Daphne Bdsm

Daphne Bdsm


Daphne Bdsm
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An excited new submissive wrote to me after watching my YouTube videos (YouTube search terms “Master Arcane Crow”) with her Dom. She was very happy to find out that there were so many others out there who felt the same as she did, but wanted to know if my slave, Daphne, ever had trouble balancing her strongly independent, sometimes tom-boyish nature with her own passionate experience of submission to me. More than anything else, this new submissive wanted to know if it was possible to be both strong as a person and strong as a woman while also being strong as a slave. I was more than happy to tell her the answer was a resounding Yes. To even further make the point I elected to have slave Daphne herself write back to the new submissive explaining exactly how Daphne creates a wonderful balance in her own life, mixing personal-best as my slave alongside personal strength in her own womanhood. I hope you enjoy this special edition of Arcane Advice.
And now I hand the mic over to slave Daphne….
Hello there. Master Arcane’s slave Daphne here, hope you don’t mind if I take over and tell you my experience.
To be honest, I often have many of the same issues even after two years of being Master Arcane’s devoted slave. While I am happily submissive by nature, a natural follower I like to say, I grew up in a family where I was surrounded by strong, independent women. One could even say my household was matriarchal. So in my relationship I oftentimes find myself at odds with my very real need to be submissive for my Master versus the learned behaviors I picked up from my mother, older sister and cousins. Most of the time, it’s a good mix, but when it comes to relinquishing full control to my Master without question, I must admit I have encountered a few hiccups.
The good news is that there is absolutely a way to be both a deeply devoted submissive to your Master while at the same time still being a strong woman. The trick is just knowing when certain behaviors are appropriate. Here’s an example: In the workplace, a fellow employee of equal standing tries to callously pawn off their duties onto you because they feel they can take advantage of you. As a strong woman, you might tell them that you aren’t going to do their duties because you have your own workload and if they want help, to ask you politely. This is called standing up for yourself, and my Master always supports when I do this because it also means I am standing up for and taking care of His property, namely me. By being a strong woman when out and about in the world I am actually still fulfilling my responsibilities to my Master.
Now lets look at a similar circumstance in a D/s context. Your Master gives you an order to take care of a task that He needs done even though you might be in the middle of something. It would be seen as highly disrespectful and completely inappropriate to tell your Master “I’m doing something else right now” or “Ask me nicer and I will,” etc. You have to remember that your Master is there to love and guide you, not take advantage of your submission. There is an astronomical difference between the callous co-worker and your beloved Master, and you need to keep in mind that being with your Master is your safe place where you can let your guard down.
So, the best way to respond to that situation would be to immediately acknowledge your Master and put His given task at the top of your priority list. Or, if what you are working on needs immediate attention, ask politely, “Master, I am currently working on something important, may I do that task after I’m done?” This is called the “Rule of One Petition” in Master Arcane’s (The Crow Academy) style and it dictates that even though you made your request, your Master does not have to agree with you. If your Master were to respond with a “No, please do it now,” then without giving any argument or attitude, you drop what you are doing to do the task assigned by your Master.
As you can see, to follow your Master without question requires a great deal of trust. Trust is something that grows over time, starting with a bit of trust in the beginning, and if you both behave honorably then it can grow into something all-encompassing and truly incredible. Each time your Master requires your trust in a command He gives you and it turns out that His command made sense and was clearly the correct choice (even if you could not see it in the moment He made the request), the resulting clarity will help build your trust together more and more.
If, on the other hand, you have any doubt in His ability to lead you then it could be very problematic. That of course is not the only reason why it might be difficult to give in completely. I myself struggle with selfishness and there are times where I don’t want to do what Master asks because I don’t want to stop whatever I am doing. I have found that the best thing to do is to keep in mind why you chose to be in a D/s Relationship. Does serving your Master, making Him proud, and seeing Him happy give you fulfillment? I imagine the answer is “YES!” If this is true, then realize that following your Master’s orders and giving Him complete control (with all that beautiful trust you have created together) will make the both of you happy and help nurture the D/s Relationship. Note that when I say complete control it comes down to what amount of control you both negotiated when you started, and as you go along. For myself, I am most fulfilled by always allowing my Master to have the final decision, because I trust His leadership implicitly.
