Daddy Rape Fantasy

Daddy Rape Fantasy


Daddy Rape Fantasy
My Girlfriend is so into this. She loves to be treated like daddy's little girl, in and out of the bedroom (don't get me wrong, it's not 24/7, just when she feels like it). We'll have sessions where she's been naughty and gets the over the knee spanking that she deserves. Other times she'll have me slowly remove her clothing and act as if what we're doing is totally forbidden. She loves for me to take her to the mall and buy young girl clothes that help her play the part. I love her very much, and she assures me that she was never abused as a child. It's just something that really, really excites her. So I'm wondering, have you engaged in similar role plays and/or fantasies? How do they make you feel, and how do you feel about them?
Girls, have you ever engaged in a "daddy" fantasy or roleplay?
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The use of the word "creepy" in this feed is what's most disturbing to me. Referring to ones fantasy is such a manner is plain rude. While research shows, woman who have ever had any sort of "daddy issues" throughout their lives are subconsciously attracted to older men and men that remind them of their fathers. The latter is common for any woman. Females search for this because they need someone there for them as a male figure in their lives because there simply hasn't been one. My boyfriend and I are very big into experimenting everything at least once. I can't say I don't like it unless I've personally tried it. He started wanting me to call him daddy in the bedroom a few months ago. Of course I did. At first it didn't come natural work my common dirty talk but eventually I saw how much it excited him which in turn, excited me. Since then he's opened up about the fantasy. Makes him feel more of a man. He WANTS to take care of me. Have me come top him with any issues. Which is what a man should want from his woman. There's simply different degrees of the fantasy. Most can continue it outside the bedroom and some do not. LET ME GET THIS OUT THERE LOUD AND CLEAR: THIS FANTASY IS PERFECTLY NORMAL. No matter your history with your father figure. If it's nit for you, mention it. Discuss other fantasies he may have and play with those. I've never had a father figure so I don't envision my own father while in the scenario. Also, by no means does this EVER mean be will have his own child and see her in that way. .. EVER. you'll know if there's something off about about your man. The only indication would not be this. Play with it more. It's just something new. You may very well love it. Like me.
I think this is a hot fantasy, personally. The fantasy isn't that the guy is LITERALLY the girl's father, but an archetype of masculinity. A "Daddy" is a Dominant man who, to me, is very manly in a strong, male, paternal sense. He's protective, safe, and a strong male figure. This isn't something just done in the straight community either; in the Gay Leather community, a Dominant guy is often called a Leatherdaddy and his submissive is a Leatherboy. The appeal of being a girl/boy in this type of relationship is that to be childlike is a way of giving up control or power. Personally, I have a great father. He was there for me growing up, protected and provided for our family, and I have no sexual feelings toward him whatsoever. Having or wanting this type of relationship doesn't mean that the girl (or boy) was abused or neglected by her/his father whatsoever, and in fact, there is no direct correlation (statistically speaking) between abuse as a child and a desire to be involved in this sort of Dominant/submissive relationship. Think about it this way...ever called your lover "Baby" or wanted to see her dressed in a schoolgirl outfit? Like seeing her with her bikini area totally shaved? Even in mainstream culture, men often find it sexually stimulating to age women down to a more teenaged or childlike appearance.
i have a friend who used to(I hope she doesn't still...but she may...i don't see her too often and I don't know her boy friend very well) but she used to just snap into these moment where she would legit. act like a baby. like when we were kids and like playing or hanging out just snap into baby talk and action and weird sh*t. honestly it was weird and really really annoying. like I hate immaturity. I don't know if she does it now though. I assume it was because her parents were weird. they seemed happy and then divorce and a week later they had both moved on to now loves like no sh*t and with in a month they both got married and both new "parents" already had children two of which were younger than her. so she went from being mum and dads only little baby to the middle of two step babies and a HORRRIBLE older step sister, with her same name. so maybe did her parents ever get divorced? or did her father ever deny her love?like she could be craving a fathers love? but I don't think I could ever get into any sort of roleplaying. I just like it real. and with Him. not some fictitious character
One of my ex's kinda liked it. Occasionally, she'd behave like a little girl when we'd be getting ready for bed. She'd talk all cutesy and such, and then she'd get into her robe after we brushed her teeth. She'd ask me to read her a story (which I'd usually make up) and so on. Of course, we'd end up fooling around, and she'd still be behaving like a little girl. At first, it was weird, but whatever, I was 18 and she was 19 and sex was sex. But, the only time she said, "Daddy" was when I was behind her and she went, "Daddy, is that your paintbrush?" You know what I mean She was never abused, either. It takes all kinds of people to fill the world, I guess.
