Dad And Son Nifty

Dad And Son Nifty


Dad And Son Nifty

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William J. Meyer’s video tribute to his father, Larry Zander, was made just weeks before Mr. Zander passed away at the age of 78. Meyer played this video at his father’s funeral.
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1933 short story by Ernest Hemingway

^ "Hemingway's Writing Style" (PDF) . The Big Read . National Endowment for the Arts. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-29.

^ Hemingway, Ernest; George Plimpton. "The Art of Fiction No. 21" . Paris Review . Retrieved 6 January 2014 .

The story is a personal narrative that follows the path of Nick Adams as he drives through his hometown with his son. Most of the story is told through memories of Nick's childhood and Father. The story chronicles the relationships between three generations of men.

Important themes in "Fathers and Sons" include father–son relationships, Nick's homecoming, growing up, and role models.

"Fathers and Sons" is a story about Nicholas Adams driving home with his son after a hunting trip in his hometown. Hunting imagery and small-town agriculture make Nick think about his father, who taught him how to hunt. Nick's father had fantastic vision, but Nick says this skill made him nervous. Nick's father was a sentimental man, and Nick says that most sentimental people are both cruel and abused. Nick loved his father, but hated the way he smelled. Nick lost his sense of smell when he started smoking, which he reflects is a good thing because a good sense of smell is not necessary to man. Nick never shared anything with his father past the age of fifteen. Nick's father taught him how to hunt by giving him only three bullets a day. Nick learned much from his father about hunting.

Nick is interrupted from his memories by his son, who asks what it's like to live with Indians and if he can have a gun. Nick tells him that it's his son's decision if he wants to live with Indians, and that he can have a gun at age twelve. Nick thinks about, but does not tell his son, how Trudy “did first what no one has ever done better." He also thinks to himself that shooting one flying bird is like shooting all flying birds—the experience is always just as good. Nick's son does not believe that his grandfather could have been a better hunter than Nick, but Nick says that the man was always disappointed in the way Nick shot. Nick's son expresses regret that they have never yet prayed at his grandfather's grave and concern that he will not be able to pray at his father's grave, and Nick says that he can see that they will need to do that soon.

"Fathers and Sons" is another example of the classic "Hemingway Style." Characterized by economy and iceberg theory , the "Hemingway Style" is the product of obsessive revision. [1] Hemingway himself, when asked about his style, said "I must say that what amateurs call a style is usually only the unavoidable awkwardness in first trying to make something that has not heretofore been made." [2]

Dad uncomfortable with sons and pals' nudity, showering together
Dear Abby , Universal Press Syndicate
Washburn Fire in Yosemite: Size grows overnight as crews work to save trees
The Washburn Fire burning in southern Yosemite National Park grew more than 230 acres overnight on Friday, jumping from 466 acres to 703 acres in size, fire officials said.
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Dear Abby: I am the single dad of two teenage boys (17 and 18) who are both in high school. I am wondering about something they do with their friends. The boys take showers in large groups. When they come in from running or sports, or if a group is spending the night, they shower in groups of two, three or four. It's not like we have a huge shower - it's normal size.
I know there's nothing sexual going on because I can hear them talking and joking around. When I asked the boys about this, they looked at me as if I had two heads. They said it was just a social thing and the same as showering together after football in the school gym.
They also "air dry" after showers by walking around in towels, sometimes watching TV or goofing off for hours while in their towels. When going out, they get naked in the bathroom, fixing their hair, shaving, brushing their teeth, etc. It's like a big nude fest with them and their friends.
While I'm glad they are comfortable with their bodies and who they are, it still bothers me somewhat. Am I being a prude in thinking this is unusual or inappropriate?
Dear Stumped: I see nothing inappropriate about what your sons and their friends are doing. Nor do I want to label you a prude. You are just not as comfortable in your skin as your sons and their "jock" friends are. Is it possible that they take after their mother?
Dear Abby: My best friend and I do everything together and I love her, so when she showed up at the gym in booty shorts, I didn't say a word, even though they don't flatter her one bit. Heck, there's a mirror on every wall, so she must have liked what she saw, and it's none of my business.
When she wore them to a school sporting event, my husband accused me of being a "bad friend" for not telling her that her rear view was getting the wrong kind of attention. Some of the other parents in the bleachers were snickering.
I guess if the situation were reversed, I'd want my best friend to give me a hint, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Am I wrong to just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business?
Dear Anonymous: Allow me to provide a couple of hints. First, tell your friend when you are alone and can't be overheard, which will spare her unnecessary embarrassment.
Second, ask, "When you bought those shorts, did you get a look at yourself from the back?" If she says no, provide her with a mirror so she can look over her shoulder at herself. Then explain that at the school event, some of the other parents were staring, and not too kindly.
You will be doing her a favor to speak up. That is what friendship is all about. And if she's smart, she'll thank you.
Dear Abby: I met this beautiful and awesome lady recently and slept with her that night. The next day, we spent most of the day texting back and forth. I asked her to dinner on Monday, and she accepted. We did more texting on Tuesday night, which I initiated.
So my question is, how much texting and pursuing is too much in trying to hang out with this woman? I'm really interested in her.
Dear Pretty Cool Dude: How about giving her 24 hours to catch her breath? Because she keeps saying yes, the signs are good so far. Just be careful that in your enthusiasm your ardor doesn't come across as overwhelming. If you do all the chasing, you'll deprive her of the pleasure of chasing you back.
Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at

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Jake Herbert (right) and his dad are making a ton of cash stripping down together on OnlyFans.
Courtesy of @herberttjake

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A father and son are making a fortune on OnlyFans sharing naked photos of themselves hanging out together.
Jake Herbert, 26, started his own OnlyFans account several years ago and told the BBC he was making up to $9,000 USD per month posting nude pictures of himself.
But the kinky content creator was determined to make even more money — and found an unexpected opening after sharing a photo of his handsome dad with fans.
“Obviously, I knew that to take this to the next level I had to do something that would get everyone talking,” the UK resident said. “I put a picture of my dad up, just us topless after a workout, and it just went mental.”
The bold Brit asked his father — who hasn’t been publicly named — whether he’d strip down further for a share of some OnlyFans cash.
The monetary benefits proved too tempting to turn down, and the dad was soon joining his son in some steamy snaps strictly available for followers who fork over a fee.
The patriarch — whose age has also not been disclosed — still keeps his main job as a plumber, but some of his co-workers are confused about his rather unorthodox new side hustle.
“He was getting bits of banter and that from where he was working,” his son explained. “And I was like, ‘Look, dad, we just need to make some money. It’s not like we’re doing anything.'”
Last year, Herbert told the Tab he hasn’t even seen his father’s private parts, claiming he keeps his eyes averted as they pose up a storm for the camera.
“We’ve never seen each other naked, the most he’s shown on my page is his a–,” the savvy son claimed.
“Furthest me and my dad would go is … well, you’ll have to subscribe to see!” he added.
At the time, Herbert claimed he had a girlfriend who wasn’t fazed by the odd father-son bonding activity. In fact, the lady love was supportive because the enormous income helped fund their lavish lifestyle.
Herbert told the BBC he now rakes in around $40,000 USD per month and gives his father a small cut of the cash.
The shameless son says he’s not embarrassed about his frisky photo shoots with his father, telling the BBC: “I don’t care, because I knew it was going to come to a big payment. And it would get people talking, and it would get people to subscribe.”

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