Never underestimate the power of politeness and humility. As fellow submissives (you and I), learning to embrace these qualities are some of our most powerful tools. Just because you are an independent woman does not mean that you have to be rude or egotistical to prove it. Just remember that relinquishing power to the ONE man that YOU chose, does not in any way take away from your strength as a woman overall. Master Arcane teaches that the beauty of submission is when the submissive, no matter how strong or powerful or beautiful she is in her daily life, chooses ONE man, her Master, to whom she can give her complete obedience based on trust, and that is when both of you will share an amazing experience together.
Love this! Does Daphne have a forum where we can converse about sub/slave topics? I would love a professional’s advice.
Hi. Happy to say you can always join the live discussion on our Facebook group. Look for “BDSM Answers by The Crow Academy.” It’s a friendly, well moderated group where everyone’s interest is genuine and polite. Daphne directly moderates and administrates the group as well.
The direct link is here:
Thank you Daphne
I’m a very new sub and this is a topic that has greatly challenged my identity as a strong woman and your words make it easier for me to accept my decision to surrender to someone else’s will.
Dear Master Arcane and Daphne:
I have watched your videos on u tube. (More than once) Trying to learn all I can. I now have a Master, Hes fabulous and I trust him completely. But on one or more occasions. He has given me an order I did not want to comply. I was sorry later. The disappointment in his eyes was enough. Only to find out later he was correct. I also was raised by independent women and there is a fine balance. I just wanted to thank you for article that you wrote. I have been a sub, but this is my first Master/slave relationship. It fullfills me . It has been what has been missing all my life Thank you so much
I fully enjoyed reading your views of being strong and a sub/slave …it reenforced my own beliefs and set my mind at ease …
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Harry Potter receives powers after he returns to the chamber of secrets. hypnotic spiral eyes, thanks to these powers the girls around him start to influence him more and he becomes more confident.
Fic is crossposted from FFN, it is still being written and future updates will be added here too. A disillusioned Harry Potter begins to unravel his potential as the wizarding world follows the Triwizard Tournament. Harry delves into a world that is much greater, and more complicated, than he was aware of. Story contains more detailed magic, politics, and more; it is a story of growth and and maturation. Harry is het and it may or may not be a multi fic.
Various one shots Harry's various naughty adventures(or misadventures, depending on your angle), with women. Not for children. New chapters posted occasionally, beginning in April 2022.
In a world where the last Death Eaters are still a threat, a never ending attraction keeps Draco and Hermione close for years.
“It’s just an innocent game”, they often repeat.
But when it will be time to choose between her and his family, what will he do?
Summary: In which Harry Potter is recruited to take over the DADA Professorship instead of returning to Hogwarts to finish his Seventh Year with the rest of his peers. As the one destined to defeat Voldemort, it only makes sense.
One of my current ongoing stories and caught up to where it's at over on all of my other websites such as QuestionableQuesting, Hentai-Foundry, Fanfiction, and Webnovel. This story will update twice a month, usually.
Links to my profiles on other websites can be found in the Notes at the end of the chapters.
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir beware. Lavinia Evans returns to Hogwarts hoping for a calmer year than her first, but is quickly caught up in the seemingly inescapable excitement of petrified students, jealous friends, intolerable professors, and a Dark Lord she just can't figure out. All she wants is to be two steps ahead of the danger and one step away from the drama, but as the year progresses, she starts to feel less like a knight, and more like a pawn.
Harry Potter was the last in the line of Potter's. One simple question leads to discovering the vast history of Adventuring within the Potter line. Finding a Journal of one of his Ancestors, he finds a mentor.
Features a competent, intelligent Harry with some awesome gadgets.
