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Danny Phantom











Danny Fenton is a 14 year old boy who is pretty average at first, until an accident caused him to receive ghost powers. He's having some troubles now, but soon he'll have to battle his first major ghost enemy. When his friend Sam changes the school lunch menu, it's caused a ghost named the lunch lady to escape from the ghost world. She's called the lunch lady and has control over all meats (not to mention she has mood swings). Danny must try to defeat her, but it's not going to be easy because he doesn't know how to use his powers that well and the mess would get his ...

Danny is in love with the school's most beautiful girl, Paulina, he asks her to go to the big dance with her by giving her an amulet he found, but his ghost powers keep doing weird things, causing Mr. Lancer to have a parent teacher conferences with his dad, so Danny has to overshadow him in order to make it go okay. Howerver, another bad thing has been going on, the amulet that Danny Gave Paulina came from the ghost world, and causes anyone (including humans), who becomes angry, to turn into a fierce ghost dragon, when Danny finds out about this, he finds himself in ...

Danny's ghost fighting has been causing him to be in a pickle, because he has to study for a test and not doing so has got him a D. Sam suggests that he should do extra credit by doing a report on the purple back gorilla, plus, Tucker put Danny's schedule in his PDA. But now Danny is in more trouble because a ghost hunter (whos a ghost) named Skulker has spotted Danny and is trying to capture him, and just as soon as Danny met his doom, Skulker spotted Tucker's PDA and attached it to his armor. He gains more power, but now he keeps flying off to a new location. ...

Danny has found himself finally part of the "in crowd" at Casper High. Unfortunately, the lab and household junk he sold to pay for a new outfit has been infused with a spectral influence, and Technus, Master of All Things Electronic and Beeping, is on the loose! It's up to Danny to save the city, make it to the party, and reconcile with Sam and Tucker.

After the box ghost destroys Danny's locker, he's assigned a new one, locker 724. Everyones afraid of that locker, but Danny doesn't know why. Meanwhile, the bullies in the school are being extra mean, and Danny can't take any more of Dash. Danny soon realizes that locker 724 is haunted by the spirit of it's old owner, Sydney Poindexter, Who was main bully target. Now Danny has freed Poidexter's spirit getting revenge on Dash. Now Poindewxter is angry at Danny and has now switched bodies with him and sent Danny to Poindexter's dimension and is trapped! Will he get out?

Danny accidentally releases a ghost named Desiree, who grants every wish she hears, only in a chaotic way. Danny is able to stop it with a new power he found out. Bun now, Tucker's envy over Danny has caused him to wish he has ghost powers too. Danny's really getting annoyed by this, and he soon finds out that Tucker's envy will transform him into the most powerful ghost boy ever. Can Danny stop him in time?

Jack brings his entire family to Wisconsin for his college reunion, hosted by his old friend, Vlad Masters. It's strange enough that Danny's finding ghost on this vacation, but what's even more mysterious is the fact that he finds out 3 things about Vlad, he now hates Jack because he caused a accident at college, ever since then, he's been trying to steal Maddie away from Jack, and 3, the biggest one, the accident caused him to get ghost powers and is now Danny's biggest enemy!

Danny is afraid of 3 things, first of all, he's afraid that his parents are going to divorce because he heard Maddie say that just before she left to go to her sister's house, Jack trails him leaving his kids behind. 2nd, Jazz is acting all crazy because she says the events that are happening are "not right". And 3rd, Danny accidentally strides into the ghost zone and gets caught by the ghost warden, Walker. Now Danny is even more afraid because the Jack left his apology present at the house and now Danny's knocked it into the ghost zone, now Danny has to go back in ...

After noticing a change in Danny, Jazz assumes that he is depressed. Signing him up for sessions with the new school therapist, she doesn't realize that Penelope Spectra (the shrink) is an evil ghost who feeds off of teen misery!

After Danny and a ghost dog inadvertently destroy a popular girl's life, she vows to become a ghost hunter as revenge- and her main target is Danny Phantom! For Danny, dealing with a threat just down from his locker is bad enough, but Tucker has a crush on the girl!

Ember, a ghost rocker who gets her power from her teen fans saying her name, changes Danny and Sam's relationship by making Danny become besotted with Sam! This is all a distraction, so that Ember can take over the world through a global concert, and now Sam has to break Ember's love spell and get Danny to fight. Even if it means breaking his heart.