"Daddy, is that your paintbrush?" LMAO
It's my wife's favorite role play and I'm sure there is something in her childhood that drives it. If I play along the sex is smoking hot, so why would I indulge her fantasy (win/win)? I knew both of her parents and while she came from a large family (mostly sisters), everything seemed pretty normal. She wasn't molested by her father or anyone for that matter, but she says "mommy told me not to let you touch me there" while I'm playing the daddy role and I'm not sure where that comes from. But of course I touch her there and we're off to the races. I guess I shouldn't question it.
I'm currently in a Daddy/daughter 'relationship'. It started off as Dom/sub but we both discovered that out D/D play turned us both on more. I think, at least from our point of view, that it's hotter that I play the part of her step-dad. It makes it more forbidden, especially when we act like we don't want her mother to know about us or she'll kick me out of the house and we'll never see each other again.
As a father of two girls, (both are grown and in their 40's now), I enjoyed our time together, giving them baths, tucking them in at night, playing in the park, or teaching them a new skill to help them with Girl Scout badges. But now I'm older and have these daddy/daughter fantasies that I couldn't indulge in with either of them. Unfortunately, I also lost my wife when they were 15 and 11 so I had to work, deal with keeping up the home, dealing with their school, (PTA and such). and do you know what it's like for a daddy to have to deal with periods and mood swings? Well, I don't have a partner to role-play with, so I'm enjoying much of the commentary on this link. Wish there was a lady that wanted to do some sexy role-playing with me. I have 20+ years running an online role-playing game based in the 15th Century, so I'm quite familiar with the concept. I had over 60 members and we used to get together once a year to play out in real-time with a banquet and guest appearances at Renn Faires around the East Coast.
i do it. I don't know why i like it, i just do. i only do it at home. i might try when were out, like ill ask permission to get something, like i do at home. i like to pretend i was bad and I'm in trouble. sometimes ill have him tuck me into bed and make sure i don't watch t. v. or mess around. he goes along with it for me cause evan tho i like it, he knows I'm embarrassed by it. and secretly he likes to be submissive. i was never sexually harmed as a child. my father was abusive, and after he died i discovered sex at an early age. i found my dad dead when i was 11 and my mother kinda abandoned me. so i do have some phycological issues. but my feelings never cross over. I don't know. a lot of people have different sexual preferences, some are weird, some are boring. but if it really bothers you, you should talk with her, and if she can't change for the relationship, maybe its not the right one. i know that if he asked me to stop i would.
i think calling a lover/significant other "daddy" is disgusting, so needless to say I think role playing father-daughter is disturbing... and I LOVE role playing... i had a great childhood, I was raised by my step father since an infant, and the terms 'daddy' 'dad' and 'father' are all terms that make me think of him... maybe its different for girls that didn't have a father figure?
I do this role play a lot with my fiance. He's 41, I'm 21. When I call him daddy I don't think of my dad. My fiance takes care of me, protects me, listens to me, teaches me life lessons and is a great friend and lover. Sometimes I call him daddy, sometimes teddy bear, (he a big guy) or big daddy. We do other role plays that don't involve the use of the word daddy but it nothing to over analyze. He isn't a perv. His daughter is 22 and they have a healthy non sexual relationship. I'm the first he's dated this young and done this sort of role play with. It's a fantasy. Think of it like vegas. What happens between you two in the bedroom is between you two. I'm sure you have some kinky fantasies. Not a big deal as long as it's not real life incest. It's hot being "daddy's" little girl. Especially if you're spoiled like
I love my boyfriend being in control during sex, spanking and telling me what to do etc, but I don't think I could use the word "daddy" cause I reminds me of my dad and that's wrong. But the idea of it sounds hot.
That sounds hot! There is nothing weird about it-even though there is the dad and daughter thing-it's just a fantasy after all. It's not like she's actually having sex with her dad lol.
I thought It was weird at first. But then my boyfriend was telling me how that was a fantasy of his so I tried it. And it was a HUGE turn on when he got all worked up and then he calls me little girl. I tell him to fuck me better than he does mommy and when I want him to come I whisper mommy's here hurry she'll catch us.
There are a lot of girls/women with the same fantasy. In the fetish world it's one of the most common fantasies and a lot of guys like to play the part. So long as you're both adults and you're not actually hurting anyone, I say go for it.
I don't see anything wrong with it. It's a fantasy...That's just it! I guess personal preference is a big factor but it's no different then any other fantasy. The idea of it being forbidden is what makes it so appealing. And if that's what turns my husband on and I'm OK with it then I'm game! Plus I don't mind being spanked!
There nothing wrong with this fetish. If it makes her feel good, and the sex is good, it's therapy for whatever happened or didn't happen. You people who think it's "disgusting" are yourselves disgusting.
it takes all kinds y'all. some people just like to play. personally, I love this kind of roleplay. I was never abused and when I do it, I don't think of my dad. now, there are limits I guess. for me, I never play younger than 16. younger than that and then it becomes too taboo for me. its honestly not for everyone, but it's not weird or disgusting. I'm sure half the people who claimed to be disgusted by it have had the fantasy at one time or another.
