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Russian-House In-Dar-Es-Salaam | VK

Phone or email. Birthday: December 1 , Current city: Dar es Salaam. Show full information Hide full information. Personal information. Groups: Russian House in Dar es Salaam. All posts Posts by Russian-House Search. Russian House in Dar es Salaam 18 Oct at pm. YouTube Поем на кухне всей страной. Фрагмент от The Adygeans are the closest relatives of Cherkesses, Shabazes and Kabardines. In ancient times, they were all one people - the Adygens, who had already been divided for territorial reasons during the Soviet Union years. They mainly live in the Adygea Republic and Krasnodar region. See more The art of dance plays a special role in the Adygic traditions. A well-known couple dance is the lyrical Ismay, in which a man, like a proud eagle, circles a modest girl and she retaliates his attempts to approach. There is a more rhythmic and simpler ritual dance, the Uj, which is popular at weddings and folk festivals. The Adygeans have many customs related to children. When a baby is born a flag is hung over the house. Single color flag represents birth of a boy, multi color flag represents birth to a girl. The parents are hosting a party to which they are inviting lots of guests. During the feast, the child is placed on a rock, on which the words read: 'He shall stand as firm as a rock! During the Olympic Games, foreigners from all over the world learned about Adygian cheese, and it became very popular. Both southern and northern mammals live on the territory of the reserve: lynx and Amur tiger, Himalayan and brown bears. Scientists believe that several tens of thousands of years ago there was a boundary between the subarctic and subtropical climatic zones, which formed such a contrasting combination of species. The Sikhote-Alin Reserve was established on February 10, Initially, the sable population was restored here, but as a result, they began to work on the conservation of other endangered species of animals and plants, including the Amur tiger. The reserve attracts lovers of cognitive ecological tourism. The best time to visit the reserve is from early May to late October. Мы продолжаем знакомить наших подписчиков с самыми интересными местами в России. Расскажите о природных красотах, исторических памятниках, шедеврах современной архитектуры, больших городах и уютных деревушках, куда бы вы хотели поехать или где уже побывали. Авторы самых интересных историй получат подписку на Яндекс. Плюс на три месяца. Напоминаем, что публиковать свои истории можно до 6 октября включительно. Результаты конкурса мы объявим 10 октября года в в соцсетях Русского дома. Желаем удачи! Russian House in Dar es Salaam 30 Aug at am. Директор Русского Дома Мария Владимировна Патеева вручила слушателям сертификаты, спросила студентов, куда они едут учиться и какую профессию они выбрали. В заключение она пожелала учащимся стать хорошими специалистами своего дела. В добрый путь ребята!. The Russian House takes to inform you that the Russian Government Scholarships application schedule for the Academic Year has been changed; registration will now start on October 1st, - December 31st, instead of September 1st, — December 31st, as had earlier been stated. Any inconvenience arising as a result, is regretted. Students from African countries will able to attend online classes in Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics in English. In addition, students will be able to learn Russian. Study will start in September Participation is free of charge. Сегодня слушатели курсов русского языка принимали гостя. Студент первого курса фармалогического факультета РУДН Абдулрахман Саид приехал на каникулы и пришёл к нам чтобы поделиться своими впечатлениями о жизни и учёбе в России. Учащиеся задали много вопросов и получили исчерпывающие ответы, обсудили цены на продукты, транспорт и другие услуги. Все слушатели остались очень довольны. Мы благодарим Абдулрахмана и желаем ему успехов в учёбе. Doriin Dzhulius. Поздравляю всем.

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