirers for dating, long term relationships, and even pen pals. When you become our member you instantly get VIP access to our easy to use and highly effective dating features, connect with our database of millions of Police officer dating profiles.
Want to start meeting single men and women who are real cops? Simple and you don’t need to call 911. It takes a under a minute to create your free profile, and in just a few clicks you'll have access to our full member database of men and women officers. Your account lets you post your photos, search member profiles, and even search for specific members. Find someone attractive? Send them a quick wink, an introduction to a shout out. Message members in real time from Law Enforcement officers in your area. Join now, and start connecting!
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Are you dating a police officer and you’re not sure what to expect? Maybe you’ve been friends for a while and you finally decided to take it to the next level, or maybe you just met and hit it off. Whatever the case is, you need to understand that cops live a totally different life from the rest of us so you can expect dating one to be different as well.
If you are interested in dating a cop, or you are cop interested in dating, check out these top picks:
The following are some of the pros and cons of dating a police officer:  
Dating a police officer who interacts with dangerous criminals every day gives you a certain level of safety and security that not many people have. Other people have to dial 911 when in trouble; you just need to call his/her name and you will be safe. Police officers have training and experience in combat which can be useful when you find yourself in violent situations. Police officers also carry a gun which is more than enough to scare away intruders or defend you in dangerous situations.   
If you like to have your space in a relationship, dating a cop might be the best arrangement for you. Cops are on duty most days, including holidays and when not at work, they are probably catching up on some sleep. If you are an ambitious and independent person with your own unique goals, you could really use the free time to run errands, take naps, enjoy your own hobbies, and do other things without feeling suffocated in your relationship.   
Cops are constantly forced to make key decisions in the line of duty, some of which are life or death situations. They have to make quick spur-of-the-moment decisions to resolve civilian issues before they escalate. As such, you can expect the cop to take those leadership traits home and apply them in various situations. Can’t decide what to eat? Stressed out about something? You can expect a police officer to help you tackle various issues head on and decisively.   
Cops are loved by most people in their neighborhoods as they keep them safe and protect their properties. You can expect the cop you are dating to have many friends in the community and to receive praise, respect, or even free gifts for the jobs they do.   
Most cops join the police force in order to be able to make some positive changes to help their communities. You can expect a cop to be a person of high moral character with a tendency towards altruism.  
Police academies have various requirements for anyone to be a part of law enforcement, particularly with regard to health and fitness. You need to be fit and strong enough to pass the various tests.   
Cops live a life where they constantly have to put their lives in danger every day. Such a job helps them to develop a level of bravery that you can’t find anywhere else naturally. A cop will be able to respond to terrible situations calmly and gently and find a way out quicker.  
I know we said above that this can be an advantage since it gives you more time to focus on yourself. However, most times the cop’s absence will seem a bit too much and the worst part is, you can’t visit him at work anytime you miss him as it’s risky.   
Once you start falling in love with a cop, you obviously want the best for them and to protect them from everything negative they face. This is not possible with a cop. You will always know in the back of your mind that they could be in danger at any particular time but you will have no way to help them.   
The acts that will make your cop boyfriend/girlfriend a loved member of the society are the same ones that will make them a target to some of the most dangerous individuals they could be working to or have already put behind bars. Some of these criminals will spend a lot of time obsessing over ways to revenge which could put you in danger if the criminal tries to use you to get to the cop. 
Cops will always respond to the call of duty; It doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of the night when you are trying to sleep or making love, during dinner, during public holidays or any other random time when you think you finally get some time to spend with them. The call of duty for a cop is sacred and it can leave you feeling like they don’t care enough about you while in reality, they just want to help people.  
Crime happens all the time and there have to be cops on duty at all times to maintain law and order and to respond to emergency calls at any time. As such, sometimes the cop you are dating could be assigned to work at a time that prevents you from seeing them as much as you would like.   
Most cops have seen and done terrible things in the line of duty especially if they operate in high crime areas. Having to shoot criminals, getting shot, and other on-the-job events can cause PTSD which can make the cop’s life and your life miserable. Some serious PTSD cases can lead to a total change of behavior and personality which can affect the cop for a long time.   
Due to the dangerous nature of their jobs, cops are at a higher risk of dying on the job than lawyers, accounts, bankers, or most other people you choose to date. Every time you say goodbye to them in the morning could be the last. This can make it hard for you to fully commit to the relationship as you will always be scared to end up alone too early in life.  
So you’ve seen them in their sexy uniforms and you feel it’s time you got yourself a cop boyfriend. Well, here’s what you need to know before jumping in. Having a cop for a boyfriend can be a thrilling experience but it’s not for everyone. If you need a lot of attention, have trust issues, get jealous easily, are dependent, or you want a “normal” life, maybe dating a cop is not the best thing for you.
First, there will never be a time when your boyfriend is 100% free to be with you. They could be called in at any time and they will have to drop everything and go to work. The weekends and holidays when you think you’ll see him are the busiest days in a cop’s world and when you are busy, that’s when they get a day off. It can be impossible trying to find time to spend with him in between his erratic schedules.
Another thing you may have to deal with is infidelity. Every day your boyfriend will be around women who throw themselves at him and sometimes the temptation is too much. Not to mention, their bond with female officers or dispatchers may seem suspicious even if they are not physically cheating.
However, it’s not all bad. You will be proud of who your boyfriend is and feel so happy every time you hear him get back home safe to you. You will feel safe and protected every time you are with him as if he’s your own personal bodyguard.
Dating a female cop is also not for everyone. First of all, do not expect a submissive girlfriend who accepts anything without putting up a fight. Female cops are used to taking charge of various matters in the line of duty so be ready to let go of the reins from time to time and allow her to make some important decisions.
Just like their male counterparts, female cops also have to work with crazy schedules that may not allow you to see her sometimes even for an entire week. Sometimes you may have to take up some roles that have been traditionally taken up by women, such as cooking, doing laundry, among others. You may also have to take her out for dates at weird times.  You also have to face the fact that you can’t protect her when she’s at work even if you feel like that should be your responsibility as a man. There’s a high chance that in a fight, she would actually wipe the floor with you.
Do not even think about cheating on a female cop. Women are naturally suspicious and may use their police resources to investigate and when they find out you’re cheating , who knows what they’ll do.
Dating a female cop has many perks though; for one, you don’t have to deal with a needy woman who is always seeking for attention. A female cop is too busy to notice when you don’t want to spend time with her. You won’t have to bear the responsibility of protecting her; she can do it herself. And when it’s time to role play, the ideas are endless.
Now that you know what to expect when dating a cop, it all comes down to you and whether you are willing to accept and live with the fact that your boyfriend or girlfriend is a cop. There will be many challenges, but so does every other relationship. But if you find a way to make it work, you can find an amazing life partner in a cop.
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If you have landed on Dating Cop then you want to find out how dating scams work. You’re either a victim to the scam or you’re being too careful not to be caught in the web. Well, you’ve come to the right place in any case. What we do here in Dating Cop is we try to bring light to the conning practices of online dating websites that rob people off of their monies. These sites make use of many tactics that trick people into thinking that they are legitimate and honest, that people can actually find someone to date there.
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The way Dating Cop does this is by registering on the dating site at question and going through the site’s terms and conditions. This documentation helps us to determine if the dating site is using fabricated dating profiles and automated communication or not. In this investigative process, Dating Cop also does reverse image searching on Google to find if the images used have different origin. Dating Cop also checks the ownership of the domain name, as well as the contact information of the dating site.
It’s a long and exhausting process, but it helps defrauding many dating services. The very fact that certain companies and corporations own multitude of dating sites makes it easier for us to expose them.
If you see a dating site to be a potential scam or you fear that it might con you, please feel free to contact us and we’ll get right to it.

