Dark Passion 1998

Dark Passion 1998


Dark Passion 1998

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A wealthy couple, unsatisfied in the bedroom, hire a virile young man as a groundskeeper. Affairs, deception, and murder ensue. A wealthy couple, unsatisfied in the bedroom, hire a virile young man as a groundskeeper. Affairs, deception, and murder ensue. A wealthy couple, unsatisfied in the bedroom, hire a virile young man as a groundskeeper. Affairs, deception, and murder ensue.
This has got to be one of the best erotic thrillers ever made. The three leading ladies, especially Michelle Von Flotow set the screen ablaze with their sex scenes. Forget the plot - that's just an excuse to join the sex scenes together. Alright then, if you must know, a bored rich housewife (Flotow) is neglected by her accountant husband who would rather pore over his figures than paw her figure. Go figure! Into this mix comes the hunky caretaker who takes care of her every need, and how! Add to this a sexy daughter and a maid who is having an affair with the husband and you have the ingredients for some hot action. This is probably director Eric Gibson's best work. The film starts off with the husband (Morgan Daniel) and Rosa the maid (Taimie Lynn Hannum) engaged in alfresco sex and from then on never lets up, except for the plot and we can forget that. The best scene in my opinion is the one in which Burke Morgan and Michelle Von Flotow first get together. It is actually a very tender scene with appropriately soft music. There is also a foursome scene with the caretaker and all three leading ladies. On the downside, the use of saxophone music in some scenes was too heavy-handed and the final scene was over too quickly. Apart from those two minor faults, this film is definitely recommended. This review was for the UK version which runs for 92 minutes.
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