Darth vader Sex Filme

Darth vader Sex Filme


Darth vader Sex Filme
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The only lightsaber he has might be that red one he wears on his belt.
In Return of the Jedi , Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker that Darth Vader had become “more machine now than man.” But what about Darth Vader’s manhood? Did Anakin’s battle with Obi-Wan on the planet Mustafar result in wounds even greater than the lost limbs and terrible burns that covered his body? When we consider the evidence, it seems at least possible that the only lightsaber Darth Vader can get up is the artificial one he wears outside of his black leather pants.
This question, of course, presumes that Anakin Skywalker had a humanoid shaft in the first place, which is no given. All the “humans” in Star Wars look like humans from our planet, but technically speaking, they’re all actually aliens. And so, the first real question should be, do they necessarily have the same equipment in their space-pants?
Darth Vader himself wasn’t conceived from sexual intercourse at all. Anakin’s mother Shmi Skywalker tells Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace that “there was no father,” and that wasn’t just a diss on an absentee daddy. Qui-Gon later comes to the conclusion that it was microorganisms living in the Force that impregnated Shmi. Shim carried Anakin to term, but Qui-Gon doesn’t think this kind of virgin birth is normal or anything. All this proves is that there’s at least one precedent in Star Wars for a major character not being conceived by a sperm fertilizing an egg.
But for the sake of this argument and our sanity, we will indeed assume that Anakin and the other humanoid men in Star Wars are endowed like earthlings. After all, he fathers twin babies, and based on his steamy relationship with Padme, we have to think they did it biologically. Plus, because Padme is pregnant at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith , which comes three years after their nuptials at the end of Attack of the Clones , it’s safe to assume they conceived a child sometime in those years.
But this doesn’t necessarily mean Padme is the only person Anakin has had sex with.
Tor.com writer Emily Asher-Perrin’s 2016 essay “Of Course Jedi Can Have Sex,” postulates that Jedi could have sex despite their strict vows. In an email exchange with Inverse , she suggested that Anakin and Obi-Wan could have potentially “indulged in the occasional friendly ‘lightsaber duel’” in between fighting battles in the Clone Wars.
So, if we accept Anakin Skywalker was a sexually active guy — both with his wife and maybe Obi-Wan — we can now ask whether his fall to the dark side cut short his fun. Is the anger and red lightsaber act just a giant over-compensation for the fact that his most vital connection to the Force was severed and/or burned-off?
When Obi-Wan slices that fatal slice in *Revenge of the Sith, he takes off both of Anakin’s legs and one of his arms. We aren’t told that anything else was removed, but the possibility exists thanks to the bloodless wounds inflicted by Jedi weapons. According to Wookieepedia , lightsaber wounds are generally bloodless and therefore somewhat merciful: “The energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.” So, Anakin could have had his Jedi Junk sliced off at this point, cleanly and medically.
Lucas originally meant for Vader’s suit to be a sort of mobile iron lung, as with all things Star Wars , the canon grew from there. According to aspects of the Matt Stover-penned 2005 Revenge of the Sith novelization, the suit also enables Vader to interact with the tactile aspects of the world. Obviously, Darth Vader can still “feel the Force” but otherwise, Stover’s book makes it seem like he can’t feel much else.
If Anakin did lose his member, we then have to examine its potential interaction with the healing power of Bacta, the cure all-substance of the Star Wars galaxy. First introduced in The Empire Strikes Back , the galaxy far, far away has an almost magical healing gel that is widely used to treat serious injuries. In fact, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story depicts Vader in a Bacta Tank. Is he using this to ease the pain of his burns? Or, if he doesn’t feel much, does the gel itself help him connect with the physical world? Or maybe, is he hoping the Bacta will regrow some of his missing limbs, potentially even his disabled superlaser?
In the book The Art of Rogue One , concept artist Christian Alzman says the tank is Vader’s resting quarters, “because it’s the only place he feels comfortable.” Notice, “feel comfortable” is not the same as “re-grow severed body parts,” but perhaps he had already regrown them?
