Danny Phantom Desiree Hentai

Danny Phantom Desiree Hentai


Danny Phantom Desiree Hentai
Desiree is a ghost who travels the world granting anyone's deepest desires (wishes and desires expressed verbally i.e. "I wish..." or "I want...". However, the wishes usually have disastrous results or consequences. The more wishes she grants, the more powerful she becomes. The name Desiree is based on the French word which means 'wish'. Her name even resembles the word desire. Prior to her life as a ghost, Desiree was a harem girl who won the heart of a sultan. He promised to grant her her heart's desire, a kingdom of her very own, but then she was cast away from the palace by the sultan's jealous wife. Dying of a broken heart (and old age though she somehow regained her youthful form as a ghost), Desiree wandered around as a ghost, forever stuck granting whatever wishes people desire, usually with dire consequences (she can never love). When her origin is being told, it appears that she wasn't evil at first, but eventually grew bitter and envious of her "masters'" happiness, and apparently decided to have wishes end up turning against the wisher. At some point in history, her spirit somehow ended up in a genie's bottle and was on display at a swap market. There, a spoiled little girl accidentally freed her and was granted her wish for cotton candy, thus producing a tidal wave of it that destroyed the market. In the present, she continued to grant other wishes: Dash turning into a Hulk-like creature, Paulina turning into a cute and popular anime character, and giving a surfer's car the uncontrollable power of flight. When Tucker wished for ghost powers (who was jealous of Danny), she gave him powers that consumed him and turned him evil. A rivalry between him and Danny then took place. Eventually Danny captures Desiree by wishing her to disappear into the thermos. ("If I weren't a C student, I would have thought of that five days ago.") She had a brief cameo in "Prisoners of Love" as one of the many ghosts in jail (and later broken free). She later got another starting role in Memory Blank when she arrived in time for the meteor shower about to show during Paulina's quinceañera. When Sam accidentally wished she never met Danny after they had a fight, Desiree granted it and created a world where Danny did not know Sam, thus never gaining his ghost powers (which was caused in part, because of Sam). Sam struggled to get Danny his powers back (which she successfully did), and a now inexperienced Danny Phantom tried in vain to control his 'new' powers to stop Desiree who kept getting stronger due to the vast amount of wishes being made during the meteor shower. Sam finally then wishes to take back the wish she made prior, causing Danny's memory to be restored and to once more seal Desiree, through which she remarks, "I have got to stop granting every wish I hear!". She had another small cameo in Reign Storm when Skulker led millions of ghosts out of the Ghost Zone. She returned again in The Fright Before Christmas as one of the many ghosts who helped Danny save Christmas, and was seen briefly in the series finale, Phantom Planet, first getting attacked by Vlad's ghost hunting team, 'The Masters Blasters' and then helping Danny, Skulker, and millions of other ghosts turning the entire planet intangible, so that a massive asteroid could pass through it.
Desiree remains a rather vindictive ghost genie, probably due to her own tale of tragedy and broken heart. Her wishes reflect this; giving off grave consequences beneath the wishes the people make, similar to the story of The Monkey's Paw. It's possible she's merely taking out her anger over her loss onto the people whose wishes she grants. Her love tragedy also gives her a rather low opinion of men; she refuses to let any men touch her unless she wishes it. Her major weakness stems from the fact that she cannot refuse any wish. She is forced to grant any wish that she hears, even those from her foes that would lead to her downfall.

Desiree is a ghost who travels the world granting anyone's deepest desires (wishes and desires expressed verbally i.e. "I wish..." or "I want...". However, the wishes usually have disastrous results or consequences. The more wishes she grants, the more powerful she becomes. The name Desiree is based on the French word which means 'wish'. Her name even resembles the word desire. Prior to her life as a ghost, Desiree was a harem girl who won the heart of a sultan. He promised to grant her her heart's desire, a kingdom of her very own, but then she was cast away from the palace by the sultan's jealous wife. Dying of a broken heart (and old age though she somehow regained her youthful form as a ghost), Desiree wandered around as a ghost, forever stuck granting whatever wishes people desire, usually with dire consequences (she can never love). When her origin is being told, it appears that she wasn't evil at first, but eventually grew bitter and envious of her "masters'" happiness, and apparently decided to have wishes end up turning against the wisher. At some point in history, her spirit somehow ended up in a genie's bottle and was on display at a swap market. There, a spoiled little girl accidentally freed her and was granted her wish for cotton candy, thus producing a tidal wave of it that destroyed the market. In the present, she continued to grant other wishes: Dash turning into a Hulk-like creature, Paulina turning into a cute and popular anime character, and giving a surfer's car the uncontrollable power of flight. When Tucker wished for ghost powers (who was jealous of Danny), she gave him powers that consumed him and turned him evil. A rivalry between him and Danny then took place. Eventually Danny captures Desiree by wishing her to disappear into the thermos. ("If I weren't a C student, I would have thought of that five days ago.") She had a brief cameo in "Prisoners of Love" as one of the many ghosts in jail (and later broken free). She later got another starting role in Memory Blank when she arrived in time for the meteor shower about to show during Paulina's quinceañera. When Sam accidentally wished she never met Danny after they had a fight, Desiree granted it and created a world where Danny did not know Sam, thus never gaining his ghost powers (which was caused in part, because of Sam). Sam struggled to get Danny his powers back (which she successfully did), and a now inexperienced Danny Phantom tried in vain to control his 'new' powers to stop Desiree who kept getting stronger due to the vast amount of wishes being made during the meteor shower. Sam finally then wishes to take back the wish she made prior, causing Danny's memory to be restored and to once more seal Desiree, through which she remarks, "I have got to stop granting every wish I hear!". She had another small cameo in Reign Storm when Skulker led millions of ghosts out of the Ghost Zone. She returned again in The Fright Before Christmas as one of the many ghosts who helped Danny save Christmas, and was seen briefly in the series finale, Phantom Planet, first getting attacked by Vlad's ghost hunting team, 'The Masters Blasters' and then helping Danny, Skulker, and millions of other ghosts turning the entire planet intangible, so that a massive asteroid could pass through it.
Desiree remains a rather vindictive ghost genie, probably due to her own tale of tragedy and broken heart. Her wishes reflect this; giving off grave consequences beneath the wishes the people make, similar to the story of The Monkey's Paw. It's possible she's merely taking out her anger over her loss onto the people whose wishes she grants. Her love tragedy also gives her a rather low opinion of men; she refuses to let any men touch her unless she wishes it. Her major weakness stems from the fact that she cannot refuse any wish. She is forced to grant any wish that she hears, even those from her foes that would lead to her downfall.

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