Dad And Son Pissing

Dad And Son Pissing


Dad And Son Pissing
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Today, while our family was walking into the house, my SO decided he needed to pee on our shrub. No big deal since we are pretty secluded. I pointed this out to Nero saying " Look, daddy can pee outside!" This led to the discussion on peeing in front of Nero. I always take him into the bathroom with me- partly because he is in a Destructor phase and partly to get him used to associating peeing with the bathroom. Obviously, though, he and I don't have the same equipment. SO said that he should start taking him in the bathroom when he uses it more (instead of having him sit in his high chair which is what he currently does) so he can get used to seeing equipment similar to his own using the potty. My SO is a little weirded out by this, though he feels like it may help with potty training down the road. Did you dads make it a point to let your little men see how big boys go potty? Did it help with potty training? sorry if this is jumbled. My first week working third shift has turned my mind into mush.
Not a dad, but wanted to share a story. My dad did this for my older brother, until he reached out one day and grabbed his penis :).
not a dad but just wanted to throw a tip out there when you are ready to potty train put cherioss(sp) and tell him to hit the targets my friends did this with his son and it worked wonders!! he couldn't wait till he had to pee...he also kept a small bag of them in the bathroom
I've peed in front of my daughter (door open so I can keep an ear on her). Does that mean she is going to pee standing up :)
I'm not a dad but I have a son. When ds seemed interested in using the potty dh would take him in there to show him how to use it. Now that he is in the potty training phase he doesn't really like to stand up and pee. He would rather sit down on his potty and pee. But atleast he is wanting to pee in the potty. I hth and good luck.
Totally off topic but one of my favorite stories about my dad... After I was potty trained, I still had a problem with wetting the bed (I was probably three at this point). Dad finally told me that if I would hold it all night, he'd let me pee on the dog the next morning. I don't know why it worked, but I apparently was so excited about getting to pee on the dog that I held it all night long. The next morning, he took the dog outside and held her still so that I could pee on her (after which my mom immediately had to bathe the dog)! About three nights of this and I didn't pee the bed any more. 
Whoahhh R. Kelly ... that is hilarious and disgusting all at the same time. That poor dog ... haha. :)
That is hilarious!! I just read it to DH and he cracked up. The poor dog!!
laughed so hard i almost pee'd myself
Potty Training Tips for Boys and Girls
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Posted on June 28, 2019 June 8, 2021 by Lana Hallowes

Posted on June 28, 2019 June 8, 2021 by Lana Hallowes

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A dad has taken to Reddit to ask other parents when is it time to stop his son from dropping his dacks to take a wee in public – and instead bolt him to the nearest toilet.
The concerned dad was wondering what is ‘normal’ when it came to kids and public urination.
“My four-year-old son has been potty trained for well over a year now. From time to time, when getting in the car or whatever, he will have a sudden urge to go. When this happens, I get him unbuckled and rush to find the nearest bathroom. My wife, on the other hand, will just tell him to go in the driveway of the house, or in the parking lot, or on a nearby fence.”
“While this may have been acceptable when he was younger and just learning to control his bladder, I do not think it is okay to continue this practice. My perspective is that if there is a bathroom nearby, it is not appropriate to pee in public. Especially in a neighbourhood or shopping centre.”
The majority of replies were in the shaking their heads category.
“That just really sounds lazy. It’s really not appropriate to pee in public,” said one.
“Oh my gosh, I don’t think that’s ever okay. The driveway of your house?! That’s insane! And disgusting!” Tsked another.
“It’s one thing if the kids are playing in the backyard or having a water fight or something like that and then they go pee on a tree. But letting your child pee on the driveway? I just have no words for that,” another user added.
“Your wife is doing a huge disservice to your son by not teaching him appropriate public behaviour, and not distinguishing between genuine emergencies and, ‘I’m in our driveway and don’t feel like going back into the house,'” someone else commented.
Then some more lighthearted types just found the whole thread funny.
“LOL why would she want to teach her son that it’s okay to pee on random things in public?” chuckled one.
“OMG, I’m dying laughing! Kids have no shame. I let my boys ‘pee on a tree’ when we are outdoors hiking or camping. My husband lets them do it in our backyard. It’s private enough but it makes me nuts!! There is a bathroom in the house. 25 yards away tops. GO INSIDE AND PEE!!! Last week I caught all three of them lined up peeing off the hillside. Hubs was in the dog house for that one,” shared another.
Then a few others came the man’s wife’s defence. They claimed his son, while potty trained, probably still has a weak bladder and that when he needs to go, he needs to go.
“In my experience when newly potty trained kids have to go, they have to go NOW … like you’ve got 10 seconds tops to make it to the potty chair … I assumed running behind a tree would be okay but after reading this thread it seems to be widely frowned upon!” said one mum.
A few others also made the point that it seems parents of boys are more relaxed with the peeing in public thing than girls.
“I have three boys and have encountered plenty of weird ‘boy only rules’ that parents have,” mused one. “They would never dream of allowing it for girls but it’s perfectly acceptable for boys.”
“It’s funny because most people don’t let girls do this but I see parents allow boys to do it all the time,” added another.
As the mum of two boys who lets them do ‘ tree wees ‘ when at the park and there is no toilet in sight, this thread made me giggle.
I have also caught them on occasion weeing in the backyard when they think I can’t see them.
They know the rules that if a toilet is in sight, they are to use it or hold it in if in public until we find one, but sometimes accidents happen and a public (discreet) wee is the only option.
I draw the line at the driveway though (although that said, I have been known to quickly lift my little guy out of his car seat and pull down his trackies for a wee on the grass when I know we are not going to make it inside in time – we don’t make a habit of it though)!
Make toilet training easier for you and your child by avoiding these 3 common mistakes! 

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