


Miner Planner Tokens for Game Game Tickets


Have you ever heard of DAB tokens and wondered how to get some tokens? Sit down and read this article when I bring to you what DAB tokens are and how you can get some DAB tokens. 

The DAB Token has been created for the purpose of managing the DABANKING platform. And it was designed so that the only way to get this DAB token is through the Token Mining program set aside by the team.

As I told you in my previous article about the DAB platform and DABANKING Gaming, the DAB tokens are currently using the ETHEREUM blockchain and the good news here is that DABANKING is developing their own blockchain which when finished is fully exchanged from the ETHEREUM blockchain to DABANKING blockchain private, which in turn will increase the potential of the DAB token.


There are three types of wallets called ENERGY WALLET which are specifically designed to mine DAB tokens. You must get this wallet if you have to take part in the DAB mining program. These three wallets are MINAL WALLET, GREEN WALLET and GOLD WALLET. These three wallets each have a special function to do in the mining process of DAB tokens. However, before a user can successfully complete the DAB token mining process, it is mandatory that TREASURY PACKAGED be purchased and activated.


TREASURI PACKAGE is an important aspect of DAB mining, users are permitted to purchase TREASURI PACKAGES in an amount of not less than $ 200 in ETH amounts. They can also buy as much as $ 5,000 depending on the decision of the developer who has access to a tool that determines the maximum number of TREASURY packages that a person can buy per time. When TREASURY PACKAGED is activated, the GOLD WALLET will add 800% of the package value paid by the user and the GREEN WALLET will add 200% of the package value to the first package purchase and also add 100% of the package value package to the second package and will continue in that pattern .

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This TREASURI PACKAGE calculation is carried out according to the ETH value when the user deposits ETH to purchase the TREASURI PACKAGE and ETH will be confirmed. Knowing well that ETH prices went up and down, the team had considered this and decided that for the number of TREASURY PACKAGES to be received, ETH deposits must be confirmed by the blockchain. if not, if the increase between the deposit time and the confirmation time of the TREASURI PACKAGE price will also increase,


Assuming a user buys a treasury package for the first time with an amount of ETH worth $ 1000; such a user will receive $ 8000 in the GOLD DEPARTMENT and will receive $ 2000 in the GREEN WALLET for the first time of purchase. MINING WALLET is designed to receive 0.5% of the GREEN WALLET value every day. With this, GREEN WALLET continues to decrease every day because the amount flowing through the MINING WALLET the previous day is reduced. 

Let me further break it down into my readers’ understanding, for example, the user buys a $ 1000 package and the GREEN WALLET has $ 2000.

days 1: 0.5% from $ 2000 is $ 10 will flow through WALLET MINING and $ 1990 GREEN WALLET 

days 2: 0.5% from $ 1990 will flow through WALLET MINING and GREEN WALLET remaining $ 1980.05 

days 3: 0.5% of $ 1980.05 is $ 9, 90025 will flow through the remaining $ 1970 DOMPET MINING and GREEN WALLET, the 14975 

process will continue every day until the amount in the GREEN WALLET becomes 0.

Common features of games with DABANKING and Blockchain infrastructure  :

Users of Blockahin can easily exchange their digital assets with high liquidity and generate large profits.
. Because it is a decentralized system, using blockchain technology to develop DApp Games, security is guaranteed when paying
Using Blockchain makes it easy to track and track trust issues that you trust about real ownership of digital assets, and help prevent fraud.

FOMOJACKPOT   – Fomojackpot participants have the opportunity to earn large amounts of money on Ethereum by buying tickets and playing Jackpot, using only 0.002Eth. The Fomojackpot platform is designed with two countdown hours, a gold watch and a green watch. To play the jackpot, the Green Clock will be set to a 48-hour countdown, and when the hour is below 24 hours, each new ticket will increase by 30 seconds, but cannot exceed 24 hours. While the gold watch counts back for 48 hours, the gold watch will start counting only when Eth’s current price is higher than the previous round.

FOMOGAME –   F  omogame is a standalone DApp system built in the DABANKINGecosystem   designed in blockchain technology using the Ethereum protocol.

FOMO DICE –  Another game that will be updated on this platform. This game is designed with a random result mechanism based on the blockchain to ensure transparency.

As someone who has tried and used all these games, I have to say that FOMOJACKPOT is very fun and enjoyable. I don’t understand how time passed, I really like design and playability. While giving players the opportunity to have fun, there should be no questions about security transparency. I want to state that I don’t have a problem with payment.


DABANKING aims at long-term development, providing entertainment services to a decentralized application platform, giving back power to users. The development team has made a long-term strategy to make DABANKING a strong ecosystem that enables millions of customers to experience our services.

Website:  https://dabanking.io/

Whitepaper:  http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Discord:  https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV

Telegram:  https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

Youtube:  http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV

Medium:  https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com / Dabanking_io bitcointalk profile

Username: rangovas

Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2653712

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