Dad Twinks

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Dad Twinks

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Nothing. They’re boys. That’s what boys do. As long as they weren’t jacking each other off, let it be.

@TruthBTold :
I just meant in the fact that there's a weird tension between us. I'm ok with it, I mean as a single dad I do it all the time I just want them to know I'm ok with it

@Luis54 :
Make a joke about it and move on.

I have a 16yr old. My wife recently ran across some "used" towels and lotion under his bed when changing his sheets. I had to have a talk with him about being more discreet with the towels - mix'em in the laundry boy! I told him he just took some years off his mom's life... then moved on, nothing to see here!

Also had the talk with the wife about how he is old enough to take care of changing his sheets

I guess I do have to talk to them. I mean were pretty comfortable being nude around each other and I knew they masterbated. I just need to tell them to maybe put a socker on the door. Haha . I guess I just have to get used to it. We're all guys and my son's will be guys.maybe letting them know I do it too will make the awkwardness go away.

That's funny, SNDRR!
I do agree tho that you should just crack some Wise and move on. Especially now that they're as old as 17?? If I was barely 11 yrs old when I got in my 1st (of a buh-zillion) 'sticky situation', then this is certainly not their first shot at cumming of age. It definitely is not their first mutual wank-fest. They are obviously perfectly comfortable with their own bodies (and each other's) to get totally naked, bypassing the distraction of the initial akwardness
. They get charged up watching each other - watch each other jack off. And they're performing in person! Way better than video. No worries - whether it's 2 brother's, or 2 buddies, it's fine and they won't "catch gay" from mutual actions, the worst that can happen? They might end up being in very solid relationships due to the fact that they grew up more open-minded than most men. What they're doing at this age is fine. But yeah...Pop needs to give them a "heads up". NO woman needs to be changing Gooey sheets or reaching blindly into a sticky clothes hamper! Especially if they got no enjoyment in getting things gooed up'! Just sayin' .

Pretend you didn't see anything and keep on marching. Males jack off. Young males jack off very often. Learn to knock.

@LadyKat :
They saw me. I walked in on them. I mean I jack off all the time as a single dad. There's just that awkward tension of getting caught

@LadyKat :
True about the young men. That ship has sailed on up'to 54 yrs old. I still masturbate all the time - more so since I was dealt the blow of the ''Widower" Status. It's very healthy to keep a routine schedule of " preventative Maintenance" so the equipment stays in good working order and appearance too!

I taught my son to do his own laundry about 14 so I wouldn't have to deal with that part.

@fallen_angel :
Yes! Teach them soon! My husband is 23 and his mom is stilling willing to do his laundry and he lets her do it. Not good and im having a hard time "training" him to do his housechores but i have to!

Is it normal for siblings to masterbate in front of each other? THAT is what I would feel uncomfortable about.

I'm a single mom, every now and then I accidentally catch my 16 y/o son with his hand down his pants - he can't seem to do anything without touching himself. LOL. I just ignore or say, "Dude, keep it private, o.k.?" and then move on to other topics.

Leave lube, tissues, hygienic wipes and a bin in their room. It would be a good time to talk to them about sexual relationships, responsibility, protection etc. Let them know that masturbation is the safest form of sex and that you are OK with it. This may also be a time that they want to start sleeping naked, let them know that you are cool with it but establish some house rules.

Both at the same time and naked? Teach them about privacy first.

@George :
Lol! Agree.. how come no one else was concerned about this!?


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Man arrested for having ‘twink’ images on his computer

