Damien Kyle And Paul Cannon

Damien Kyle And Paul Cannon


Damien Kyle And Paul Cannon

By Graham Gremore July 27, 2018 at 1:07pm · 56 comments

Free of an agenda (except that gay one)

Gay adult film performer Bruno Bernal has been widely criticized this week for using the N-word to denigrate an African-American man on social media. Now, he’s attacking Queerty for daring to point out the obvious: that his comments were racist.
The trouble began when Bernal took to Instagram to bitch about the way his barber spoke:
When people called out the blatant racism, Bernal got defensive, insisting he can’t be possibly racist because he “love black culture” and frequently dates black guys (he’s just not into “black ghetto people”):
He continued defending himself on social media and to various media outlets and telling critics to “f*ck off” and get over it.
Bernal took to both Instagram and Twitter to specifically go after Queerty for our coverage of his behavior, calling us “trash”, “stupid”, and a “sh*t blog”.
— Bruno Bernal (@BrunoBernalXXX) July 25, 2018
A racist called out for his racism responds to his critics by calling them names…
Meanwhile, Bernal’s employers at Men.com aren’t having any of his racism. They had planned to release a scene with Bernal this week. Instead, they released this statement:
Due to recent events, the [Bruno Bernal] Men.com scene will not be promoted by us. We prefer that it also not be promoted by our affiliates. Moving forward, we will no longer be working with the actor involved in the recent events.
Here’s an easy rule of thumb, folks: If you’re not black, just don’t say the N-word. Ever.
As a black man, I don’t use the n-word and would rather no one used it.
But, you can’t deny that in context, he used it specifically towards his black barber, used it in a pejorative manner, and then defended with the tired ass “I can’t be racist, I have sex with black men” and then says “But I don’t like ghetto black people.”
I’m sorry… that’s racist. And you don’t need to be an SJW or a butthurt “libtard” to recognize that. The people defending him are just as bad as perpetually offended, because you don’t use any kind of discernment and instead of looking at what was said, you look at the reaction and dismiss it out of hand. “Everyone’s so sensitive these days.”
Maybe that’s true, but what he said was still racist.
With 99% of rappers it’s nigga this and nigga that. I know it’s not PC for whitey to use it but it’s definitely part of our culture and maybe that needs to be discussed. At any rate, he used in humor and we’ve all said things less then PC at times. Except for DCguy of coarse. Lol
I think it’s also a joke for a porn site that regularly uses homophobic and racist performers to make an issue out of this. Great PR move.
With 99% of rappers it’s ni*ga this and ni*ga that. I know it’s not PC for whitey to use it but it’s definitely part of our culture and maybe that needs to be discussed. At any rate, he used in humor and we’ve all said things less then PC at times. Except for DCguy of coarse. Lol
I think it’s also a joke for a porn site that regularly uses homophobic and racist performers to make an issue out of this. Great PR move.
Every subsequent response he has given has indicated that if he were joking, there was a layer of seriousness behind the “joke”
Your entire comment was whataboutism
What about the rappers that use the n-word?
What about the porn sites that regularly feature racist and homophobic performers?
It’s not about PC, it’s about the fact that he specifically used the n-word to refer to a type of black man he regards as inferior, or “ghetto.” I’m not surprised you don’t see an issue with that, though
He has a right to express an opinion about his barber. We all now know how the barber talks. Of course I would have been more creative like my loud mouthed Ebonics talking Barber.
Yes because it’s his right to express an opinion about his barber that’s the issue, not the opinion itself. He decides a n*gga accent tells him all he needs to know about that barber, negating the fact that this barber has a skill that he is utilizing and is employed, but he apparently is a “ghetto black” that is inferior (not his words; I’m inferring based on his followups).
Saying “I’m entitled to my opinion” is one big ass strawman, and you know it. You might as well say, “I have a right to be a racist.” You do have that right, and I’m going to call out why you’re stupid… which is my right. Not saying you in particular, just using an example.
Agree. And if he wants to lecture black people for having a poor vocabulary, maybe he should check his own grasp of the English language first. Lmao. Has the guy ever heard of a comma?
Typical racist behavior. Fake outrage and play the victim if somebody calls you racist. Maybe he and Roseanne can get together and cry about how unfair it is that other people have eyes and ears.
‘I thought the bitch… err… barber… was WHITE!’
Yep. For all we know the barber is white.
The barber was in the damn Insta story, in all of his BLACK glory, and his BLACK face with his “n*gga accent”
graphicjack was ironically quoting Roseanne Barr. That was her excuse for her racism that destroyed her show. She said “I thought the b**** was white!”