According to every single definition, from the 1996 Star Wars Encyclopedia to contemporary definitions on Wookieepedia and long discussions on Reddit , Bacta is special because of the speed at which it heals injuries. It’s not a miracle drug that magically reverses severe wounds. True, some fans think a combination of Bacta and Vader’s mastery of the Force could bring back limbs, from what we see in the films, it never happens. Even so, it’s fun to imagine that when Vader is disturbed by Orson Krennic in Rogue One , that he’s actually meditating in bacta, trying to will a missing arm, leg, or his missing Darth-stick, back into existence.
Anakin’s fall to the dark side of the Force is emotionally devastating because it shows a gifted hero becoming a villain. But the physical horror of his disfigurement is what Asher-Perrin thinks makes Darth Vader such a “tragic character.” And if we think of Darth Vader as a contemporary among other literary characters, having a severely damaged, or destroyed man-blaster has plenty of precedent.
In Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises , the main character, Jake Barnes, insinuates that he too, had his member blown-off, calling it the “old grievance” and “a rotten way to be wounded.” Jonathan Lethem’s first novel, Gun With Occasional Music does something similar to its hard-boiled detective character, Metcalf: his nerves are altered so he can never feel a like a man again.
When Luke Skywalker redeems Darth Vader, he tells him that he knows “there’s still good in you.” And when Anakin’s ghost shimmers back into view, in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi , George Lucas decided to get rid of the old version of Anakin and make the ghost the young and vital Anakin as played by Hayden Christensen. Maybe this means that Anakin’s Force Ghost not only got his arms and legs back in Star Wars heaven, but his personal TIE Fighter back in his robes, too. Maybe not. But, as Jake Barnes says at the end of The Sun Also Rises ; isn’t it pretty to think so?

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Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.
Hayden Christensen Photo : Jesse Grant ( Getty Images )
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Vader is back, baby, and he’s here to stay. Riding high from his return to the Star Wars universe in Obi-Wan Kenobi , Hayden Christensen isn’t ruling out any future appearances as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader— and that includes leading his own Disney+ show.
In a recent interview with ET Canada , the actor was asked if he’d consider helming a Vader series. “Yeah, I mean, you know, absolutely,” he said. “I think this is a character that sort of resonates in our culture and in a very kind of profound way. And there’s certainly more there to explore. There are so many other stories that have been told in these other mediums .”
Christensen, who recently reflected on how “cathartic” it was to once again don the iconic villain’s suit, added: “I would love to get to continue my journey with him.”
He’s already scheduled to continue the journey with Rosario Dawson’s Ahoska . (That upcoming series is reportedly set after Vader’s journey has ended, so presumably he might appear in flashback — meaning there’s a chance we’ll see Ahoska’s mentor, Anakin, rather than his Sith alter ego). But to hear Christensen tell it, he’s just shocked to have returned at all.
“It was definitely a surprise,” he said of being asked back (in an interview with HeyUGuys ). “You know, for the longest time, no, I didn’t think I’d be stepping back into this role again. But certainly, in the back of my head for a little bit, I was maybe hopeful that one day such an opportunity might present itself.”
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“This whole project was a surprisingly emotional experience,” Christensen continued. “This is a character that means so much to me, and to other people as well. This is a character that has resonated in our popular culture in a very unique way, so getting to continue my journey with Darth Vader has been so cool.” Here’s to more of the journey, in whatever way, shape, or form Disney+ is willing to give us.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: episode three recap – Vader delivers some serious trash-talk
‘Obi-Wan, your pain has just begun’ … Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader in episode three of Obi-Wan Kenobi Photograph: AP
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In a brilliant third episode, Leia makes a crucial connection, the Inquisitors pull some strings and Obi-Wan squares off against his nemesis
Spoiler warning … this recap is for people who have been watching Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+. Do not read unless you have seen episodes one to three.
