Daddy Asstr

Daddy Asstr


Daddy Asstr
If both hands are in casts, how does a guy do the basics...
like take a leak? Fortunately for Tad, he has a daughter eager to help Dad...
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promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

He had never seriously thought about his eight year old
daughter in any sexual way until the accident. It’s true, he remembered
looking back over the years, that he had enjoyed giving her baths and seeing
her little girl slit… that always received a little extra attention during
baths. Back in those days, he smiled to himself… she certainly had, had a clean
pussy.  That ended when she began to bathe herself when she was four
or five.  Tad did continue to enjoy looking up her skirt while she
watched TV, even so he felt a little guilty.  That kind of peeping
had given him a strange thrill, but nothing more obvious or overt ever
She was an adorable little girl everyone agreed on
that. They had lived alone ever since her mom disappeared never to be
heard from again; only an empty bank account to testify to her ever having been
alive. Beverly had been three. Beverly… everyone called her Bev … had long auburn
hair half way down her back that Tad usually kept in two pig tails. She was a bit shy but playful enough once she
knew you. Her best friend was a big snow white stuffed toy, a dog named
Benny. He knew her secrets that she whispered to him every night as she held
him tight and drifted off to sleep. Now at only four foot one and 40 lbs
she was just a bit small for her eight years and four months.
Then Tad had an accident at work. He was a foreman at a
construction site and when a front end loader had malfunctioned, snapped a bolt
and dropped a load of lumber, Tad’s hands were in the way. Both hands had
broken bones, it could have been much worst. He was lucky to still have
hands.  He could wiggle his finger tips at the very ends of the two
full hand casts that would be a part of him for several weeks. 
  He was going to have to have help with most common chores around
the house. His daughter Beverly would be a big help he was sure. She could help
to cook and clean and even tie her dad’s shoes if she had to. 
Depending on her for more personal help really started the very
night of the accident.
That night, with his new cast on, he realized he had a
problem. He actually could get into and out of his tee shirt and pants he
guessed, but little else. His finger tips were free but he couldn’t do much
with them.  So when it came time for a piss he was in big trouble.
His best friend Tim, had stayed with him after the accident and then brought
him home from the emergency room and stayed to have a couple of beers and
a few shots of Irish whisky. By the time Tim had left Tad needed to piss “like
a race horse”.   Try as he might he just couldn’t begin to get
his cock out of his pants. Hell, he couldn’t even unzip the fly or unbuckle his
belt. He was fucked and tried to think of what to do. That was when he thought
of Bev. She had stayed by his side as soon as he got home knowing her
daddy was hurt, but when she was sure her daddy was alright, and the men had
started to drink, (it had been more than a few), she had gone into her room to
watch TV with her stuffed dog. Then Tim left and Tad found he was more drunk than he thought as he headed for the bathroom.
“Bev, Honey! Come
here, please. I’m in the bathroom. I
need some help!” Could she help him he wondered? He wasn’t sure,
but what else could he do.
Bev came popping into the bathroom her pig tails dancing,
with a big smile more than willing to help her injured dad. “Hi, Daddy. What do
you want?”
“Well… this is something I don’t know if you can do. Or if it embarrasses you, maybe you
can’t. But… Daddy needs to pee and with these casts, I can’t undo the zipper or take out my pee-pee. Do
you think you can help?”
Bev was confused at first then realized what he needed. She
looked questioningly at his zipper then at him. “What do I do, Daddy?”
“Well, first just pull down Daddy’s zipper, Honey,” he
instructed as he smiled encouragement.
“O.K.” She stared at her first task and then fumbled
with the zipper tab a bit and finally did get the zipper down. She smiled
triumphantly.  “There!” she said. Her huge blue eyes looked at her Dad. “O.K.?”
“Very good, but that is not all. Now you have to reach
inside Daddy’s underwear and take out Daddy’s pee-pee. Can you do that? Don’t
be embarrassed; we are the only two here.”
Gaining confidence she shook her head ‘yes’ and felt inside
his pants. She fumbled again but without any real success never finding the
flap of cloth that covered the front of BVDs that would have allowed his cock
freedom to the outside.
“I can’t get it out, Dad. 
It’s inside the cloth. What should I do?” she asked giving him a
helpless look.