Well, Bruno, how about someone who doesn’t punctuate or use correct capitalization when he writes? Isn’t that just as “ghetto?”
He’s pretty much correct that this website is garbage a lot of the time, racist or not. Sounds like he’s not the only one butthurt!
We are never going to see eye to eye about the racial issues in this country. Black people need to be less angry and white people need to be more patient and people of other races need to tread water very carefully and keep your opinions to yourself.
@CastleSF er StraightnNarrow, you know you can stuff it with that “Black people need to be less angry” crap. Seriously, check your white privilege and entitlement first. And stop being racist. Then we’ll talk about “anger,” OK?
“be less angry”? Wow, you’re an idiot.
I”m assuming this is a spoof account, your name seems to indicate that.
It’s funny when a new poster pops up but everyone pretty much knows who it is.
P.S. Graham, you’ve said some pretty shitty things about people on here yourself, so you have no place lecturing people on proper language.
Then I’ll be like why your dusty ass don’t go to the white barber. Oohhh wait maybe he can not afford to go to the white barber. I understand he has dated black guys and probably he uses the N word around them and they let him slide with his use of the N word. But he should know better about the N word use. And just because he dates black guys doesn’t mean he is nor racist. There are those people who are friends with one black person and always keep telling them “oh you are not like the other ones” and they expect that To be received as a compliment and with a thank you.
Hmmm….whatever happened to equality? Guess selective equality is the new term.
Besides, in my hood, “nigga” is widely accepted as a term of endearment just like “bro”, “Holmes “, and “mijo” are. If “n*^#er” is used, it holds a complete different meaning.
Thing is a lot of blacks that are nothing but ni99ers. Take my local area for example. We’ve had an influx of ghetto trash from the ny and philly areas. They live in trash welfare housing, they live on welfare, they wear gang colors, speak in gibberish, tag the area with spray paint, sell drugs, and act like thugs. What Other name is there for them? They’re dirty ni99ers, plain and simple. You might not like the word but that’s exactly what they are.
Uh oh. The PC police are going to lose their shit reading this one. Lol
I just liken it into names like weho fag***, b*tch, c**t, Queen, etc. Sometimes no other words will do and we’ve all used them.
there is so much ignorance in your statement, I’m not even going to address it, I don’t have the time to. I do know a republican you would get a long with really well.
Chrisk you keep trying it sis, but I just think you are a troll, you keep popping in these thread and you keep saying the same nonsense. How well does Russia pay?
Prax07. Ha. Very true. Ghetto blacks and ghetto Queens. Can’t stand either.
I have been accused of being a troll on this site a few times but ChrisK could never be a troll. If anything, he is the opposite of a troll. Godabed, you are so wrong about it that you need to apologize to him at once, for your foolish assessment.
You have shown more than once that you are a white racist and supremacist, and we get it, so from now on, please keep your racist filth to yourself. And you using the n-word just underlines it. And in case there’s any doubt, you are the absolute worst. “What Other name is there for YOU?” I won’t say it, but “that’s exactly what YOU are.”
Sweetie, the memos where the anti-LGBT groups were going to send trolls to our websites to drive a wedge between the LGBT and black communities were leaked a few years ago. I can’t believe you trolls are still trying this crap.
Oh, and Queerty, did you stop screening? Where is Cylest?
Hehe, my post was in his screen shot…
Funny because my post was about how you can have sex with black folks and still be a racist.
i saw that, now you’re internet famous =)
Don’t care if you agree or not. Tired of all the pc niceness bullsh!t. Sometimes a nigg3r is a nigg3r, just because You don’t care for the term doesn’t make it any less truthful. Trash is trash. What would You term a negro that’s on welfare, living in trash, selling drugs, doing gang activities, dressing like a gangsta, talking like a thug, and acting like a thug? The only word that comes to my mind is nigg3r. Well…that and scum. Act like an animal, be treated like an animal.
Could you please do us all a favor and stop talking? Like now?
Because there is no resonable response in the face of such stupidity. Does that clear things up for you?
“Act like an animal, be treated like an animal”: you are proving your point with every reply you post.
Nope. So why not answer the question instead of avoiding?
People who defend this tool are either just as racist, and tone deaf, or just wanna fuck him. The fact that you date black men, and you think that gives you a pass to be a bigot, or that it proves that you’re not racist only states the fact that you are only comfortable in objectify us as tools, and nothing more if they are dumb enough to let you. Cherry-picking our culture, and describing people of color as ghetto? Boys like this, and the people who put up with them are one of many reasons racism in the LGBTQ still is a problem for gay black men. Also it’s funny when racist cowards online on here talk shit online on here when they can hide behind a computer. Very brave guys.
