Daddy Daughter Pregnant

Daddy Daughter Pregnant


Dad In Consensual "Relationship" With Pregnant Daughter
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Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on January 5, 2015 and was updated with the latest information.
There are definitely lines that should never be crossed between parent and child. Dating or having a romantic or sexual relationship is at the top of the list — that's sexual abuse , no matter what age.
We trust parents to set up boundaries for their children. They have more power in the relationship and must be held accountable for their actions more than the child.
However, one father who goes by "Dave" decided to admit online that he abused his pregnant 19-year-old daughter by having a sexual relationship with her.
" Her mother died in labour, and I have been her sole caregiver, and she, my sole companion, until she was 18 years old and left the house to move in with her steady boyfriend. We have an excellent father and daughter relationship ," he writes on Reddit . 
Sounds more like a grooming situation than a "companionship." But there's more: Her relationship with her boyfriend didn't work out so she moved back home. She then found out she was pregnant.
Three months into the pregnancy, her father installed a surveillance camera in her room after he noticed she was spending a lot of time alone in there.
He then saw her masturbating. Instead of respecting that she's a normal human being who should have her privacy, he started abusing her by initiating a sexual relationship with her.
" We had a mutual agreement to have a long-term sexual relationship with each other for as long as we were contented with it. She told me that having sex with me felt no different or more perverse than having sex with her ex-boyfriends. In fact, she had never felt safer and more loved ," he continues.
He also writes that she's mentioned wanting to have a child with him one day, to which he responded, "We'll see how it goes after she has delivered her baby."
The only selfish concern the abuser seems to have about the situation is that he'll lose his daughter if the sexual relationship ends.
The sickest part of it all is that he seems to be asking for advice on how to prevent this, not what he should do for her well-being or the effects this relationship might have on her. How thoughtful.
" Even the most loving of couples may one day split and go separate ways. If that should happen to us, I fear that I will lose my little girl. I would be happy to let her pursue a new life if she leaves me for a better man. But if she decides to erase all the memories by disregarding my presence, I will be crushed. "
He goes on: "I see myself as a father before her lover, and I would do anything that is best for her. I have spoken to my daughter on this matter, and she resolutely says that Daddy is all she ever wants ."
This is definitely NOT love by any means; this is a seriously gross abuse of power by a parent, and a reminder that there are truly gross people in the world.
As a parent, your job is to protect your child, NOT exploit them. And this father more than crosses that line between parenting and abuse.
Hopefully, his daughter gets the help she needs.
Nicole Weaver is a love and entertainment writer. 

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Published: 11:27 BST, 13 January 2019 | Updated: 00:28 BST, 5 February 2019
A teenager whose paedophile father raped her up to four times and day and took her on the run has revealed the trauma she suffered during childhood.
Brave Shannon Clifton, now 18, waived her anonymity to reveal the vile beatings and sexual abuse she was subjected to at the hands of her father. 
Paedophile Shane Ray Clifton first raped his daughter when she was just six on the living room floor, the Mirror reports.
And when Shannon was 11, he got her pregnant but battered her unconscious and she lost the baby. 
Brave Shannon Clifton, now 18, waived her anonymity to reveal how the vile monster the vile beatings and sexual abuse she was subjected to at the hands of her father. Stock image
When Shannon turned 13, she found out she was pregnant again but twisted Clifton Googled ways to make her miscarry and forced her to do dangerous exercise routines.
At nine months pregnant, a suspicious nurse at school asked Shannon to take a test - but she refused.
Terrified his sickening crimes would be exposed, Clifton went on the run with his daughter which sparked a six day manhunt for the pair. 
Two days after they were found, Shannon gave birth to a baby boy - that was both her son and her brother.
Clifton, 36, got a minimum 15 years life sentence for rape at Derby Crown Court in 2015.
The case made headlines after brainwashed Shannon screamed: 'I love you Dad, I miss you.'
Neither Clifton or Shannon could be named during the trial. 
Three years on, Shannon has bravely chosen to speak out about the abuse in the hoping of helping others like herself.
When Shannon turned 13, she found out she was pregnant again but twisted Clifton Googled ways to make her miscarry and forced her to do dangerous exercise routines. Stock image
She told the paper: 'He stole my life. He turned it into a nightmare I couldn't wake up from – raping and beating me for years. I was frightened and in pain every day.'
Shannon says she 'hates her Dad' but still misses him because he was the family member she had during her childhood.
Clifton took custody of Shannon, whom he called her 'little princess' at the age of five after he split with her mother. 
But things quickly changed, and the violent thug began to beat her - even burning her with an iron and hitting her with a hammer.
Speaking about the first time she was raped, Shannon said: 'He got me up in the night and made me lie on the floor in my nightie.
'Then he lay on top of me and just did it. I felt the worst pain imaginable. I was screaming for him to stop, but he wouldn't. 
'Afterwards I lay there bleeding. I was sobbing so much I could barely breathe'.
When Shannon gave birth to her child, she said that she 'loved him instantly' but found it 'confusing' that he was also her brother. Stock image
Clifton convinced his daughter that the regular rapes were something all fathers did to their daughters.
He forced Shannon to have sex up to four times a day, and even made her do it in the woods.  
She told the Mirror: 'He'd film it and once made me watch it. I was crying – it was so horrible.'
But Shannon still loved her father as he was 'all she had'.
When Shannon gave birth to her child, she said that she 'loved him instantly' but found it 'confusing' that he was also her brother.
A year after her birth, she made the difficult decision to put him up for adoption while she was living in care.
Shannon now suffers from PTSD and attempted suicide at the age of 16. But with the help of her foster family she is rebuilding her life.
She added: 'I'll never know exactly why my dad did what he did, but my aim is to help other abuse victims who read this – so they can find the help they need.' 
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