Darling In The Franxx 02

Darling In The Franxx 02


Darling In The Franxx 02
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January 21, 2018
January 31, 2018

Darling in the Franxx / First Impressions
Home Darling in the Franxx Darling in the Franxx – 02

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January 21, 2018
January 31, 2018

Darling in the Franxx / First Impressions
Overlord IV – 09 : Comedy genius. God-tier fireball animation. I felt pacing was good. Also the 4 armaments members got really good render and… Aug 31, 07:08
Overlord IV – 09 : Once again no Beta:( Aug 31, 06:40
Overlord IV – 09 : I think he is just relived something appeared to justify his promise to let some humans live. Sasuga Ainz-sama. Aug 31, 05:18
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 2nd Season – 09 : The jacket has been laundered. Goal of wiping his fingerprints off that jacket is achieved with the side benefit of… Aug 31, 04:46
Overlord IV – 09 : When Ainz at the end said “As expected” I kinda expected to hear him screaming on the inside “WTF was… Aug 30, 22:56
Kinsou no Vermeil – 09 : Elena definitely itches to behead, Alto, Vermeil or both (although, due to their heart connection, one is enough). But she’s… Aug 30, 19:30
Kinsou no Vermeil – 09 : The Practical Exam kind of annoyed me. All the students did was make fire into wildfire in an a huge… Aug 30, 16:17
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 2nd Season – 09 : Wife large chest https://randomc.net/image/Youkoso%20Jitsuryoku%20Shijou%20Shugi%20no%20Kyoushitsu%20e/Youjitsu%20S2%20-%2009%20-%20Large%2024.jpg Aug 30, 07:13
OP : 「KISS OF DEATH」by Mika Nakashima x Hyde
「繋がるということ」 ( Tsunagaru to Iu Koto )
“What it means to connect”
What’s this, Pancakes covering episode two of big giant anthropomorphic (slightly) robots? You’re damn rights boys and girls. Stilts is out visiting with the family for the next couple of weeks so it falls to me to bear the duty of seeing just what a darling actually is. If this episode is anything to go by , I think I’m liking the definition Franxx has.
If Franxx’s opener wasn’t particularly spectacular, the follow up this week arguably did a great job of showing what to expect going forward. While we still are lacking in important details such as explaining just what a parasite is, who the enemy are/where they come from, and the comments about tainting Zero Two’s blood (not to mention who Papa is), our character cast received some significant attention more or less laying out the relationships going forward. Zorome for example is the quintessential “bully”, the hothead who tries building himself up over everyone else ( mostly Hiro ) in order to likely hide some serious concern about his own strength—guaranteed he and Hiro will come to a mutual understanding sooner or later. Gorou serves as the mediator, helping smooth over any emotional flare ups and keep everyone on track. And Miku as adorable fan service comedic relief needs little introduction.
The important focus, however, rightfully lay on Ichigo and what will certainly be Franxx’s primary drama generator for a while. If the tart attitude wasn’t evidence enough, this girl will be the main competition to Zero Two for Hiro’s piloting prowess (read: romantic affections). Simply helping Hiro pilot a Franxx? Don’t kid yourself, little miss leader has a thing for Hiro and she’s determined to get him. Really determined . That jealous mindset is why Hiro’s lack of reaction to the kiss hurt her so badly, Ichigo wanted him to feel something, to know she has something on the horned enigma encroaching on her turf. It’s mostly a given Ichigo will lose to Zero Two at this stage considering Hiro and mock battle both, but what happens next is really interesting to consider. Will Ichigo go quietly into the good night and turn her anguish into positive team action? Or will she become something less, well, cooperative? Both are reasonable paths, and with so much unknown about Franxx’s story right now, guaranteed there will be a serious twist (*cough* Kamina) that throws a wrench into any expected development. After all, this is a Trigger show.
While this episode was largely about the main cast, particularly intriguing for me were the few story tidbits featured. Botany for example is likely to be Franxx’s main motif, if those casual mentions of pistil and stamen are anything to go by. As most plant species are capable of self-fertilization, this flavour also offers a visual explanation for the emphasis on connection and taking one’s partner into account: if half the plant (i.e. its reproductive system) fails, there is no future. The entire setup feels a lot like Simoun , where shared mental bonds are needed to even pilot the machines in question, with said bonds often formed through physical intimacy; I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if kissing and romantic relationships turn into a way to realize the true abilities of the parasites’ mecha. One way or another, you can be assured the piloting here is not as simple as connecting over a fine rearward view .