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A man wrongly accused by the police of creating and storing images of child abuse says police need lessons in gay terminology to prevent ‘ruining more lives’.
Last month, Mike Whitla from Bangor was found not guilty of 15 charges brought against him by the police.
After a forensic investigator completed an in depth search of his computer and discovered he could not be guilty, the prosecution failed to offer any further evidence against him, leaving the judge with no choice but to direct the jury to return a not guilty verdict on each charge.
He has since revealed how he was ‘suspended from his job working with vulnerable children, forced to come out as a gay man and abandoned by almost all of his friends.’
The social worker told The Daily Mirror, “I was able to prove I’d done nothing, but my life is still in tatters and somehow I’ll have to rebuild it.”
After his experience, he says he wants other people to know how he fell ‘foul of the law despite doing nothing wrong.’
Mike was arrested and charged at Bangor PSNI station with making and storing 71 images of children, ranging in seriousness.
However, when Mike was shown the images, he realised they were completely innocent – as they were all of ‘twinks’.
Mike said: “I’d never seen it before but it was a twink, that’s gay slang for a feminine looking man over 18. The officers hadn’t a clue what I was talking about.
“I said he looked about 24 and they laughed. They said the picture was of a 13-year-old boy and that I was going court where the jury would agree he was a child.”
After he was released on bail, Mike decided to seek help from The Rainbow Project, a charity that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health of LGBT people and their families in Northern Ireland.
“They were amazing and said they would support me all the way,” Mike said.
“While my solicitor got a forensic computer expert to analyse the police evidence, the Rainbow Project set up a presentation for my solicitor and barrister to explain the sort of language used in the gay scene including twink.
“I think if one of the officers who arrested me had been a gay man, I’d never have been put through this nightmare but they live in a different social world to me.”
The forensic computer expert discovered that all of the 71 images found in the police search were in fact ads featuring men aged 18 and over.
Celebs you didn’t know have an LGBT sibling
He also revealed that Mike had neither searched for the images, uploaded, seen them or knowingly stored them. On April 28, the jury delivered not guilty verdicts on each of the 15 sample charges of possessing indecent images.
However, Mike says his life cannot return to normal.
So I was innocent, I was free and I could walk out of court and get on with my life, but I felt ruined.
“I still support rigorous police investigations and I really can’t complain about the PSNI doing their job in the interests of child safety.
“But they need to be educated about gay communities and the language we use. It could have prevented my ruination and saved them an awful lot of time, effort and money taking an innocent man to court.”