If seen from my experience, I am a broken home child. Most of my childhood, I do not have and feel the figure of a father. I was once harassed when I was a child. I don't know but maybe that's why I like that kind of fantasy. Sometimes we also involve BDSM, just a little bit like spanking, you know something like that. I think maybe some people have a bad past, I think all we need to do is help that person, at least to make her/him feel better.
I love calling my boyfriend daddy. Im not to sure why, but i can't get off with out it. I need him to tell me I'm daddys little girl. His fav Little girl, better then mummy. It turns me on so much to hear it. I like to take his shoes off for him too, get him a drink while he watches tv and i give him head. I can't explain it... i also like a bit of choking amd forceful roleplay
I think this guy is one lucky bastard. There's absolutely nothing wrong with role-playing out our fantasies. And I'd give just about ANYTHING to have a girlfriend like his!
I love it, I know where she is coming from it is just so exciting
I love to be spanked but not into the daddy thing sorry I could not help more
I personally think that's slightly disturbing, just because I would never want my dad and sex involved in any way. but, to each his or her own, I know my fantasies would probably be weird to some other people.
I do not think you have any fantasies that someone else does not share. Just my opinion. Enjoy all your fantasies, they can be fun.
maybe the naughty school girl role play yes. . . You being my daddy no thanks, I have a father! That's plain out creepy, weird, horrifying and many more terrible things and in a way just sick!
hell no. it would turn me off. I like guys who act my age, personal preference
i like having my boyfriend in control but the young girl cloths and association with my dad would be creepy

Daddy please stop!! This is just wrong.. you are one sick person if you don't repost this i feel for you if this doesn't touch you because this is just wrong. read this. its disgusting Walking in my night gown; rubbing my eyes My fathers sitting on the sofa with his friend He pats the seat in the middle; i sit Shivering so cold; a quilt he lends "Jessy you love me don't you" a smile; his Their breathe spits weep "Daddy you know i do; what is it?" He smiles at his friend; his hand creeps His friend takes my hand; looks me in the eyes Daddy's creeping up my nightie; cold hands I try to pull his hand away; their grip is strong! They look at one another; nod; something planned I feel my palms sweat; Daddy's under my knickers "Daddy I'm going to bed! Night" Pulling again But there grip is to strong for weak me I look at both; and ask, who are these men? His fingers going up me; pulling away His friend leans forward; a kiss? Why? His tongue moving mine; my eyes squint Lean back and away; "Why are you doing this?" No answer, i feel the pain inside me; him Chucks the quilt on the floor; me to I try and scamper away, but I'm not fast "O Daddy please, i love you" His friend; pulling at my nightie And my Dad pulling my pants down His friend pinning my hands to the floor As my Dad lies himself on the ground I squirm; as Daddy friend pulls me up And places me on top of Daddy; thrusts within I cry; i bite; i scratch; i slap; i fail "O Daddy please you win you win!" I can feel my skin rip; my virginity breaking free I can feel the blood seep down my leg "Daddy your hurting me please" I plead to him and his friend; not even a beg Daddy's laughing; why does he laugh? His friend shoves himself in my mouth and moans Tying my hands together; moving in and out "Ride me Jessy" He laughs and groans They smile at one another; laugh to They roll me over and spread me wide well My daddy sits on my face; himself in again While his friend talks and pushes himself inside I can hardly breathe; i gag for air I cough and splutter; cry and weep I beg and plead; but its no use They've already made me hurt and bleed I stare into his eyes; that look upon me This is not my Dad; where is he? If he was still here; would he care Would he actually even; see? Finally they get of and lie me on the sofa My cheeks blotchy from tears and pain They play with them selfs; all over me Rub it in; making me feel the shame "Why Daddy? Please tell me why?" Dad looks at his friend; and waves him away "Jessy i love you" he smiles and kisses my cheek "Is that all you have in your heart to say?" He puts my nightie on me he walks me to my bedroom door Ever since that night; His friend And himself every Friday come back for more "Night sweet Girl; You are my life" Closing the door, tears still down my face Still the smell of him and his friend Fade into me like disgrace I watch the Moon go down; the sun come up "Jessy its school" Knocking at my door I cant help but cry; weep in pain Because I'm so scared he wanted more But one night daddy took it too far Daddy and his friend came back for one last shot They were worried they would get caught So he and his friend took me to a cemetery lot I was blindfolded and my hands were tied back "Daddy please!! Not tonight!" Daddy and his friend both had their last fun After that i tried to put up a fight I begged daddy "Please no more!" All he could say "Shut up you stupid *bunny*!" Daddy unblindfolded me at last He said I love you so much He went back into the car and pulled out a bat "Daddy I swear I wont say a thing!!!!" I was dead After only one swing.......................... **... Please if you care for all the children and women who have been raped repost this bulletin with the Headline "daddy please no" If you do not repost this you are promoting rape and violence! YOU PERVERT
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