With Hiro’s mock battle ending poorly and Ichigo crushed by the weight of insurmountable competition, it’s truly a question just what to expect next in Franxx . Will Ichigo give up? Will Zorome finally win outright? Will Zero Two learn what proper table manners are? God only knows, but if it doesn’t involve best horned devil girl licking someone else for funsies I’ll be royally outraged. Don’t deny, you know you enjoyed it too.
Considering Hiro’s previous partner supposedly still lives, the unanswered elephant in the room is whether Franxx will actually kill off any of its characters later on. I’m personally betting it will, but the show is sure keeping this card annoyingly close to its chest.
ED : 「トリカゴ」 ( Torikago ) by XX:me (Kiss Me; キス・ミー)
Maybe, just maybe, Hiro isn’t the one who’s in control. 02 is controlling Hiro.
Hiro is similar to Zero Two. Ichigo was breathing hard and sweating when he seemed fine. 02/Hiro must output high levels of positive/negative energy.
Both Ichigo/Naomi can’t handle Hiros and the men with 002 can’t handle her energy. It fits the Hiro being a child prodigy during training too, just that none of the partner candidates could reach the same potential.
She was breathing hard because she piloted the Franxx on her own. While numbnuts mcmaincharacter sat there like a failed eva test plug.
I like a lot of elements in this…. although I find the cockpit arrangement a bit… disappointinly suggestive… is there any reason the guys basically have to pilot their female parasites doggy style.
@defunkt_bots If you were actually paying attention to the anime, you’d know that Hiro was piloting the Franxx and he moved the Franxx’s arms before the connection between the pilots was undone, and Ichigo was already breathing hard and sweating even before she started piloting Franxx what has happened AFTER the connection between the pilots was undone.
well Ichigo wasn’t the only pilot sweating from a less than favorable connection. Ikuno was a total mess during the startup. So I imagine that in certain connections the imbalance that puts more stress on an individual here is that the girls were basically compensating for inadequate male co-pilots.
You know how much Ichigo wanted Hiro to succeed… it’s no wonder they couldn’t connect well.
He barely moved the thing for longer than 10secs
In the manga they elaborate more on Hiro’s and Naomi’s situation, Hiro seem be quite a good candidate to be a parasite but he failed his compatibility test with Naomi (hinted that Hiro is a special case where Naomi can’t handle Hiro’s talent). Failure candidates is removed from the dome and is sent to a place called “Garden”, because. Naomi said that “Even if I die, I will choose to stay” imply whatever this “Garden” place is pretty bad as they had seem countless children went there and never been hear again. Hiro is able to stay because he had favoritism from the higher ups (hinting again that Hiro is special).
Also in the manga Kokoro said that “he’s been our leader since we were little”.
Hiro also gave them all actual names out of their numbers when they were younger.
Series’s synopsis affirms that Hiro is a prodigy.
Given zero twos character I also wonder who takes the control seat. May be Hiro cannot sync because he is too beta.
Nope, because ”Mecha” was listed as the main genre of this series here in Japan.
And one of the compulsory rules imposed in order to list Mecha as the main genre in any series it’s that the main protagonist be a pilot.
Note: Mecha with giant robot was created for people self-insert themselves into pilot main protagonist.
Also, if my memory do not fail me, there was an similar Mecha film in my past (70-80) where an “alien” Female fall to earth in her Mecha and need an female schoolgirl as “energy source” to fight back evil aliens.. It is just that my memory forgot the anime name..
“Code Geass”
“Vision of Escaflowne” (This with the White Skydragon.. i think.. my memory)
i think i found the name again: Iczer One
Mecha isn’t the main genre from ”Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion” and ”Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2”, “Code Geass”. Only Code Geass: Akito the Exiled was listed with the Mecha main genre, because the main character, Akito is a Mech pilot focused on mech action.