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Look for police officer dating sites if you want to find matches online. Go online, and search for "Police dating sites." To make an account, enter your zip code, birthday, and email address. Browse different profiles, and send a message when you find officers that strike your interest. [1]
Research source

Many sites offer the option to browse profiles for free, but you must have an account to connect with other officers.
When you send a message you can say something like, "Hello there! I just found your profile, and I would love to get to know you better."
Some popular police officer dating sites include , , , and .


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Visit cafés and bars near a local station to meet an officer in person. Oftentimes, police officers visit shops and businesses nearby their station. Visit these establishments so you become a regular, and keep an eye out for officers that come in frequently. Over time, exchange conversation with the officers and get to know them.

They may spend time there to get a cup of coffee before their shift or to grab a beer when their shift is over.
When you see them, you can break the ice by saying "Hello, how are you?" or "I hope your day is going well."


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Join your neighborhood watch program to get to know local officers. Keep an eye on your neighborhood and report and suspicious activity to the police. In addition, attend local community meetings with your neighbors and police officers. Exchange conversation with the officers at this meetings so they get to know you. Over time, talk with them more and more until the relationship becomes friendly. [2]
Research source

You can search online or contact your local government authorities to find a neighborhood watch program.
Look for an opportunity to spend time one-on-one with an officer. You can ask them to get a drink or meal with you to discuss additional ways to help your neighborhood.
While this is one way to get to know officers, you want to have the right intentions when you join the neighborhood watch. Make sure you also intend on keeping the neighborhood safe, or the officer may pick up on your inauthenticity.


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Chat with an officer to get to know them better. Once you meet an officer, you can build relations by exchanging information about your lives. Look for opportunities to tell them interesting information about you, such as your hobbies or career. Ask them questions about themselves to stimulate conversation. Do this over time, and you can see if you are interested in asking them out.

If you meet an officer online, you can jump right in and ask them questions about their life and interests, such as their favorite food and where they grew up.
If you meet them at a bar, coffee shop, or neighborhood watch meeting, ask them how their day is going, and check in each time you see them to build a dialogue.

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