Dads Cock Stories

Dads Cock Stories


Dads Cock Stories
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He did, but she did not or did she?
Daughter is forced to repay daddy's debt.
Daddy's girl is taken by sleeping father.
She finds out who her online Daddy is.
College girl is impressed by father's assets.
She shows her Daddy how much she loves him.
Nice car ride home between father & daughter.
She gives her step-father oral on a Ferris wheel.
Lovette gets closer to family frolics.
Daughter tries to please angry Daddy.
Daddy punishes daughter in front of her sister.
Young girl passes on opportunity, but not the show.
Daddy teaches her a lesson she'll never forget.
Herb discovers his daughter, Angel.
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When is the last time you saw your father naked? I’m going to bet, for most of you, this is not an easy question to answer. Not because of the subject matter, but because you can’t quite remember a time when this happened.
Up until about a month ago, I was right there with you. If pressed, I supposed I would have answered something like you, which is:
Hmm… I guess I remember seeing once as a little kid. I sort of remember taking a shower with him and noticing it, but it’s kind of fuzzy. Why are you asking anyway? Gross!
So, it’s not like I could draw it from memory or anything. I can hardly draw my own from memory. And I’m pretty familiar with it.
After the story I’m about to share where I saw my father’s dick, I was reminded of a second story involving my father and his penis. I didn’t feel like this would be an ongoing series where I relayed constant anecdotes about dad’s privates. I only have two.
So, let’s knock ’em out and move on.
Our family recently went to Las Vegas. My mom had a conference out there for work, and she invited the whole family. My sister and her boyfriend flew out from New York which meant we really only needed two rooms. I would share with my mom and dad, and Dana and Al would get the other room.
Las Vegas is just not my kind of town. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to do – golfing, gambling, shows, restaurants, etc. But even the nice places seem gaudy to me. I remember walking around our hotel, which is considered one of the nicest on the strip, and thinking, “This still looks wrong to me. Like they’re trying too hard.”
But hey, I’m not a gambler, I don’t care about sports, and I don’t often go to nightclubs. So, I guess it’s not the ideal place for me to visit.
I’m not complaining, however. The pools were amazing, and they even allowed toplessness, which is never a bad thing for these eyes.
Also, I saw the Beatles’ Cirque du Soleil show, which was really the best thing I’ve ever witnessed live.
Okay, now that I’ve sufficiently bored you with context, let’s get to why you’re reading this – my dad’s dong.
Dad and I had just finished a round of golf. It was a 102 degrees during the round, which is hot even without humidity. Four hours in that heat even when you’re not sweating is kind of rough. By the way, here’s a quick tip my dad taught me. In that sort of weather, when you finish the ninth hole, do NOT go inside the clubhouse for any reason. If you have to pee, visit a cactus. Food or beer? Wait for the cart-girl to come by.
Sidenote – Ever notice that, on average, a cart-girl ranks at least an eight on the hotness meter? They’re almost always drop-dead gorgeous. If any are reading this (they aren’t), then hit me up for a date. I’m buying.
Back to the tip – if you don’t go inside after the ninth hole, you’ll be fine for the next nine holes. If you go in the clubhouse even for a moment, you’re done. Consider the rest of the round to be miserable.
Now let’s jump out of this two leveled digression I just made you sit through.
We get back to the hotel, and it’s shower time. Since my folks are springing for the room, it would only seem respectful to allow my father to jump in the shower before me.
I head over to the computer to check my email. As I look up after a few minutes, I see my dad, in a state of undress that is unusual and alarming.
Unusual because I’ve never seen it before. He’s standing adjacent from me, a profile view, about eight feet away wearing only a polo shirt. Nothing else.
He has his phone in his hands – one hand is constantly swiping the screen from right to left. I guess with his phone that’s how you navigate through emails.
