









Junko #danganronpa cosplaying as Junko #touhou #art #danbooru #anime #Waifu #AnimeGirl #AnimeArt.

>this is one of the two pics under the austria-hungary tag on danbooru / # animewomenaremagic

And as far as English audiences go, Danbooru is one of the best outlets around for cartoon porn to date.

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Danbooru is an English-based image board website specializing in erotic manga fan art. It’s pretty NSFW.
The website Danbooru is shrouded in mystery. Not a whole lot is known about who created it and when its exact launch date occurred. Internet archives establish 2006 though reports date it to 2005 before a wipe and reboot of the site.
What is agreed upon, though, is that the word danbooru is said to mean “cardboard box” in Japanese— booru itself a rendering of the English “board” and punningly extended to message boards.
What is also agreed upon is that much of the artwork users share on Danbooru is erotic fan or self-published art, called doujinshi in Japanese manga and anime culture.
Danbooru ‘s system allows users to create and rate various tags corresponding to particular franchises, characters, or, more often, specific features of those characters (e.g., drawings of characters with puffy short sleeves ).
Several spinoff booru galleries have emerged, including Safebooru , another image-based site without the sexually explicit nature of the original. Other popular boorus include Gelbooru and FurryBooru’s e621 , the latter catering to extreme adult content.
Danbooru is the domain for fans of various manga and anime who seek a sexy, even raunchy twist on their favorite characters and franchises. Should someone be in the mood for, say, some kinky My Little Pony or PokĂ©mon, Danbooru ‘s got you covered. Just make sure all monitors are turned away from any prying eyes.
i accidentally clicked my danbooru tab and there were like 6 foot fetish pics on the front page wtf
— Mahou Shoujo Emma @AX2018 (@GetBefriended) June 19, 2018
In internet culture, Danbooru has a reputation for being too picky, and therefore limited, in its available images, known for strictly insisting upon non-commerical materials.
It also has had some authorship and attribution controversies, with users failing to get permission from artists to post their work. Many Danbooru users, though, frown upon artists posting their own work, as it could bias their ratings.

This is not meant to be a formal definition of Danbooru like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Danbooru
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

