OBJECT OF DICE FORGE: The object of Dice Forge is to end the game with the most victory points to win.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 players 

MATERIALS: Rulebook, Card aid, Temple board and sleeve, Island game board, 4 character (hero) boards, 20 resource cubes (5 cubes of 4 different colors matching their respective character), 4 character markers, 8 “100” victory tokens, 108 die faces (48 default faces and 60 temple faces), 8 customizable dice (4 light and 4 dark), a 1st player token, a round tracker, 96 feat cards (24 sets of 4 identical cards each, 15 of which are introductory sets marked by a blue dot), 4 single-use triton tokens, 4 single-use Cerberus tokens, 4 hammer tokens, 4 chest tiles. 

TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Dice Game



Dice Forge is a strategic dice game for 2 to 4 players. The goal of the game is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game. Players can achieve this by earn and spending resources to purchase custom die faces and feat cards.  


Set up can differ based on the number of players so check the section below to make sure you set up based on the number you are playing with. 

Players will set up the island board and place the sets of cards in their respective locations based on cost. The round tracker should be set to one at the start of the game. The temple is set up inside the foundation next to the island board and should have all its starting die faces in their respective spots. 

Players will then choose their character and take their respective board, colored resource cubes, a single light and dark cube, and their character marker. The markers are placed in their respective locations on the island board, and players should use their cubes to mark all their resources at zero. 

Pick the first player or choose the youngest to go first; they will receive the first player token.  keonhacai

Players then get gold based on turn order. The first player gets 3 gold, the second player gets 2 gold, the third player gets 1 gold and the fourth player gets zero gold. 

By Players

Some things differ because of the number of players. When card stacks are placed on the island board the number of players affects the number of cards. 4 players means 4 cards per stack, 3 players means 3 cards and 2 players means 2 cards per stack. In the temple, there is a section called the sanctuary in 4 and 3 player games all 4 die faces are used but in 2 player games, only 2 of them are placed out. Finally, the last setup that differs based on the number of players is the number of rounds. For 4 and 2 players, 9 rounds are played and for 3 player games, 10 rounds are played. 


Once setup is complete players may begin the game. A player’s turn is separated into 4 steps. 

The first step is all players receive a divine blessing. A divine blessing is when a player rolls both of their dice and collects in the order of their choice the effects of their die faces. In 2-player games, this step is done twice. 

The second step is reinforcements. The current player may activate all reinforcements (marked by a small gear icon) they have in play one in their order choice. 

The third step is taking an action. The current player may either make an offering to the gods, or they may perform a heroic feat. If making an offering you may purchase any number of different die faces from the temple by spending the required number of gold for each. These faces will need to be added to your previous dice immediately but may be forged in any space in any order. If performing a heroic feat, a player must spend the resources needed for the feat to be completed and move his character marker to the corresponding portal. A player can only do this if there is still a card of the feat remaining. If a player is already at that portal that player is ousted. This just means they are moved back to their starting location and receive a divine blessing. Once the feat is acquired the player resolves any immediate effects on the card (marked by a lightning bolt), and places it in one of three personal discards. A player should have a discard for cards with no permeant effects, one for effects that are situational and one with reinforcement effects. 

The fourth step is taking an optional secondary action. If you pay 2 sun shards you may take a second action as described above in step three. After this step is completed your turn is passed to the next player.


Once each player has completed a turn and the 1st player is about to go again, the round token is moved up. 


The game ends once the number of rounds is met6 and completed. After the game is finished players will score their discard pile victory points along with any victory point scored during the game. the player who as the most points is the winner. 

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