His genitals are barely covered by the hem of the shirt, and with each swipe, the shirt raises a little with a short bounce. This is why I mentioned alarming earlier. But it was a controlled bounce, just high enough to cover his junk. I’m telling you, not a millimeter higher or you’ve got balls.
I don’t want to sound like a weirdo, but there was no chance I was looking away. And he must have had like thirty emails, because he was swiping every three seconds.
And then, he must have seen something that either angered him or overjoyed him. All I know is he swiped a little harder than he had been previously, and the shirt jumped up three inches higher. I saw it. IT.
Now, as soon as the penis was presented, I did, in fact, look away. I was pleased and instantly satisfied with myself that my instinctual reaction was that of flight. Two seconds later, I did look back, and the shirt was back to it’s original position, covering his essence.
I didn’t say anything, because clearly this was not his problem. My father apparently is not one to feel the shame of nakedness, and has no problem standing in a hotel room with his son wearing just a polo shirt exposing his dork.
I went back to my computer, processing silently what I had just witnessed. But here was my issue – I had a growing, gnawing thought that wasn’t going away.
I did not like what I had just seen.
“Of course not, D.J.! You just saw your father naked! That’s awful!”
I’m not talking about my feeling about the appropriateness of seeing a parent’s genitals. That’s another discussion.
I’m referring to more of the objective assessment of what I had just seen.
Now, granted I only got a millisecond’s view. But something was bothering me. I had to ask my mother who was now getting dressed.
Dad had since retired to the shower, and had closed the door to the bathroom.
I whispered, “Mom – psst! umm… This is a really odd question to ask, but umm… ahem… Dad is circumcised, right?”
My mother looks at me for a good five Mississippi before replying.
I felt it was important to tell her that I just saw his cock and balls, and it could have just been my imagination, but something seemed off about them.
She looked at me, as if she were about to ask me to explain more about what I had just said. Her eyes were scanning me trying to make sense of my question. But instead…
“Hey Del!” my mother yells through the door, “You’re circumcised, right?”
That was it. The end of this entire story. I’d love to say my father got out of the shower, ran into the room and asked his wife why, after nearly forty years of marriage, she didn’t know he was circumcised, but that’s not what happened.
He got out of the shower, put on his trunks (thankfully in the bathroom), and we went to the pool. Had a good time, too.
Part II Coming Soon – “You Do What To Your What?”
And yes, I’m quite aware of the irony of calling this story “Two Stories About My Dad’s Dick” and only providing you with one story. Sorry.
I'll never give this child another cigarette, pinky swears!

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Abby came in the front door and laid her books on the hall table. Picking up the mail she noticed there was still no letter from the state university. She had applied two weeks ago and was expecting a response any day now. She took her coat off and hung it up in the front closet; then slipped off her black pumps. Today was senior picture day at school so she had to dress up. She had chosen to wear her gray skirt and pink v-neck sweater. Her long honey blonde hair was pulled back into a French twist. She was careful to wear light make up too. Daddy hated it when she wore too much make up and she wanted it to be a special picture. It was her first picture as an “adult” and she wanted it to look perfect.
She walked on into the kitchen where her daddy stood preparing the nights meal. She stood in the doorway and watched him for a few moments. Her father, Tim, was a very good looking man. He was tall with wavy blonde hair and green eyes. He had no gray yet. He was skinny but muscular. After mom left, he had thrown himself into working out. Abby supposed to keep his mind off of her. In her opinion, her mom was a fool. Daddy was so generous and nice. He was a good person and any lady would be lucky to have him but he hasn’t found her yet. I wouldn’t say that daddy was a perfectionist but he always found fault with the ladies he went out with. Abby thinks he is just afraid to get back into a relationship for fear of being hurt. He says it’s because they lack a certain something although he could never tell her what it was but he says he’ll know when he finds it.
“Something smells good daddy.” She said, breaking the silence.
“Thanks sweetie. Why don’t you get a couple of bowls out. We’re having beef stew tonight.” He replied.