“Well, I don’t know, Sweetheart… Let’s do this. Maybe you can unbuckle Daddy’s belt and pull
down my pants. You have to be my nurse, so try that, Honey. Do it for
Daddy, Bev.”
When Tad sucked in his belly Bev surprisingly was able to
unbuckle his thick workman’s belt, unbutton the pants and let Tads pants drop
to the floor. Then she stared at the bulge in his underwear, she had
never seen her Daddy’s pee-pee and although Jimmy, her friend in the second
grade, let her see his pee-pee once she could see this was a lot different.
“What do I do now?”
“You just have to pull down my underwear, baby. I’m your
Daddy so it’s alright.”
Bev didn’t hesitate once given permission; she was curious
and wanted to help her Dad. With her tongue sticking out of her mouth just a
little in concentration, Beverly wiggled Tad’s BVDs down over the ‘bulge’ and
then pushed them down his legs. Tad stepped out of both garments and spread his
legs slightly for better balance.
Bev just looked at the strange hanging flesh in front of
her. It was amazing… nothing at all like Jimmy’s. Her Daddy’s pee-pee was
long, wrinkly and fat. It just hung there like an elephant’s trunk (but not
that big of course she thought) and it kind of looked like one of the
characters on Sesame Street except that the character was green and had two
eyes not one. The other thing that was so different from Jimmy’s was all the
hair around it; tons of short, curly black hair that went up to his belly
button.  She looked at her dad… then down at his cock… then smiling
back at him. She already liked his pee-pee. It just looked nice.
“You have never seen a grownups pee-pee; have you, Bev?”
“Well, that is the difference between boys and girls.” Now
Tad was beginning to realize he was turned on by having his daughter interested
in his cock. ‘Hell, she seems to like
it,’ Tad thought. “Now honey, can you hold it and point it into the
toilet? Just wrap your hand around it like you were shaking hands, point
it like you would a hose. Do it for Daddy, Bev.”
With some hesitation, but not a lot, Bev took his thick
pliable cock in her hand. It was warm
and soft, the skin silky-smooth like Barbie’s blue gown.  She
pointed her Daddy’s thing at the center of the toilet.
“Hold it tight, Honey. Here comes the pee.” Tad couldn’t
believe the girl’s concentration on her job. She seemed fascinated. He loved
the feeling of her small fingers on his cock.
Bev was surprised by two things. First it startled her when
her daddy started to piss and she had to concentrate to be sure the stream
stayed in the center of the bowl; she was fascinated of course. Second,
his cock was very warm and strangely exciting to her to touch; it felt like it
was getting thicker and firmer.   The pale yellow liquid
splashed with some considerable force for the better part of a minute before it
slowed and finally stopped. By then it was obvious to both of them that his
cock had changed. As his cock got stiffer, it had been more difficult for Bev
to keep the aim in the center of the water, so Tad had bent forward so she was
able to keep the growing cock aimed to the center of the bowl until he
finished. Then Tad noticed to his surprise and delight, Bev didn’t
release her grip on what was quickly becoming a full hard on. She just
stared at it with a questioning look on her face.
Tad put his own bandaged hand on top of his daughter’s as
she held his cock and began to slowly move the small hand up and down. 
“Do you like Daddy’s pee-pee Bev?” Tad asked in a low husky voice. Not
quite believing what was happening.
“I guess so,” she answered but not quite sure. She kept
staring at the cock head and her dad’s hands. There was a bit of pre-cum just
beginning to appear at the hole in the tip.
“Is that more pee, Daddy? It isn’t yellow like before.”
Still she didn’t look up.   
“No Sweetie, that’s love juice. It happens when ever
my pee-pee sees a pretty girl.
“Your thing looks like Jerry, the pink puppet on TV, he’s
the lollypop man,” she giggled, “He’s neat, he’s my favorite.” She smiled up at
her father then looked back at his cock becoming more relaxed with the strange
“Then we can call him Jerry if you want to, Honey. It
looks like you’re shaking hands with Jerry, Bev. ” Tad bent down, cuddled his
daughters face in his plaster cast hands lifted her face and kissed her. He
kissed her soft lips in a way he had never done before. Her sexy moist lips
were a temptation he couldn’t and didn’t try to resist.