How can this guy be a racist if he’s bf is black? I love black men and have dated some myself, I look down on trashy people of any color. Does that make me a racist? I don’t use the n word but sounds like this guy is very immersed in black culture, and if so…the n word is normal in that culture.
Perhaps everyone who feels offended needs to step back (including Queerty), take a deep breath, and stop demonizing someone just because they said the n word and UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT IN WHICH IT WAS SAID.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. The guy has had black boyfriends and friends. Black guys use the N word all the time so it’s not unheard of him picking up the slang. That’s all it is and context is everything.
People need to untie their panties and act like adults now. Jeez.
This logic is a bit off. It’s like saying a man can’t be sexist or misogynistic if he’s married to a woman. Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina supported racist legislation, segregation and opposed civil rights for much of his life and career. Yet he had a child with a 16 year old black woman in his family’s employment, and still espoused those sentiments while having a black daughter.
Are you genuinely asking How? because I’ve seen quite a few people trying to explain how, are you sincerely listening or are you using “how” to be condescending? some examples might be……The one person you love more than anything else in this world is your gay brother, yet your views on gay people are extremely homophobic…….Your biggest fantasy is to be ravished by that big mandingo D but would never allow your parents to be seen with him. I can go on and on hopefully your open to understanding race a little better but if you’re asking “how can he be racist” in a condescending way then I can’t help you
That’s like saying “How can that man be a sexist, he’s dating a woman.”
False equivalency. The guy hangs out with black black people. A sexist would never hang out with women.
I’d like to know who these black people are that he “hangs out” with.
Yes, I am telling you to be less angry, you nitwit. How about not letting your emotions take over you for a change? How about looking at ALL the facts, and questioning their validity. It’s easy to label someone as “racist” because of ONE stupid (and really, that porn guy is stupid) comment. As gay men, as liberals, as intelligent people, we need to not let our emotions take over and make irrational verdicts, unless we want to become….Republicans.
Well, you have a point there. I think people can have contradicting views – like having a black bf but being ashamed to introduce him to their family. I can see that. But I really really don’t think that was the case here. His use of the n word in this case was that of someone who is part of black culture. This wasn’t Paula Deen using the n word because she thinks blacks are inferior. It was a guy using the n word like any black guy uses the n word. That is my point. That is why I give him the benefit of the doubt. Because the bf is black, and when you’re with someone of a different culture for a while then you assimilate that culture.
Also, for that person who thinks I’m being condescending: yes, I’m being condescending to everyone who’s losing their shit and bringing out the pitchforks. And I know rational debate isn’t possible in a forum like this one. But, damn, calm down Mary
But BRUNO BERNAL IS NOT BLACK. He and no one who is not black should even think about using the “n-word,” whatever the spelling. It is a racist term that has wielded against black people, primarily by white people, for hundreds of years. If you are white and telling black people to “calm down” about using racist terms or condoning racist behavior, then you are part of the problem.
@Franklin nope, that doesn’t clear anything up.
Never heard of him. Queerty seems to find many stories on people most of us have never heard of. But if you want to find tons of stupid illiterate racists just log onto Grindr.
I wonder if somewhere on the Internets, on some black lifestyle site, blacks are arguing about the evils of using the f-word.
Okay, but MEN dot com has employed a lot of known racists and this is the first time they’ve ever addressed a so called racist model. They have hired Paul Canon over and over again after his racist tweets. They’ve also hired his racist boyfriend Damien Kyle. They’ve also hired Phenix Saint many times, who has made racists tweets in the past as well. They also continue to employ Brian Michaels, a known White supremacist who recently covered up his racist tattoos because of the criticism on social media. Then he had the nerve to complain that people were bashing him for being a racist. Boo hoo. MEN dot com still employs Brian Michaels, who has actually done physical harm to people because of their race. He claims he’s no longer a racist, but he is. Bruno Bernal is not as bad as any of the guys I just mentioned, but he’s stupid and MEN dot com is firing him to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Don’t be fooled. Men dot com does not care about racism.

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