Abby reached up and got the bowls down and then a couple of spoons from the drawer and began setting the table. “Still no letter from state.” She said with a touch of disappointment in her voice.
“Well, I don’t know why you want to go to the state university Abby when you got into a perfectly good school out west.” Tim said.
“Daddy, I told you. I am not ready to go away from home. I want to stay here so I can commute. You act like you want me to leave or something.” She sat down at the table and began to pout.
Tim went over to her and knelt before her. “Abby honey, I don’t want you to go away. God, I can’t bare the thought of my little girl not being around but you can’t stay here with your old man forever.” He put his hands on her thighs and gently rubbed them. She was so beautiful and honestly the thought of her leaving scared the shit out of him because he knows that the world is a wicked place and there are so many men out there who are going to take advantage of her. He wishes she could stay here forever.
After Abby’s mother left a few years ago, Tim didn’t know what he was going to do he was so depressed. Then Abby started coming into his room at night and sleeping with him. She would curl up and nuzzle in his arms and tell him that things were going to be okay and that she would never leave. He was the parent and here his little girl was comforting him. Abby was such a sweet heart.
Lately, he had been thinking about her in other ways. Wondering what it would be like to hold her, touch her, and kiss her…not in a fatherly way but as her lover. He would watch her sleeping and sometimes fondle her. A few times he even awoke himself to find her stroking his cock or with her head on his belly and his cock pointed toward her mouth. She was asleep of course and didn’t know what she was doing. Eventually, he stopped her from sleeping with him. His excuse was that she was a young lady now and it wouldn’t be appropriate.
After she started sleeping in her own bed he would lay awake most nights thinking of her and stroking his cock and cumming to thoughts of her sucking him off, or him tasting her sweet young pussy. He wondered what it would be like to fuck her, to feel her legs wrap around him and pull him into her. He developed a habit of masturbating to thoughts of his daughter at least three or four times a day. It was bad and he started looking around for ways to break his habit. About three months ago, he came across a device on the internet that he felt was the answer to his prayers and he has been wearing it ever since.
It’s a male chastity device that keeps him from stroking his cock when he thinks of her and doesn’t allow him to become erect. He hasn’t taken it off once in the three months he’s had it.
Without realizing it, he was slowly pushing her skirt up. “Daddy…” Abby’s hands went down to his to stop him. “Maybe we should eat before the stew gets cold.”
Tim got up and took their bowls to the stove to dish out the steamy meal. They ate in silence. After supper, Abby told her father she would do the dishes. She stood there in front of the sink cleaning the bowls and stew pot. Thinking about her father and the way he had touched her. The truth is that she had a crush on her father. She has seen the way he looks at her and she has masturbated many times to thoughts of him touching her. She knew it was wrong and taboo but she couldn’t help it. Her father was the strongest, bravest, and sweetest man she has ever known. Abby was crushed the first night that he turned her away from his bed. She missed being in his arms and how safe it felt when he was holding her. A few times while he was sleeping, she would touch him and kiss his cock. She had thought about sucking him off a few times but was fearful of waking him up. The few times he had woken up while she was playing with him, she has just pretended to be asleep.
She took her apron off and went into the living room where he was watching the news. “I am going to go upstairs and do some studying. I have a history test tomorrow.”
“Alright kiddo, let me know if you need any help.” Tim said.
Abby went upstairs and changed her clothes. She put on a pair of pink pajama shorts and a white tank top. She sat at her desk and opened up her history book and began to study for her exam. Even though she tried to stay focus, but she ended up laying her head down on her book and drifting off to sleep.
Tim sat downstairs and watched television for a few hours before finally deciding he had had enough and needed to get to bed. He went upstairs and went into the bathroom. He stripped off all his clothes except for his chastity device and began to shave. All of a sudden the bathroom door flung open and Abby stood there looking half asleep but surprised by what she saw. Her eyes immediately made their way down to his crotch…she had never seen her daddy naked before like this but instinctively her eyes were drawn to his manhood. There was a tight band around his balls with a confining cage attached to it. It both surprised and frightened her.
