interface MutationRecord { readonly attribute DOMString type; [SameObject] readonly attribute Node target; [SameObject] readonly attribute NodeList addedNodes; [SameObject] readonly attribute NodeList removedNodes; readonly attribute Node? previousSibling; readonly attribute Node? nextSibling; readonly attribute DOMString? attributeName; readonly attribute DOMString? attributeNamespace; readonly attribute DOMString? oldValue;
record . type Returns "attributes" if it was an attribute mutation. "characterData" if it was a mutation to a CharacterData node. And "childList" if it was a mutation to the tree of nodes. record . target Returns the node the mutation affected, depending on the type. For "attributes", it is the element whose attribute changed. For "characterData", it is the CharacterData node. For "childList", it is the node whose children changed. record . addedNodes record . removedNodes Return the nodes added and removed respectively. record . previousSibling record . nextSibling Return the previous and next sibling respectively of the added or removed nodes; otherwise null. record . attributeName Returns the local name of the changed attribute; otherwise null. record . attributeNamespace Returns the namespace of the changed attribute; otherwise null. record . oldValue The return value depends on type. For "attributes", it is the value of the changed attribute before the change. For "characterData", it is the data of the changed node before the change. For "childList", it is null.

The type, target, addedNodes, , previousSibling, nextSibling, attributeName, attributeNamespace, and oldValue attributes must return the values they were
initialized to.

Nodes have a strong reference to registered observers in their registered observer list.

Registered observers in a node’s registered observer list have a weak
reference to the node.


In all current engines.

Firefox1+Safari1+Chrome1+ Opera7+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+IE5+ Firefox for Android4+iOS Safari1+Chrome for Android18+Android WebView1+Samsung Internet1.0+Opera Mobile10.1+

interface Node :  = 5; // legacy const  = 6; // legacy const  = 12; // legacy readonly attribute  = {}); readonly attribute  = false); ); ); // legacy alias of === const ); ); ); ); ); [, ); [); [, ); [CEReactions] Node removeChild(Node );
}; dictionary GetRootNodeOptions { boolean composed = false;

Node is an abstract interface and does not exist as node. It
is used by all nodes (Document, DocumentType, DocumentFragment, Element, Text, ProcessingInstruction, and Comment).

Each node has an associated node document, set upon creation, that is a document.

A node’s node document can be changed by the adopt algorithm.

A node’s get the parent algorithm, given an event, returns the node’s assigned slot, if node is assigned; otherwise node’s parent.

Each node also has a registered observer list.

node . nodeType Returns the type of node, represented by a number from the following list: Node . ELEMENT_NODE (1) node is an element. Node . TEXT_NODE (3) node is a Text node. Node . CDATA_SECTION_NODE (4) node is a CDATASection node. Node . PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE (7) node is a ProcessingInstruction node. Node . COMMENT_NODE (8) node is a Comment node. Node . DOCUMENT_NODE (9) node is a document. Node . DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE (10) node is a doctype. Node . DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE (11) node is a DocumentFragment node. node . nodeName

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