Her lips set him on fire in a whole new way. The taste of
her mouth was exciting, a stimulating sweet new adventure.  He took
his hands away, flushed the toilet and sat down on the seat. He spread
his legs open wide enjoying the fact that his daughter could see the full
length of his cock and his egg-shaped balls. 
Best of all, she continued to stroke him.
Bev was fascinated with the strange organ, and amazed at how
her daddy was clearly enjoying what she was doing. She knew something new
was happening, but not what. It was a little scary, but she knew he wouldn’t
ever hurt her. And then there was the
tingle in her pee- pee hole. Now with Tad’s cock at
full length and girth her small hands no longer fit around it. 
“Use both of your hands, Bev. Do it for Daddy, Bev. It
feels so good for Daddy , 
Sweetie .”  Beverly repositioned her hands and
continued the rhythmic stroking of her father’s cock with both hands circling
his thick rod. She was surprised at the flow of pre-cum that started running
out of the tiny hole in the top, a larger flow now and she looked at her dad
with surprise and question in her eyes.
“That’s just special love juice, Honey. It means my ‘Jerry’ likes what you are doing,
At first the situation was a little weird for Beverly, but
not for very long and soon she was quite comfortable handling her Dad’s heavy
cock. She liked the feel of the silken pole and the general cool look of
‘Jerry’. Bev studied it carefully, glancing up at her daddy only once in
awhile as if to be sure she was doing everything right. It was quite
evident to Tad that his smiling daughter was enjoying this almost as much as he
With a tight little smile she returned to his dick, she bit
down on her lower lip, and stared in concentration, wonder and determination to
do a good job.  Staring at her Dad’s fat cock she looked in wonder
at the rope-like blue veins that stood out circling the
stiff rod.  Using both hands, she continued the up and down motion
while she watched in amazement as more pre-cum ran slowly over her hands.
In his inebriated state, Tad felt bold and suggested, “You
should taste it Bev. Just lap a little bit with your tongue, I bet you’ll
like it. Kiss Jerry on the head Bev. He’ll really like that.” Tad was
both disappointed and relieved that she seemed not to have heard him make the
lurid suggestion as Bev didn’t make any move to follow up on her dad’s
suggestions as she continued to stroke and study his hard prick. 
Remembering her father’s suggestion to taste the love juice,
Bev tilted her head and began a ‘matter-of-fact’ talk with ‘Jerry’.  
“Mr. ‘Jerry’ you look sad,” she said like a concerned mother, her head tilted
slightly. “I think you need a kiss.”   
Tad watched with growing excitement as his young daughter
bent forward. She paused and Tad
wondered if… ‘Yes!’ he nearly shouted as
she kissed the straining cock head. Bev
lapped a bit into her mouth and tasted her dad’s pre-cum. Next she kissed the cock head several times
in quick succession.    
She looked up at her dad grinning and asked, “Is that
alright, Daddy? Did it feel good?” 
“Oh, yes, Baby, that was great… just perfect.” The
thrill of her warm, wet lips on his cock was so fantastic Tad thought his brain
would explode.  ‘Christ’ he thought, ‘nothing ever felt like that,
not that good, not that erotic.” It
wasn’t just feeling that turned him on so, but the look on her face as she
handled and kissed his dick.
For one thing Tad was fascinated with his little girl’s sexy
looking lips. Minutes after she had stopped the kissing, he could still feel
her lips on his cock. He’d always loved the sultry look of her pouty
lips… but now… her lips were an obsession. All he could think about was her
full lips surrounding his cock. She had naturally thick lips and now those
beautiful lips were coated with a thin layer of his pre-cum, the most erotic,
sexy lip gloss he could have imagined.   
Immediately he knew he had to have more… he wanted a lot
more. He would never do this again he told himself, but this one time was
special. Of course in the back of his
mind he knew he was lying to himself, but just this one time he would get her
to do more. He simply had to have her
suck his throbbing, dripping cock.
From her expression and her body language, Tad concluded she
was enjoying herself at the very least, even if at the same time she was
hesitant. She was curious, trusting and willing and that was fine with
“You like playing with Daddy’s ‘Jerry’? You do, don’t you Bev? I know you do, you little devil… don’t you,
“Uh huh… Kind of, I guess,” she replied with a girlish
giggle. Bev was now suddenly coquettish, but still not really
embarrassed. Swinging her shoulders slowly from side to side, she looked
down at the floor, her hands no longer on her father’s
cock. With a finger in her mouth, her other hand behind her, she waited
for more instructions. She stole a fugitive sideways glance at his stiff cock.
