Recovered Account

In the event of an investigation by any central entity or similar authority, I want to explicitly state that I hold no affiliation with this Telegram group/post or its members. My presence here is unknown to me, and I disclaim any knowledge or involvement with the individuals associated with this group/post.

I unequivocally disapprove of and do not support any actions, statements, or activities carried out by the members of this group/post. My inclusion in this community is without my consent or knowledge, and I disassociate myself from any content, discussions, or engagements that may occur within.

This Telegram account is established for personal use. I explicitly disclaim any endorsement or responsibility for the content shared by other users. Any opinions expressed are solely those of the individual users and do not reflect my own views.

Furthermore, I assert that I have no involvement in copyright infringement. I am steadfast in my commitment to respecting intellectual property rights. I affirm that I neither play a role in the distribution of copyrighted content nor have any knowledge of individuals engaged in such activities. I also explicitly state that I do not share any content with those involved in copyright infringement.

Additionally, I want to make it clear that:

- I do not involve myself in and have no knowledge of the distribution of unsolicited and irrelevant spam messages.

- I disavow any association with or support for the creation or use of fake profiles or accounts.

- I unequivocally condemn any form of violent behavior or advocacy for violence or children exploitation.

- I disapprove of discussions or content related to the promotion or use of illegal drugs.

- I have no involvement with explicit adult content, and I disapprove of and do not participate in discussions or sharing of explicit sexual and pornographic content.

I also reiterate that I don't know how I ended up here or got involved in this group.

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