Darin LowryWhat is the value of a degree from a prestigious university on a resume (Cortland) i'm here in edison half gonna be having both sides of the edge a little windy outside I just can I look at my stepdad dream cars hey what kind of cars are these now whoo look at that one this is a hard top a latte who can and this one the other one Wow yeah it's nice car what time we were sitting with Ben we went after their car here you know in bed I survival done the Cadillac and go for having to eat nobody those seats are the best oh sorry Ben we're going your truck this has a hard top as well aha couple video after that anja let's go in the house nice soft soft on in the hardtop oh yeah Wow what's the inside oh nice huh this was out inside yeah oh yeah oh yeah no turn wheels oh it's got to look like hmm can you see it yeah I got it oh nice nice dream cars when you're older and you can afford it yes since it was like a teenager he's always wanted these uh-oh hmm nice and tomatoes in a hat miss chilly cold back inside now sweet CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.