This fic was adopted from ViciosFritz on FFN
All alone for his first decade, there's one thing Harry feared above all else, even if he won't admit it to himself. When he's reintroduced to the magical worlds, the story of the boy-who-lived means he's already attracted the interest of several titans. As alliances are forged, friendships broken and magic learnt, the distant war drums grow ever louder. In a world where elementals, legilimencers and dark lords roam, can Harry survive it all, and can he discover something more?
This fic is a much slower pace compared to HPatR, though with an equal focus on worldbuilding. Harry's power curve is more flat, and several other changes to the story that will hopefully make this an enjoyable, different read while still resonating with fans of HPatR. Far more focus will be given to the mind arts and romance, though with the same dark twist that we see in HPatR.
I do not endorse or condone any views of deatheaters as they are meant to portray Nazis and I firmly believe that ideology is wrong. This story is going to be dark and is meant to show how Harry is radicalized by the dark.
This story is just if Harry as a lonely abused kid chose the wrong crew, and the dark path that it will lead him down.
The greatest journey begins with a single step. The greatest change starts with a firm decision. Harry Potter has made a decision and it wasn't a firm one, little more than a whim but something inside was content and the damn itching just under his skin had stopped. As a form of compulsion it wasn't pleasant but it was effective. The only problem was, where the hell did it from?
When Harry and Hermione have a fight over the Half Blood Prince's potion book, it ends their friendship. The two take different approaches, to dealing with their broken hearts.
Harry decides if he's going to fight Voldemort, he needs a trainer, enter the beautiful and spunky Nymphadora Tonks.
Meanwhile Hermione throws herself into attracting Ron's attention, she's determined to put Harry behind her. Pointedly ignoring the little voice in her head, asking why Slytherin's Ice Queen is suddenly so interested in Harry? And why does it annoy her so much?
Harry sacrifices himself in the Forbidden Forest, fully expecting to die. Instead, he stumbles into an entirely new world, familiar yet distant. As he settles into his new life, a wayward wand and not-so-dead Potters are just a few of his problems. Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry is determined to win - properly, this time. No bashing.
Sansa Stark begins her career at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the same year as Harry Potter. At the same time that Dark forces are beginning again to grow in power.
Harry and friends are set to start their third year at Hogwarts. Harry's hopeful for a drama free year, but with his godfather being an escaped convict, his plans to reform Slytherin House, and Hogsmeade weekends, he has low expectations.
Harry just wanted one normal year, ONE, but no the universe hates him and give him his most messed up year yet.
Umbridge strode into the great hall with a smirk plastered across her face and an arm full of books.
She announces that they are going to be reading the books about one Harry potters life to expose his "lies".
Hogwarts reads the books about Harry’s life with some unexpected visitors…
[under editing but still being updated]
Taking the cliche/trope of Harry Potter working out to its logical and completely ridiculous endgame. Now it's time to meet Beefcake Harry, Dudebro supreme. Also, starring his mentor... a great big buff guy named Thanos. And stoner Dumbledore, because why not?
To spice up their sex life Harry and Hermione visit a muggle club with a plan of 'The Game Of Seduction' in mind.
They're fully compatible in almost every way. But Hermione isn't looking for a relationship, and the man she matched with is willing to keep things easy—and anonymous—for now.
Harry Potter is unremarkable. A sub-par student, a loner, and orphaned by parents few care to remember. He’s just a fifteen-year-old boy nobody seems to care about, and he, in turn, cares for nothing and nobody either.
But Harry Potter is also a Slytherin. And Slytherins, if nothing else, know how to spot an opportunity. Slytherins don’t wait for fate to confer destiny upon them, they bend fate to their whim.
So, when opportunity strikes to make his mark, to carve out his own place in the world, he takes it. The real question is; will he leave it scarred or renewed?
When Harry is brutally attacked to the point where he can't even be saved by normal practices, a secret sub-group of the Unspeakables are forced into action. They rebuild him and make him the perfect weapon to take down Voldemort and his minions ... through violence or seduction. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi

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