Datalogix is important element of Oracle’s acquisition strategy

Datalogix is important element of Oracle’s acquisition strategy

Aug. 31—The Colusa County Arts Council will soon be hosting an exhibition of work by visiting artists from the Social Studies Residency program in Arbuckle. This curation, entitled Time + Space, will open to the public on Sept. 9 with an opening reception held at 151 Fifth St. in Colusa from 6-8 p.m. Guests will be welcome to view the work, meet the artists, and learn more about the Social Studies Residency. Light refreshments will be provided. The Social Studies Residency was founded in 2019 by Sierra Reading and Ross Roadruck as an artist-in-residence program in Arbuckle. Artists who attend the residency are selected through an application process and given the time and space for exploration and experimentation of their art practice. The featured artists in this exhibition are Kyra Berman-Gestring, Iris de la Torre, Heather Hardison, Gabriel Graza, Vanessa Koch, and James Servias. These six individuals will share the work they completed during their weeklong residencies at the Arbuckle studio in the spring and summer. The resulting body of work is said to represent a diverse array of practices and aesthetics and offers an interpretation of the rural environment of Arbuckle as perceived by the visiting artists. The Social Studies Residency was born out of the idea to provide artists with time and space to make work and explore their practice in an unfamiliar setting, said Roadruck, the programs co-founder. Through the idea of making time and making space, finding time and finding space, and taking time and taking space, the ethos of the spring and summer 2023 sessions emerged. Were excited to share this work from our residence with the community. Reading and Roadruck provide visiting artists with private, affordable lodging and a substantial studio and workshop space. The studio, which opens up to an adjacent orchard during fair weather, allows artists to immerse themselves in their work and to be immersed in turn by common sights, sounds, and ways of life found throughout Colusa County. Time + Space will be on view from Sept. 9 until Oct. 29. To learn more, visit or . View comments
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