Daddy Touches My Pussy

Daddy Touches My Pussy


Daddy Touches My Pussy

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my uncle touched me when i was 10-12 yrs old

my uncle touched me when i was 10-12 yrs old

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when I was 10-12 years old, my uncle who was 24 at the time used to put his hand over my vagina and press it down, with one finger underneath to hold me in place. he then used to tickle me so I would move about and laugh lots and my vagina would therefore rub against his hand-I WAS ALWAYS IN BED AT NIGHT TIME AND HAD PANTS ON BUT STILL. sorry for the details. I used to feel uncomfortable but forget about it in 5 mins. I used to catch him watching porn too and then when I was 13 I visited him in another country where he moved to and my family lives there too. I was wearing these high waisted jeans with a back pocket and he put his hand inside it and said "have u got any money in there" for a "joke" but I could tell he was feeling my bum. Now I am 18 and living In England, he is in another country still (thank god). He got deported from the UK for being a security guard for a wedd factory or something... and now he is in his country, like 28 years old I think and he married a girl 18 years old (same age as me now).
He also threatened to kill my grandparents and get sentenced to murder if they don't give him and his stupid wife the house on there name etc

He has turned out terrible. I feel like I hate him so much, my whole family hates him and he talks to random strangers about my grandmum and aunty (his sis and mum) being sluts etc

Wtf is my life I am depressed. He is the worst human ever, worst thing is he married and 18 year old girl who is the same age as his niece which is really weird. Now they have sex all day long and live with my grandparents but the wife is a b*tch she swears at my grandmum and everything. Is there anyway I wish I could make my grandparents move to England they are In danger but I am only 18 and maybe the future will tell.
maybe I am overeacting just wanted to share my life with you all but I feel better now!



how do you know he wasn't just tickling you normally and accidentally touched your private areas??



I am so sorry you had to go through that! Have you seen a counsellor or something to talk about it?

( Original post by CleverKid1010 )
how do you know he wasn't just tickling you normally and accidentally touched your private areas??



I am sorry you have to experience this terrible thing but please listen when I say you are the braves person I have ever met. Please contact me if you need to talk about Anything I am here for you and research if your could bring your grand parent here if their lives are in danger sure you have regular contact with your grandparent so if anything is wrong you can know .I hope your life improves and my prayer are with you and your grand parents.



( Original post by Anonymous )
he did it many times, put one hand right on top of my private parts, pressed me down on the bed so I could move my waist or try to move away and tickled me.

( Original post by MrsSheldonCooper )
I am so sorry you had to go through that! Have you seen a counsellor or something to talk about it?



( Original post by Anonymous )
when I was 10-12 years old, my uncle who was 24 at the time used to put his hand over my vagina and press it down, with one finger underneath to hold me in place. he then used to tickle me so I would move about and laugh lots and my vagina would therefore rub against his hand-I WAS ALWAYS IN BED AT NIGHT TIME AND HAD PANTS ON BUT STILL. sorry for the details. I used to feel uncomfortable but forget about it in 5 mins. I used to catch him watching porn too and then when I was 13 I visited him in another country where he moved to and my family lives there too. I was wearing these high waisted jeans with a back pocket and he put his hand inside it and said "have u got any money in there" for a "joke" but I could tell he was feeling my bum. Now I am 18 and living In England, he is in another country still (thank god). He got deported from the UK for being a security guard for a wedd factory or something... and now he is in his country, like 28 years old I think and he married a girl 18 years old (same age as me now).
He also threatened to kill my grandparents and get sentenced to murder if they don't give him and his stupid wife the house on there name etc

He has turned out terrible. I feel like I hate him so much, my whole family hates him and he talks to random strangers about my grandmum and aunty (his sis and mum) being sluts etc

Wtf is my life I am depressed. He is the worst human ever, worst thing is he married and 18 year old girl who is the same age as his niece which is really weird. Now they have sex all day long and live with my grandparents but the wife is a b*tch she swears at my grandmum and everything. Is there anyway I wish I could make my grandparents move to England they are In danger but I am only 18 and maybe the future will tell.
maybe I am overeacting just wanted to share my life with you all but I feel better now!



Unfortunately people are sick in the head like that.



( Original post by Anonymous )
no, it's really embarrassing as he did it repeatedly. I cry because he is torturing my family.





I am so sorry to hear that, it reminds me about my past, I was 10 when it happened with me, and still now the boy does that with me, but just I want to forgot that things

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