DIY Home Mice Control

DIY Home Mice Control

Anna Bennet

Nowadays mice problems can be solved quite easily if you rely on a local mice control exterminator near you. However, many choose to rely on themselves and take the matter into their own hands. Besides being brave enough to do it yourself, you need to be aware of a few important steps you need to take in order to have successful mouse extermination.

  1. Focus on entry points.

To begin with, make sure you spend a decent amount of time eliminating any entry points. This is by far the most important step in order to prevent the infestation from occurring again or even occurring in the first place. This of course can be quite difficult. Mice can literally squeeze through almost any small hole. Look for cracks or holes in the foundation & walls, check utility pipes & vents too. If you spot any holes, make sure you take the proper actions and seal them correctly. Avoid using plastic, wood, or rubber when sealing the holes. You can have the best results by using steel wool or caulking. They are far more difficult to gnaw through.

2. Use the right mouse traps with the right bait

The classic wooden mouse traps will successfully help you eliminate a light infestation. Having in mind that you’ll be dealing with a mouse invasion in your own home, you'll most likely need to take care of a couple to a few rodents. This can be done with the well-known classic mice traps. In most cases, it will be most beneficial for you to set up more than one trap, even if you think you have only one mouse. Setting multiple traps will increase the chances of you catching the mice faster. You can set different traps such as multiple-capture live traps & glue traps together with the wooden ones for maximum effectiveness. Doing this is highly beneficial if you have a bigger infestation in front of you. It can be useful for you to hire a professional pest control company in your area if you think that the rodent invasion is something more serious than a mouse or two.

When it comes to the bait you use - you can go with the food that you’ve seen mouses eat around your house. Other foods that mice crave are chocolate, peanut butter, dried fruits, oatmeal, bacon & more. If you don’t catch the rodent in a couple of days, make sure you change the bait with a new, fresh one.

3. Mice trap placement

Many experts suggest placement that is perpendicular to the walls while having the trigger section facing the baseboard. This predisposes the rodents to run directly into the trap. If you don’t have any results with the trap placement, change it every two to three days. Mice are known to be easier to catch than rats, due to their natural curiosity.

4.  Maintain good sanitation.

The number one reason for mice infestations has to do with poor sanitation around the house. This rodent species requires an extremely low amount of food to survive. All they need is to spot a couple of bread crumbs here and there and it will make them happy with the given environment. Make sure you clean the house often. If you have the habit to leave food out, exposed to the mice - it’s time to let it go. Use glass jars and airtight containers instead. 


They say dogs are every man’s best friend. This is true, however, when it comes to mice infestations - a cat is surely your best friend. It is ingrained in their nature to hunt down rodents. If you own a cat, this can be a great opportunity to bring an end to an ongoing rodent infestation. In fact, many farms use cats as their primary mouse control solution around the premises.

Taking control over a moderate mouse infestation is relatively easy to do by yourself. Choose the proper traps and ensure they are positioned accordingly with the right bait. However, when it comes to infestations of a larger size - do not hesitate to seek expert assistance from a reputable pest control company. They’ll be able to handle the situation and entirely eliminate the trouble successfully.

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