“Daddy….um I’m sorry. I fell asleep and needed to use the bathroom and I’m sorry I didn’t hear you in here or maybe I wasn’t paying attention. I don’t know.” With that, Abby ran out of the room and into her bedroom where she shut the door behind her.
Oh man, what was he going to tell her? He was embarrassed beyond belief that she had seen him wearing this. He pulled on his robe and went to knock on her door.
“Abby, honey can I come in?” He asked.
He opened the door and found her sitting on the side of her bed. He sat down beside her and took her hand into his. He was at a loss for words at first and then figured that she was a smart girl and maybe she could handle the truth…at least a small bit of the truth.
“Abby, I know what you saw might be a little scary but believe me when I say that I am not a weirdo or anything like that. What I am wearing is…”
She interrupted him. “A male chastity device.” She said flatly. “I know dad. I saw it a few months ago in your drawer when I was looking for a t-shirt to wear to the pool. I read the pamphlet it came with too.” She turned to look at him. “I guess I was just surprised to see you wearing it. Daddy, why are you wearing it?” She asked.
Tim wasn’t sure how to answer that. He didn’t want to tell her the truth for fear it would scare her but on some level, he thinks she already knows.
“I got it so I wouldn’t be tempted to do things I shouldn’t.” He said.
She turned to him and took his hand into hers and took a deep breath. “Daddy, what if I wanted you to do something. I have been thinking about you a lot lately and I was very upset when you stopped me from sleeping with you. I love you daddy and I just want to be as close to you as I possibly can.” She said.
With that, she kissed him. Her tongue slid into his mouth and he kissed her back. He took her face in his hands and began massaging her tongue with his. Then he felt the pain of his cock trying to get hard. It was agony and he quickly jumped away.
“What is it daddy? I want this. Please…” She said.
“Sweetie, I can’t get hard unless I unlock myself and I don’t’ think this is a good idea.” He got up and went for the door.
“No daddy. Don’t go. Please let me unlock you.” She said pulling him back to the bed and sitting him down. She knelt before him and opened up his robe and kissed his caged cock. “Please daddy.” She said again and started massaging his balls.
“Oh Abby, please stop. This feels so good but it hurts daddy.” He said pulling her up to her feet.
“I don’t want to hurt you. Please, tell me where the key is and I’ll unlock you.” She said. With that she pulled her tank top off and his little girl’s tits were staring him in the face, she must be about a 36c he thought. She placed the nipple of her left tit into his mouth and he began sucking it.
“Ohhhh, daddy…mmmm. Tell me where the key is.” She said.
Tim jumped up. “No.” He said. Standing there in his daughter’s room with her teddy bears and dolls all around. He felt ashamed. He was doing these things to his baby girl. He was just absolutely mortified.
She stood there topless, looking at him. Well, she thought, I guess I am going to have to come clean with him. “Daddy, I know you think I am a sweet, innocent little girl. I know you think I am probably still a virgin but I’m not. You see, the truth is that I’ve developed quite the reputation around school. I’m a good little cock sucker, get my drift…and I love to get stuffed with a big fat cock. I’ve been thinking about fucking you daddy, for months. I’ve even licked and played with your cock while you were sleeping…before you kicked me out of your bed. I want you. I want to be daddy’s little slut. So, kindly tell me where the key is.”
He couldn’t believe it. The way she was talking just shattered any illusions he had about her and in fact it turned him on even more that she was being so forceful and persistent about this.
She folded her arms across her chest and looked at her daddy sternly. “I’m waiting daddy.” She said.
“It’s in my cuff link box.” He said.
She went and got it and then came back to her bedroom. She went over to her jewelry box and got out a silver chain and put the key on it and then fastened it around her neck. She turned around and look
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