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danbooru 3.1.0 ‱ Public ‱ Published 3 years ago
const Danbooru = require ( ' danbooru ' )
// Perform a search for popular image posts
const booru = new Danbooru ( )
booru . posts ( { tags : ' rating:safe order:rank ' } ) . then ( posts => {
  // Select a random post from posts array
  const index = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * posts . length )
  const post = posts [ index ]
  // Get post's url and create a filename for it
  const url = booru . url ( post . file_url )
  const name = ` ${ post . md5 } . ${ post . file_ext } `
  // Download post image using node's https and fs libraries
  require ( ' https ' ) . get ( url , response => {
    response . pipe ( require ( ' fs ' ) . createWriteStream ( name ) )
const booru = new Danbooru ( )
const booru = new Danbooru ( login + ' : ' + key )
const booru = new Danbooru ( ' http://safebooru.donmai.us/ ' )
const authenticatedBooru = new Danbooru (
  ` https:// ${ login } : ${ key } @sonohara.donmai.us `
const posts = await booru . posts ( { limit : 100 } )
const post = await booru . posts ( 2560676 )
const post = await booru . posts ( 2560676 )
const url = booru . url ( post . file_url )
const request = http . get ( url . href )
const response = await fetch ( url )
booru . favorites_create ( 2560676 )
booru . favorites_destroy ( 2560676 )
booru . get ( ' /posts ' , queryStringParams )
booru . post ( ' /favorites ' , bodyParams )
booru . put ( ' /posts/2560676 ' , bodyParams )
booru . delete ( ' /favorites/2560676 ' , bodyParams )
const booru = new Danbooru ( ' login ' , ' api_key ' )
const booru = new Danbooru ( ' login:api_key ' )
const booru = new Danbooru ( {
  base : ' https://safebooru.donmai.us '
const booru = new Danbooru ( ' https://login:api_key@safebooru.donmai.us ' )
const posts = await booru . posts ( ' rating:safe ' )
const posts = await booru . posts ( { tags : ' rating:safe ' } )
const post = await booru . posts . get ( 2560676 )
const post = await booru . posts ( 2560676 )
post . tag_string . split ( ' ' )
const favorites = await booru . favorites ( )
booru . favorites . add ( 2560676 )
booru . favorites_create ( 2560676 )
booru . favorites_create ( post . id )
booru . favorites . delete ( 2560676 )
booru . favorites . delete ( post )
booru . favorites_destroy ( 2560676 )
booru . favorites_destroy ( post . id )
This api wrapper allows you to access Danbooru's API with functions and promises.
It works in Node.js and bundled for browsers where fetch is available.
Once I've fleshed out this module a bit more, I plan to create more complete documentation for it. For now, here are some things you can do.
This module exports a Danbooru class. Calling its constructor with no argument allows you to make unauthenticated requests to https://danbooru.donmai.us/ .
If you would like to make authenticated requests, you can pass an authentication string in the format login:api_key .
If you have an alternate Danbooru address you would like to connect to, you also specify that in this string.
Posts represent images on Danbooru. You can query them like this:
Your parameters are passed directly to Danbooru's API:
You'll get an array of objects that looks like this:
You can also look up a single post using the same function:
Once you have a post, you'll likely want to extract its image. The most useful object properties for this purpose are:
You can pass one of these values to booru.url() to generate a URL object, which you can turn into an absolute url by accessing url.href or just typecasting it.
Previous versions of this library have had functions to manipulate favorites for an authenticated user, so you can still do that with this version.
Please note that due to Danbooru's security settings, this function may fail in browsers.
If you would like to do something I haven't added to this module yet, you can use these methods:
They all take two arguments. The first is a path, and the second is your parameters. They'll be sent as JSON for POST , PUT , and DELETE requests, and as part of a query string for GET requests.
Your paths' leading slashes are optional, but don't add extensions or query strings. These functions will automatically add .json and any specified query string properties to the end.
Due to Danbooru's security settings, custom GET requests should work in browsers, but other methods may fail.
This module was completely rewritten for each major release before this one.
Version 1 used callbacks, so upgrading involves completely rewriting your code.
Version 2 used promises like the current version does, so it should be possible to upgrade your code by swapping out some function calls, though you will need to rewrite code involving the old Post type.
This module's class constructor now always takes a string.
The Safebooru subclass has been removed. You can still specify https://safebooru.donmai.us manually.
Searching for posts now always takes a parameter object.
Getting individual posts is now performed via the main .posts() function
There is no longer a posts object. These functions all return normal JavaScript objects that you can interact with normally.
Please refer to Getting an image above for details on how to download images. Many of the properties on the old .file object can still be accessed as part of the post data object.
Functions that work with favorites have been renamed.
If you prefer older versions of this module, you can still install them with one of these commands, and find documentation for them on GitHub.








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curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danbooru/danbooru/master/bin/danbooru | sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danbooru/danbooru/master/docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose up

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A taggable image board written in Rails.

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Run this to start a basic Danbooru instance:
This will install Docker Compose and use it
to start Danbooru. When it's done, Danbooru will be running at http://localhost:3000 .
Alternatively, if you already have Docker Compose installed, you can just do:
Follow the INSTALL.debian script to install Danbooru.
The INSTALL.debian script is written for Debian, but can be adapted for other
distributions. Danbooru has been successfully installed on Debian, Ubuntu,
Fedora, Arch, and OS X. It is recommended that you use an Ubuntu-based system
since Ubuntu is what is used in development and production.
See here
for a guide on how set up Danbooru inside a virtual machine.
For best performance, you will need at least 256MB of RAM for PostgreSQL and
Rails. The memory requirement will grow as your database gets bigger.
In production, Danbooru uses PostgreSQL 10.18, but any release later than this
should work.
If your setup is not working, here are the steps I usually recommend to people:
Test the database. Make sure you can connect to it using psql . Make
sure the tables exist. If this fails, you need to work on correctly
installing PostgreSQL, importing the initial schema, and running the
Test the Rails database connection by using bin/rails console . Run
Post.count to make sure Rails can connect to the database. If this
fails, you need to make sure your Danbooru configuration files are
Test Nginx to make sure it's working correctly. You may need to
debug your Nginx configuration file.
Danboou depends on a couple of cloud services and several microservices to
implement certain features.
The following features require an Amazon AWS account:
The following features require a Google Cloud account:
IQDB integration is delegated to the IQDB service .
In order to access pool and post histories you will need to install and
configure the Archives service .
The following features are delegated to the Reportbooru service :
Post recommendations require the Recommender service .

A taggable image board written in Rails.

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