Da Rules

Da Rules

The Flavourtown/HP Lovers Anonymous Edicts

To participate in this chat, you must read and abide by the following rules:

**These rules also apply to all the Crimes channels' comments sections

Rule violations...

...are at the discretion of the administrators.

...usually entail (up to) three warnings before more drastic action is taken.

...are documented and discussed among the moderation staff before a ban, as required.

...will result in an immediate ban dependent on the severity of the offense.

Rules Shortlist

0. Do be 16 or older.

1. Do contact an admin for help.

2. Do post appropriate content.

3. Do be courteous when you post.

4. Don’t cause drama.

5. Don’t be a jerk.

6. Do check the rules for updates.

Participation Eligibility

You must be 16 years of age or older, according to Telegram's ToS.

You do not need to be subscribed to the channel, but you’d be a lot cooler if you did.

Anyone who joins does so of their own free will and in good faith to follow all rules as described. The administrators are not responsible for the actions of or content generated by the users, but will do their best to enforce the rules.

Group Chat Courtesy

Be excellent to each other.

Do not excessively complain that something is not a food crime. Please refer to the guidelines of how why we post what we post.

Do not spam the chat with stickers, pictures, GIFs, text, etc. If you have more than 4-5 images to post at once, consider posting them as an album.

Spamming the chat is defined as “interrupting another’s ability to carry on a conversation or to post.”

Politics/religion may not be discussed at any time in the chat, please take it to PM. Jokes are fine, but keep it light and civil.

If you want to advertise relevant goods and services in chat, you must obtain permission from an administrator.

Using Telegram's voice recording feature is restricted to situations where it is necessary; do not carry on extended, normal conversations with the group using voice recordings.

Niche community media (read: furry stuff) is permitted as long as it follows the guidelines and is relevant to post. I know most of us are furries around here, but we want this to be a welcoming place for everyone.

Please keep conversations generally in English. Our mods are primarily English speakers: full, non-English discussions don't allow us to effectively monitor the chats.

Harassment and Hate Speech

Sexual and psychological harassment will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate ban.

Hate speech including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, and transphobia will not be tolerated and result in an immediate ban.

Do not purposefully incite other users to argue in chat with provocative comments.

Report all instances of harassment and hate speech to the admins immediately.

Adult Topics and Media

Keep the chat PG-13 at a maximum. Crude and suggestive humor are permitted in moderate doses, but be mindful as the chat is 16+. Do not direct sexual comments at minors and keep the jokes appropriate for the conversation.

Do not post NSFW or purposefully suggestive content.

Do not use the chat for hookups or to talk about your or someone else's bedroom activities.


Admins will abide by and enforce the rules with an appropriate, even hand.

Admins can delete inappropriate posts without warning and take immediate, relevant action as necessary.

Admins have the final say.

If there’s more to be said, take it to PM’s, but don’t harass the admins.

Admins will remove inappropriate content and messages at will in accordance with the rules.

Admins will contact you in chat or PM’s to resolve issues, as the situation requires. If you have privacy settings that don’t allow for an admin contacting you directly, you will establish contact with the admin as needed to discuss.

Any issues can be reported to admins listed in the sidebar or pinged in the chat directly. The sooner you do, the better we can handle the situation.

The secret passphrase is “a one-way ticket to Flavourtown!”

Difficult decisions/situations will be discussed in the moderation chat as a consensus vote.

Admins found to be abusing their power will have their privileges temporarily revoked until the situation is resolved and appropriate action can be taken.

Rule changes and amendments will be communicated to the group via a pinned post.

Report Page