Expectation v reality is a funny thing. In these days of enhanced internet hype, online engagement with teasers and trailers seems as important as the TV show or film itself. Never mind how good a series is, did the trailer break the 24-hour record for YouTube views? I’m as guilty of boarding the hype train as anyone else and I have been burned in the past (not like Obi-Wan in this episode, more of which later). As a result, I’ve tried to become less susceptible to the whole hoopla.
In Obi-Wan Kenobi’s case – alongside the diminishing returns of the big-screen instalments and oddness of The Book of Boba Fett – I greeted each carefully drip-fed nugget of news, speculation or leaked image of Darth Vader with a giant shrug, expecting the series to be nothing but a disappointment. I fully expected that seeing the baddest man in the galaxy sparking up that red lightsaber once again would leave me cold, nothing more than an excuse to sell more toys. And yet here I am, writing breathless blogs on the internet immediately after seeing Part III in which I can barely contain my excitement about Big Bad Vader tearing it up. Consider me impressed.
I mean … how good was that? Far, far better than I had dared imagine. Of course, just because your very low expectations were exceeded doesn’t mean something was great, and repeated viewings will help make up my mind for sure, but I think Part III was brilliant.
We started with Obi-Wan kneeling in meditation, doing his best to reach the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, but only really succeeding in going over the most painful moments of his life. I’m still confident he’ll find some clarity and commune with his former master, giving us the Liam Neeson cameo we never knew we wanted. I wonder how he feels now, given his insistence on training Anakin against the wishes of the Jedi council.
There’s no harmony among the Inquisitors, either, with the Third Sister and the Fifth Brother vying for the top spot. I still don’t think the Grand Inquisitor is dead, and Vader will know the truth – I think he’s merely using the title as a carrot to dangle in front of Reva. Office politics and promotions in Star Wars . What next, tea-point chat and a whip-round for a new baby in the team?
Reva’s reaction to seeing the Jedi logo on the tunnel entrance was confirmation, if it were needed, that she was the youngling we saw escaping the temple in Part I, although whether she has a closer connection to Obi-Wan remains to be seen. My hunch is no, she doesn’t, but she used to see him in the corridors and holds him responsible for not stopping Anakin and letting the Jedi fall.
Next up, Mapuzo, a once great planet turned mining system, stripped of joy by the Empire, and Obi-Wan and Leia’s destination, thanks to the coordinates given to them by Haja Estree.
There was some great interplay between Obi-Wan and Leia here, with it eventually dawning on her that he knew her mother. She might only be 10 (and look like she’s seven) but she really is bright, that one.
One thing I can’t quite understand – and it was mentioned by several commenters last week, too – is why Obi-Wan doesn’t change his clothes. Far be it for me to tell the Empire how to issue an APB to all stormtroopers, but something along the lines of: “Male, about 5ft 11in, brown hair and beard, looks exactly like a Jedi” would track him down in far less time that it takes to deploy a fleet of probe droids. And will no one think of the carbon footprint?
I really enjoyed Indira Varma’s performance as Tala, particularly the way she and Leia bonded so quickly. I think Leia’s involvement with the rebellion will be traced back to the moment she hugged Tala in the tunnel on the way to the port – although she’ll have to navigate her way away from Third Sister before then. Abducted once in a series, that’s bad luck. Twice? You’re in real danger of becoming the Kim Bauer of the Star Wars universe.
Jabiim was mentioned, too, which I believe is significant, particularly in terms of who might be waiting for them when they get there. That, coupled with the fact we are yet to see O’Shea Jackson Jr in the series. There’s plenty of online speculation to read if you want to, but if I’m right about who he’s playing, it’s big.
I knew there was going to be a showdown between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, and had made my peace with the fact it doesn’t quite line up with their reunion in A New Hope, but whatever. Retconning is par for the course with these expanded universes. I hadn’t expected their meeting to happen in the third episode, though, and while it might not have delivered on a fight level (Obi-Wan is far too weak for that, these days), it packed a considerable emotional punch. Obi-Wan was chilled to the core, looking out at his former apprentice snapping necks and force-choking civilians, and wisely chose to run when he first came face to face with Vader.