Tad loved the obvious acting of his little girl. Bev had
enjoyed it, but didn’t know what to say. Maybe she thought she shouldn’t enjoy
it. She did like the game, but was either hesitant to tell her dad how
much she liked it, or didn’t know how. Bev liked what they were doing,
even the scary feelings, so she was waiting to see what her daddy would say or
do next.
Tad put a finger tip under her chin and lifted her face to
his. “You are a fabulous little girl, Bev. Daddy loves you and all the
things you do for him.” They stared at each other for a moment, Tad stroked her
hair, then suddenly aware of his need and her
willingness, Tad cupped her face between his plaster-cast covered hands and
spoke softly to her, their faces only inches apart. 
“I know you liked playing with Daddy’s cock… Mr. Jerry that is. I
can tell. We can do lots more stuff if you want to Bev. Would you
like that? Would you like to play some grownup games with Daddy?” 
Her eyes glistened with pleasure and anticipation. She seemed pleased and nodded her head. Her
tongue slipped out to re-moisten her lips and she replied, “Sure, Daddy, if you
want me to.”  
“I’ll want you to be my little toy… my little fuck toy,
Honey.” He hadn’t thought out the words before he spoke; they just
tumbled from his mouth, crude words. He
was surprised at how rough they had sounded, but Bev didn’t seem to have
“O.K. “Daddy that sounds like fun” she said meeting his eyes
boldly. Her eyes left her father and
returned to his cock for a moment, then curious and interested in the new game,
she looked at him once again all hesitation disappeared. “What do you
want me to do? I’ll do whatever you want
me to do, Daddy.”
Continuing to hold her face lightly in his bandaged hands
Tad closed his eyes and kissed her soft, warm lips… a long sweet kiss.
 Tad gently sucked her lower lip into his mouth and lapped it. Quickly he slipped his tongue along the
inside of her lip. Nothing had ever tasted so erotic, so
perfect.   The warm lips felt soft as a warm marshmallow, her
saliva sweet as honey. He touched her teeth with the tip of his tongue,
then pressed his lips against her mouth with more force and slowly pulled away.
It had been like magic for both of them. Beverly’s eyes were still opened
filled with amazement and wonder.
“Oh, Bev, I wish I could tell you how good that kiss made me feel .” 
Bev’s warm hands returned very naturally to her father’s
cock. Smiling but still looking at her Dad she began to pull slowly up
and down on the soft skin that covered the rock hard cock.   
As the magic of the kiss wore off, Tad watched his sweet little
daughter return to happily jacking him off. He focused on her half opened
mouth, her lips wet and glistening, only a few inches from his hot, straining
cock head. There was only one thing to do with that mouth.
“Put Daddy’s cock in your mouth, Honey.  I want
you to be Daddy’s little slut. You want
to be Daddy’s little slut; don’t you, Baby?  
Bev smiled up at her father not surprised or bothered by her
father’s request, “Sure, I’ll do it, Daddy.  
I want to be your ….umm…whatever that word was,
your bad girl.” Beverly giggled.
“Good ‘bad girl’, Sweetie. Just put Jerry’s head in
your mouth and suck on it and lap it like a lollypop. Do it for Daddy,
Bev did as she was told, evidently happy to please her Daddy
and thrilled with all the new attention. She began to move her head slowly up
and down. Although she could only get an
inch or a bit more of the cock head into her small mouth,
that was plenty to stimulate her father. He could feel her small tongue
exploring the sides and tip of the swollen purple head and he could feel her
slippery saliva spreading and drooling down the length of his shaft.
Tad became very agitated with just her wet mouth in contact
with his cock head…“Suck, suck, Bev… That’s a good girl. Keep sucking baby, keep sucking.” Tad
was way beyond being discreet or caring if his daughter was willing or not. He
had to fuck her small mouth, face fuck her like the little slut he now knew he
would train her to be. “That’s it baby,
suck it like a big girl… suck the love juice right out for Daddy.”
Tad used his left hand, cast covered hand, to place behind
Bev’s head and force his cock further into her mouth. His right hand
disappeared between her legs. His thu
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