Mecha isn’t the main genre from “Vision of Escaflowne” and the main character of Gunbuster, Noriko is a pilot.
I know, but there was these kind of Pair (male & Female) in a cockpit. in Gunbuster it was 2 females in the Finale “Big Robot”
So this pairing of male & female in Mecha cockpits are not that special. but i think your right, i do not remember that an Female Pilot has the authority over an male co-pilot.. it was more male (pilot) and Female (co-pilot) or both females.. but never female (pilot) and male one…
and i think thats also the problem of this “Crest anime”.. an Female (pilot) that guide an co-pilot
イクサー1(イクサー ワン
Iczer-1 (Iczer-One)
声 – 山本百合子
Voiced by: Yuriko Yamamoto
main protagonist
the alien girl (blond girl) is the main protagonist of this series.
@worldwidedepp: “alien” Female fall to earth in her Mecha and need an female schoolgirl as “energy source” to fight back evil aliens
i believe you’re talking about “rinne no langrage” i think XD
perhaps i mixed many other old animes together.. i am an old men after all (more then 24+… it even surpass the 40)
If not while in the Franxx definitely outside of it. The girl has firmly embedded herself within his mind given that single piloting experience.
– 02’s ex-partner had a boy/stamen pilot suit
– 02’s had a standard girl/pistil pilot suit.
– Hiro had no pilot suit when he piloted with 02.
– Mitsuru said: I hear that pistil called Zero two…
– Hiro recognized the feeling of piloting with Ichigo, when he was on top; the only other time he piloted was with 02
– 02′s ex-partner had a boy/stamen pilot suit
– 02′s had a standard girl/pistil pilot suit.
– Hiro had no pilot suit when he piloted with 02.
– Mitsuru said: I hear that pistil called Zero two…
– Hiro recognized the feeling of piloting with Ichigo, when he was on top; the only other time he piloted was with 02
We still don’t know how many partners had ridden in 02’s ass before Hiro
It’s a running theory by a lot of the viewers on Reddit.
The sex allegories are pretty blatant. And it’d make sense that Hiro and 02 are meant to be a commentary on gender roles in that regard. IE: Men are expected to be the ones in charge “piloting”, while the women are the ones being “ridden”.
02, the mutant is the one that actually pilots and Hiro struggles because he tries to force himself to fit the mold society expects of him.
It lines up with a lot of what has been seen so far. And the advertising itself stands out since Hiro and 02 are often reversed in their positions relative to the other 4 pairs.
doujin: “baby making in the franxx”
an side effect of the “Overdrive” mode.. where the Male is the Key and the Female.. aehm.. yes.. Its like in “Mai Otome”, when they become pregnant the “otome” system destroy itselfs to protect the baby… So older ex-Parasites are no longer “Virgins”
Now, we have an more better Doujin base.. Use it wisely
Also they all talk about the Father.. Where is the Mother?
It like the production team wondered if they made it too sexual and then added a bit more to be sure.
And they haven’t even gone all the way yet. Just wait for the real fights, hot and sweaty thrusting and moaning galore
Now i understand why Yabuki agree to do manga version of this.
This all about doggy style
Welcome back to “How To Doggy-Style: The Mech Anime”.
This looks more and more like Pacific Rim all of a sudden…the sync capability looks pretty important right now (for all the pairs actually)…
…though that didn’t really explain why Hiro can’t actually control a FranXX, and only be able to maintain his synchronization (as seen this week)… Scratch that, what DOES Hiro think of the girls in the group?
The director said that Hiro is very similar to Alto Saotome in Macross Frontier, because both Alto and Hiro prefer to fly over his girls.
But in Macross he protects both Smiles, and here he is only capable to “fly” with 02… or he learns from 02 to compensate/suppress his “Big House” Negative Waves to match Ichigo.. Like in Kill la Kill this Sisters. But then if he succeed to match with Ichigo’s power levels.. is he still going 100% power? or he is just talking an “smoother language”?
Reminder: Its the Girl on the Left, that has to use her strong Willpower and to wear this Suit, also the Suit also helps here out… (you must know how Kill la Kill works to understand this Picture and background)
So far it looks like compatibility is only half the answer. Hiro may synchronize with Ichigo, but he seems dead set on believing he cannot pilot a Franxx without maybe Zero Two’s help. Since Franxx piloting requires both crew members to be involved, anytime one drops out there’s only so much the other can do to make up for it. Basically Hiro gave up and Ichigo couldn’t overcome that lack of desire/belief.