Eventually, they squared off, and it went about as well as could be hoped. The script at this point was especially good, Vader’s trash-talk very in keeping with the kind of lines he utters in future fights. “I am what you made me.” “The years have made you weak. You should have killed me when you had the chance.” “Now you will suffer, Obi-Wan, your pain has just begun,” and so on. Impressive. Most impressive.
Just as Obi-Wan looked doomed, Tala and the loader droid came to the rescue. As our hero was lying on the ground, being dragged around in those flames, I couldn’t help wondering if the experience might explain why Alec Guinness’s version of Obi-Wan looks so much older than Ewan McGregor’s. Are we going to see him looking aged and shellshocked next week?
Good for Ewan McGregor and Disney quickly issuing statements about the utterly disgraceful racist comments directed at Moses Ingram after the first two episodes.
QUINLAN VOS LIVES! One of the coolest, most underused Jedi in the Clone Wars, he was rumoured to have survived Order 66, and here was the proof. Maybe he can have a cameo in Ahsoka? If not, I demand a seven-part Disney+ series in 2024. Eugene Brave Rock, Ricky Whittle or Jason Momoa to star.
Obi-Wan says he remembers a brother. This is big news, and my mind is already racing about where that brother might show up. There’s no such thing as a throwaway line in a series like Obi-Wan.
Freck, the mole-like, Empire-loving resident of Mapuzo, was played by Scrubs star Zach Braff.
Leia’s outfit seemed like a subtle nod to her forest get-up on Endor in Return of the Jedi.
Such a joy to hear James Earl Jones return to voice Darth Vader. I had wondered whether Matt Sloan, who has voiced Vader in numerous animated series and video games, would be taking over, but clearly not.
What did you think? Did you enjoy Darth Vader’s return? Do you like where the series is going? Have your say below

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Obi-Wan Kenobi didn’t wait long to reunite the titular Jedi Master ( Ewan McGregor ) and Darth Vader ( Hayden Christensen ). In “Chapter III” of the limited series, the two come face to face as the Sith Lord tracks his former mentor down on the planet Mapuzo, where Ben and a young Princess Leia (Vivien Lyra Blair) ended up after fleeing Daiyu.
Ahead of the episode’s debut on Disney+, McGregor teased that the moment “will be a surprise” -- and indeed it was. While speaking with ET, he and Christensen as well as director Deborah Chow opened up about the characters’ onscreen reunion, which will be the first of several before the end of the six-part series.
“Getting to play these characters again and work with Ewan has been just the coolest thing,” Christensen said. “Ewan is someone that I have a lot of love for and a great amount of respect and admiration for. So, getting to do this with him, it has been huge.”
In the episode, Kenobi unexpectedly found himself face to face with his former predecessor after first being chased down by stormtroopers, who were on the hunt for the Jedi fugitive. While looking for a way to escape, Kenobi found himself drawn to Darth Vader’s presence -- and the fact that he was the force to torture the people of Mapuzo.
But eventually, it’s just the two men, alone and armed with their lightsabers. And in that moment, a horrified Kenobi asks Vader what’s become of him. “I am what you have made me,” Vader responds (with James Earl Jones reprising his iconic voice role ), telling his former apprentice that he “should have killed me when you had the chance.”
As the lightsabers crash, Vader moves in on Kenobi. And it’s become clear in the 10 years since their last encounter on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith that Vader has gained the upper hand on the aging Jedi Master.
After being dragged through the flames – a fiery nod to their last duel -- Kenobi is eventually saved by an Imperial double agent named Tala ( Game of Thrones ’ Indira Varma), who’s able to distract Vader long enough for him to escape.
“Given where we are in the timeline, [it] made a lot of sense,
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