DRK - DeFi Ecosystem

DRK - DeFi Ecosystem



What is DaRK?

Draken Privacy Token is UTXO-based. We chose a UTXO-based model over an

account-based model because of the following reasons:

1) In a UTXO model, transactions can be easily processed in parallel.

2) The UTXO model is stateless.

Users can easily use a new address for every transaction. This improves privacy. Transaction inputs are always linked to existing UTXOs. Because of this, a sequential transaction order is easily authenticated. It is also easy to verify if a UTXO is double spent. The tech stack: Draken embraces a full-stack approach to decentralized privacy, reimagining technology at every layer. Network Layer: A high-throughput proof-of-stake sidechain using pBFT, allowing for secure two-way transfers of crypto assets whenever privacy is needed. Data Layer: Bulletproofs and RingCT for confidential transactions. Private transactions with zero-knowledge proofs, linkable ring signatures, stealth addresses and confidential transactions to mask the sender, receiver and transaction amount.


ANONYMOUS-ON-DEMAND: Enter and exit the DaRK mode whenever you feel like.

-SUSTAINABLE (Anti-spam, anti-slack): Miners have economic and reputation at stake to remain honest & preserve the longevity of the network.

-PROOF-OF-STAKE: Fast, cheap, scalable, energy efficient, environmentally friendly, democratic.

-PORTABLE: Allow developers to port their smart contracts to other decentralized technologies.

-CHEAP: Cheaper than current decentralized alternative with much less gas consumed. Smart contracts are optimized for gas usage, balanced between anti spamming and economic feasibility.

-FAST: Can have a blocktime on the order of 5 seconds and handle up to thousands of transactions per second.

-FINALITY: Each block sealed is irreversible — no past deed can be undone.

-SCALABLE: Fast finality matches the throughput requirements of your growing user base.

-SECURE: Access control firewalls your applications against malicious modules.

Draken is cheaper than current decentralized alternative with much less gas consumed. Smart contracts are optimized for gas usage, balanced between anti-spamming and economicfeasibility.Anti-miner-spam: Miners have economic and reputation at stake to remain honest & preserve the longevity of the network. The less slacking nodes there are, the stronger and more sustainable the network becomes. Since reward (in the form of cashback) for miners is equally divided among all miners, each miner is not incentivized to spam. If a miner spends fee to spam transactions, it cannot earn all reward from its spammed transactions because such reward would be shared with all other miners in the network.

Draken DEX is an advanced decentralized exchange in 3 main aspects:

1. Usability: You only need to log in by connecting with your wallet (through Metamask, Trustwallet, or other Dapp browser) once. You do not need to switch between different blockchain networks while trading.

2. Safety: All of your deposited funds are safe. All of your cryptocurrency wallet addresses (for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, etc.) are generated from your logged-in wallet signature. The private key of your DEX wallet addresses cannot be accessed by any party including the DEX creators.

3. Crosschain: Draken DEX allows you to seamlessly trade between cryptocurrencies on any blockchain network (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, etc.)

4. Dapp: Draken DEX is integrated with all of Draken future Dapps including DRKompound, DRK Insurance, DRK Swap, etc.

DRK Swap = UniSwap + Crosschain, providing liquidity for the whole DeFi Ecosystem on DRK Chain, and between DeFi Ecosystems on all blockchains — DRK Chain, Bitcoin blockchain, Ethereum blockchain, Tron blockchain, etc.

DRKompound presents a simple yet revolutionary interface for borrowers to collateralize fluctuating cryptocurrencies and for lenders to earn interests from stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI, etc.).

WEBSITE: https://draken.tech/

WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHtV50CktdFCyD_NaH370sZ8sOBehgce/view

TELEGRAM : https://https//t.me/Drakentech

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/DRKDEX

TWITER: https://twitter.com/DRKDeFi

DRAKEN DEX: https://draken.exchange/

DRAKEN ENTERTAINMENT: https://www.drakenx.io/play

STAKING PLATFORM : https://staking.draken.tech/

DRAKEN BLOCKCHAIN : https://explorer.draken.tech


Bitcointalk username : dwinrs

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1196948

DRK Address : 0x86e39f9679b993BaE4d6dC0610126f1e10BE57BF

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