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Got a burning question for Prudie? She’ll be online at to chat with readers each Monday at 1 p.m. Submit your questions and comments here before or during the live discussion.
Dear Prudence,
My fraternal twin and I (both men) are in our late 30s. We were always extremely close and shared a bedroom growing up. When we were 12 we gradually started experimenting sexually with each other. After a couple of years, we realized we had fallen in love. Of course we felt guilty and ashamed, and we didn’t dare tell anyone what we were doing. We hoped it was “just a phase” that we’d grow out of, but we wound up sleeping together until we left for college. We knew this could ruin our lives, so we made a pact to end it. We attended schools far apart and limited our contact to family holidays. But we never fell out of love with each other, so after graduation we moved in together and have been living very discreetly as a monogamous couple ever since. I’m not writing to you to pass moral judgment on our relationship—we’re at peace and very happy. Our dilemma is how to deal with our increasingly nosy family and friends. They know we’re gay, and we live in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, so we’re getting pressure to settle down. I feel we should continue being discreet for the rest of our lives and blow off their questions. It’s nobody’s business, and I fear they would find our relationship shocking and disgusting. My brother, though, is exhausted with this charade. He thinks that if we get the family together with a therapist to talk through the issues, they’ll eventually accept it. I think he’s out of his mind, but I also want to make him happy. Is this one of those times when honesty is not the best policy? If so, how do we get everyone to stop worrying we will die alone? I’m also concerned about the legal implications of this—would the therapist be required to report us to the authorities? Could we go to prison?
Dear Greek,
I admit this is my first letter about homosexual, incestuous twins, but I’m going to take you at your word that you two are happy and that I should suppress the images that came to mind of two sets of brothers who lived together and came to unseemly ends: the pack-rat Collyer brothers and the twin gynecologist Marcus brothers . Let’s deal with your legal questions first. I spoke to Dan Markel , a professor at Florida State University College of Law. He said that while incest is generally illegal in most jurisdictions, the laws tend to be enforced in a way that would protect minors, prevent sexual abuse, and address imbalances of power. Those aren’t at issue in your consensual adult relationship, but Markel suggests you have a consultation with a criminal defense attorney (don’t worry, the discussion would be confidential) to find out if your relationship would come under the state incest statutes. Either way, it’s better to know, and if it is illegal, as long as you remain discreet the likelihood of prosecution is remote. Next, I suggest that you and your brother split the difference in your approach to family and friends. Blowing people off for the next couple of decades is only going to fan the flames of curiosity. But I also agree with you that having a family gathering in which you announce you two have found life partners—each other—will give everyone the vapors. Ultimately your choice is your business, but a limited version of the truth should back everyone off. When people ask when you’re each going to go out there and find a nice young man, tell them that while it may seem unorthodox, you both have realized that living together is what works for you. Say no brothers could be more devoted or compatible, and neither of you can imagine wanting to change what you have.
Dear Prudence,
I recently started a new job at a company that has been in the local news. Shortly before I was hired, the owner was sued, because while all the senior positions went to men, the rest of the staff was made up of extremely attractive women. I do not look like my female co-workers. I’m a brunette who’s over 25, and I’m not “curvy,” just one big curve. I’m slowly being introduced to our clients, and the first time I met one, he said, “Oh, you must be one of the new hires!” and everyone at the meeting laughed. Only after another client said it did I realize he was referring to my boss’s legal troubles. It’s astounding how many clients have now made the same joke. I overhead one client call me the “ nottie .” I’m now feeling pressure to try to look hot, when that’s not what I’m about. I don’t want to offend clients, but it’s insulting they feel they can say this to me. I would go to my boss, but I feel I should be able to handle this myself.
Dear Nottie,
Your firm must have been a source of endless stimulation and even hilarity for the male clients for so long that they no longer notice that they’re flouting the normal rules of courtesy. I’m infuriated on your behalf, but please don’t let your response be to try to turn yourself into a hottie. Your job is to do good work for the clients, so I agree complaining to the boss will be awkward and won’t resolve the situation. When these jerks make their remarks, just ignore their implications. Upon hearing the “new hire” joke, reply: “Yes, I started in December. I really look forward to working with you.” In acting class they teach the importance of subtext. Good actors, through a facial expression, a pause, or a tilt of the head, subtly express their internal state. So you might say to yourself, “Yep, the Victoria’s Secret show has closed, and now real women are working at Letch & Co. But I will do you the favor of pretending I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That half-smile or raised eyebrow from you might just cause the jokers to reconsider their behavior.
Dear Prudence,
I have a beautiful teenage daughter, “Lilly.” My mother, who really loves dogs, recently got a new one. She asked me for name suggestions, and I gave her a list including “Maggie” and “Millie.” Shortly afterward she called me and said she had a strange request: She wanted to call her dog Lilly and wanted my OK. I was distracted with other stuff and didn’t object. When I told my daughter, she looked confused but didn’t say it upset her. Then my sister called me a few weeks later and said, “What’s up with Mom naming that dog Lilly?” Now every time I talk to my parents I have to hear their Lilly stories. I am bothered that the dog has my daughter’s name. I know this sounds petty, but maybe part of the problem is that my mother was not that into being a grandmother when my kids were little. Should I just let it go, or could I say, “Hey, do me a favor and call the dog Millie?”
Dear Name,
You are an ACDL , an adult child of a dog lover. It is disconcerting after one’s parents get a late-in-life dog to hear them natter on about their furry darling’s every yip and poop. I often get letters from people who are enraged that some family member with a new baby plans to appropriate a name they feel should belong only to their child. I admonish them that no one owns a name. However, I’m going to agree that it’s odd and even ridiculous for grandparents to give their new dog the same name as their granddaughter. So now that you’ve had your fill of four-legged Lilly stories, go ahead and tell your mother that you feel having two Lillys in the family is confusing and you’d really appreciate it if she renamed her pooch. Given the mentality of the older dog lover, I predict your mother will say that getting a new name would be too traumatic for her baby, and if you don’t like having two Lillys, you are free to rename your own daughter Millie. At that point just tell yourself that your mother adores her granddaughter Lilly so much that she gave Lilly’s name to the being she loves most in the world. 
Dear Prudence,
I live with my boyfriend, who, in many ways, is a wonderful person—hardworking, smart, and funny. We are constantly butting heads over one thing, however. He is an extreme perfectionist. I’m not messy, but compared with him I’m a slob. He travels often for work, and lately I’ve found myself becoming anxious before he returns. He always notices if something has been put back in the wrong place, if I didn’t sweep under the couch, or if I bought the wrong brand of detergent. I make checklists the days before he returns, but there are things I miss. He thinks everything should look the same as how he left it. Should I just hire a maid, or is he being unreasonable?
Dear Cinderella,
Here’s a way for the place to look untouched when your boyfriend returns. After you see him off, get your suitcase, pack your things, and move out. If you aren’t ready to do that, before he comes home, forget the checklists and just live your life. When he returns, if he rages, threatens, or gives you the silent treatment, accept that his good qualities do not outweigh that he’s a bully who will make your life a misery. Imagine his reaction to the chaos a child might cause. People like him generally don’t get better; their partners just get more panicked. If he wants a perfect life, let him have one without you.
“ A View to a Thrill : Neighbor boys peep at my scantily clad daughters. Should I have them cover up?” Posted June 30, 2011.
“ Loving Thy Neighbor : I have sex with the couple next door. Should I tell my kids about it?” Posted June 23, 2011.
“ Fatherly Advice : Dear Prudence advises a dad whose wife fears he’ll abandon the family in favor of his long-lost daughter—and other Father’s Day advice seekers.” Posted June 16, 2011.
“ Businessman on the Road to Ruin : My wife doesn’t know I visit strip bars and porn theaters while away on business. But that’s not cheating, right?” Posted June 9, 2011.
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