Danny fight a ghost that escaped into his online game while juggling school responsibilities

Danny tries to use his powers to beat the school bully, Dash, at a haunted house building contest, but ends up with more than he can handle.

Jazz is finding herself attracted to the wrong kind of person, that is, a ghost named Johnny 13.

The town of Amity Park is thrown into chaos by the town's first mass invasion of ghosts. It's all part of the plan by Ghost Zone's top Sheriff, Walker, to capture and incarcerate Danny Phantom. As first Danny battles, then befriends, a hulking ghost named Wulf, Walker and his goons "overshadow" most of the people in Danny's inner circle. While eluding attacks from his ghost fighting parents, Danny defeats Walker and restores calm in the city, earning the title of "Public Ghost Enemy #1" in the process!

When Paulina sees Danny transform into his ghostly alter-ego, he fears that she'll tell everyone. But not only does Paulina agree to keep Danny's secret, she becomes his girlfriend! Unfortuately for Danny, Paulina is being overshadowed by Kitty (Johnny 13's girlfriend) in an attempt to make Johnny jealous after a fight. And if Danny ruins Kitty's plans by turning her down, she'll (as Paulina) tell the entire town that he's the Ghost Boy!

In an attempt to bond with her distant son, Maddie takes Danny to a science symposium in Florida. However, it's all a ruse by Vlad Masters- Danny's archenemy! He plans to convince Danny and Maddie to stay with him. At the same time, he launches a huge ghost attack on Fenton Works, hoping to eliminate Jack!

Skulker's back, and this time he creates a little competition to see who his worthy of his hunt, Danny or Valerie.

Vlad Master is trying to steal Jack Fenton's ghost portal, so he offers a million dollars to anyone who can stop Danny Phantom.

Sam and Danny must contend with a spell-casting circus ringmaster named Freakshow


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A Superhero series on Nickelodeon by Butch Hartman, the creator of The Fairly Odd Parents .

The series revolves around the adventures of Danny Fenton, the son of parents who are professional ghostbusters. ( No, not those. Or those .) While generally less than competent, their engineering skill is phenomenal, allowing the creation of such inventions as the Fenton Portal , a machine that opens up a path to the " Ghost Zone ", apparently an odd kind of afterlife where ghosts are either beings of the dead and/or monsters from another dimension . At the urging of his good friend, Sam Manson, Danny explores the portal and accidentally activates it, imbuing his molecular structure with ectoplasmic energy .

Now with a set of formidable ghost powers, Danny eventually decides to use them to protect humanity from various spectral threats. Unfortunately, since most of the town (including his own parents) fears and hates his Danny Phantom identity, Danny has to keep his ghost powers secret. Fortunately, his best friends, Sam and Tucker (and his own sister, who quietly knows Danny's secret as well), are his constant companions, who give him vital practical and emotional support in his self-appointed role.

Despite the comical tone, this series is a surprisingly well-conceived and endearing narrative of a boy growing into his true calling while the world gradually comes to accept him, much like a variant of Spider Man at that franchise's best.

Following its initial nine episodes (known affectionately as the Magnificent Nine by longtime fans), the show began to become more and more " FOP-ish " and began to borrow heavily from its predecessor. This was all but embraced in the latter seasons, which saw an increase in gags, gross humor, and Deus Ex Machina endings. However, the series also grew its beard by Season 2, ending in a mostly mixed Season 3.

Before reaching half-way through the second season, Butch Hartman announced the decision made by Nickelodeon to cancel the production of the show, making it 53 episodes in three seasons. Dedicated fans orchestrated various petitions and small organizations to overturn the decision , but despite these protests, the production of Danny Phantom finished in February 2007, with no plans for future episodes after 53. However, at least the series had enough lead time to create a Grand Finale .

The complete first season was released on DVD on September 13th, 2011 by Shout Factory , the first part of Season 2 released on April 3, 2012, with the second part and Season 3 to be released at a later date.

 Tucker: Looks like we're gonna miss the movie.
Sam: Unless we find some way to ignore all speed limits, red lights, and certain laws of physics.
Closeup on Danny looking sly. Cut to: ...the kids in an RV going about 120 miles an hour, driven by Danny's dad.
Tucker: Couldn't you've just flown us?
Danny: The way my dad drives, this is faster.

 Mr. Lancer: Tucker Foley. Chronic tardiness, talking in class, repeated loitering by the girl's locker room.
(Tucker gives a sly smile)

 Jazz: You've ambushed me, suffocated me with smoke, and worse , I was pulled away
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