Crew relationships and how crew members both see each other are going to be very important here.
I was wrong. This isn’t robots powered by dry humping. This is robots powered by ACTUAL fucking. And I am not complaining.
Also 02 continues to be the best girl.
..powering inside the Mind with “Dolphins”
So, a heteronormative Simoun – is this the low birthrate thing again, one wonders?
Seriously, though, Darling is definitely my favourite show so far this season. Yes, the flower thing is definitely a big part of the scenario. Mistilteinn means mistletoe, which is a parasitic plant, so that’s presumably where the parasite thing comes from. Given that this is drawing heavily on Evangelion (one reviewer even claimed it was a shot-for-shot remake, though I’m not so sure about that), maybe the FranXX really are armoured plants and not mechas and they need the parasites’ male and female sexual forces to make them move.
The Female Pilots are capable to move the Mecha on their Own. But i think the Male is there to share the “Mind stress” like in the US Movie “Pacific Rim” (There 1 Pilot can drive it, too but under the same “Stress”)
I bet 002 are stronger, because she is more “Boyish” and have perhaps more Stamina. But even here she needs an co-pilot to “bloom into an Big Flower”
As i thought, the Mechas are the extension of the Female pilots, where the Male have the support role
But seriously…(Japan!!! :))
And Perfect Butt shaped cockpit. To get use the male to calm down his erection and focus on the job?
Lucky for the Pilots, that there is no “Overdrive”…. (aehm..) Like in “Ghostbusters” some male Key was looking for an female Keyhole..(enough Mind sex)
The Designer of this Cockpit, loves to rides heavy street race Motorbikes.. Look closely how the female rides the “Bike”..i do not mind, in Knights&Magic there where also “Motorbike” alike Cockpits, there you can use your full body to hold this “Human leg” Mecha on his feet
Perhaps the stress comes from there. To move and hold balance on this thing
Also.. where there is an Father, there most be also an Mother…
Speculation TIME!!! ON:
Evangelion.. i can hear your screams of your Angels…
Last Episode she attack this Monster and penetrate some kind of Ball, right?
This Ball has the same shape as their own Cockpit… Perhaps this “Monsters” are from other Human Colonies under the Surface or Lifeform, that need also the Magma Energy to survive. So they are fighting back. And the original “Franxx” comes from them, just the Human here succeed in control this with this kind of Cockpit (There is my Evangelion reference)
Also perhaps the Pilots must be still Virgin to have the Mecha move on, and the Negative and Positive Energy are the “feelings”/attractions to each other.. Well in the end they show us many “Dolphins!” (Fate series *insider*)(also this “Virgin” comes from Simoun)
Since there are no real Skin contact here the anime stay save… until we get an visual proof how 002 let the Male(Rider) controls her(Horse)… Perhaps with direct contact on her Butt… So they take away this “save” controls
Its like the “mystery” with… do it with protection or raw…
Well, i am bending to much outside my window.. but i think the most “sexual” parts plays in the Mind of the fan, like in “Eromanga sensei”.. As long they not overstep the “visual proof” border (an Kissing do not count) its all “Green”
reminder.. this tight Female Pilot suit skin, is some kind of Latex.. an 2nd skin.. so touching this Latex, is like touching Raw…(for future episodes.. we have 22 to go)
and yes. i am older then 24+. So i am allow to write this stuff
For someone who proclaims to be older than 24, your observations about this show are amazingly childish “But seriously… (Japan!!! :))” “I’m an adult! I can say the word condom!”
I find it weird that you still maintain such a presence here without having picked up much english skills in about five years I’ve seen you here. Wouldn’t it be more productive to go to forums in your native tongue where conversation can flow without difficulty in comprehension? Out of curiosity and not sarcasm, do you have an avid following for anime where you live?
I hope one day that people would quit the subtle racism that comes with summing up a story’s wilder elements as only a result of having originated from Japan. Not necessarily saying it’s a bad thing to be blunt and open about another culture’s weirdness,
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